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[You have cleared the dungeon]

[You can now choose between claiming dungeon and looting dungeon]

[Class benefit activating]

[Looting dungeon changed to purifying dungeon]

[Purify Dungeon / Claim Dungeon]

Charlus already knew what he had to do.

[Purify Dungeon]

Charlus saw a white holy light spread from the centre of the throne room. Well, what used to be the throne room. He felt the light go through his body. His body relaxed and he closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes, the castle was gone. 

He was now in a cemetery. But the sky was no longer as gloomy as before. The sky was a bright and vibrant blue. Charlus saw that there were several thousand gravestones. The biggest gravestone of them all was in the centre. 

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