
Third Task: Defeat a Black Buran 2

Nana sat in her chair brooding at Eric's words. She very well knew what kind of favors Eric would have demanded from the redhead lady of the town. However, she had the utmost faith in her husband. 

Eric might fool around with a lot of women, but no one can convince him that he would ask Mrs. Amelia to visit him during the time his wife passed out. "It makes no sense. Why would she bother to lie about her whereabouts?" Eric mumbled. 

"Did she specifically tell her family that she came to visit you?" Nana countered with a cold face. "No.. she just mentioned like.. she was going to be at Chief's mansion. Since her daughter was already aware of our engagements, she assumed Mrs. Amelia was seeing me." 

"Then did you ask our guards if they had seen her around? Mrs. Amelia is quite a distinctly beautiful woman, there is no way people just missed her passing by." Talia who had been silently listening all this while jumped in, to which she received an instant reply. "Already did that. None had seen her in and around our estate." 

Even for Talia, this situation was nothing less than a headache. Mrs. Amelia was Ryu's mother. What was she going to tell her little master when he returns? Not to mention Sophia was another sweetheart of his. 

"Ms. Talia... I hope these disappearances have nothing to do with your organization." Eric must be at his wit's end, causing him to start throwing around the accusations. Nonetheless, Talia didn't take his words to heart, maintaining a calm disposition. 

"All our dealings are done in open, Chief Eric. We always do our due diligence in informing the authorities before taking any drastic actions against any person. I know our past must put us at odds with Ms. Sophia, however, please have faith in us." 

Though it happened before she took the chair, Talia had been informed about the case of Sophia's mother who was captured by the Dark Wings and sold off. Even knowing that there was nothing the maid woman could have done. It's been years since the episode, no one will have any idea what happened with Sophia's mother now. 

Because of these reasons, Talia remained on the back foot, reassuring Eric multiple times over. Only if there was a way to tell this blonde wizard that she was just as concerned about these disappearances as him, if not more. 

"You can vouch for your organization and we respect that, Ms. Talia, even so..." Considering Eric didn't respond to her, Nana chimed into the conversation. "what are the chances of some rogue elements in your organization taking the law into their hands. Please take it as an advice." 

This time Talia didn't brush off the apprehensions entirely. "Yes. That's why we are holding a purge through our ranks as well, just be on the safer side. However, our organization has been working in tandem with the authorities here for a long time... I find it hard to believe that anyone under our ranks will be foolish enough to incur Chief Eric's wrath by targeting Ms. Sophia." 

No matter how suspicious they were of Talia and Dark Wings, her reply made perfect sense. "Then are you suggesting there can be people from outside of Korua involved in this?" Nana's hint made Eric finally raise his head from his hands. 

Talia didn't negate the suggestion. "It can be the case. Why are we only suspecting the insiders while they are the most aware of the situation on the ground? It very well can be the case of a group or individual from outside who is not aware of Ms. Sophia's identity, targeting her in ignorance." 

"Hmm... I can't dismiss the possibility." Nana mumbled, but this conjecture seemed the most logical to her. Mrs. Amelia was not a famous personality in the town in spite of her extraordinary looks. It was the opposite case with Sophia, whom almost everyone in the town recognized. Like Talia mentioned, who is going to be stupid enough to have the great fire mage himself on his back?

"Did we receive any such delegations while I was not active, Eric?" The question sounded strangely dreaded in Eric's ears. There was a small fluctuation in his expressions that Nana didn't miss. 

"I... I am not sure. Let me go and check with the gatekeepers." Without saying another word, Eric left his seat at once, leaving the dark hall. Walking outside, sweat can be seen collecting over his forehead. 

Visions of a woman filled his mind. She had a pretty face with a shapely figure. Eric remembered each and every part of her body like he could feel them on his fingertips. Was this betrayal? His heart shrank at the realization. 


A woman in a tight dress descended at an unknown location in the northwestern woodlands. From her elegant and unhurried demeanor, she seemed to be in no rush. Although she carried an obscure smile that presented a harmless demeanor about her. If one looked closely, one would come across a hint of menace eluded by her smile. 

Other than the friendly middle-aged womanly charms she was projecting, there was also an image of a psycho hunter on the prowl. "Should I also have a baby of my own?" For a second, the lady was surprised she asked herself such a question. 

Did looking after that newborn at her new place of residence evoked such a response from her? With her gaze constantly shuttling all around, she came to a rest in one direction, choosing to travel along the same. 

"Hm... Maybe having a boy like that would not be so bad after all." She continued to talk to herself, recalling her time with Ryu. Paula still remembered the way the green-haired brat actually punished her pussy right in front of her 'supposed' husband and his father. 

No matter how she thought of it, it was hot as fuck. So much so, that despite the mission on her head, her vagina was getting all jittery, craving for the boy meat. "Damn.. to think such a measly brat will carry such a weapon hehe... I want to have him as a pet."

Suddenly, Paula recalled a fact that gave her a migraine. Didn't Sophia, her adopted daughter tell her she loved the boy? This new revelation doomed all her wishful thinking. "What should I do?" 

Very soon, Paula had located a damp fireplace that has been put off in recent hours. This meant she was very close to her target. Yet, the constant thought of Sophia was giving her cold feet. 

Previously, no matter how good of a fucker Ryu was, she could not have given a rat's ass even if Master Ergon or Lady Estonia would have put the boy to death. However, now that she was aware of Sophia's feelings for him she was hesitant. 

She might very well remain disconnected from the human tribe after being 'snatched', but she can't let go of Sophia. She was like a thread that had kept her attached to wherever humanity was left inside of her. 

In truth, no matter how high and mighty she acts around the humankind, Paula was certainly aware of her stature vis-a-vis Master Ergon. She was a mere bug compared to her giant leader. There was no way she could convince him to safeguard Ryu's life if they decided otherwise. 

Paula's headache only grew severe. What can she do? Abandoning her mission was not possible. She was going to be hunted down if she refused the orders. And yet, what scared her more was the very blood flowing in her veins. Like every other turned living being, her consciousness carried the stamp of the revered one. 

"Ahhh.. first let me catch the bastard. Then we will see what is to be done with him." Ergon had made it clear that they needed the boy alive at any cost. This gave Paula hope that Ryu will not be immediately put to death as soon as he landed in their hands. 

Deciding on the direction, Paula continued to pursue her target through the rough terrain on her feet. Her calm nature can be deciphered from the fact that she didn't choose to take to the air, believing the person she was looking for was definitely in close proximity. 


*BOOOOOM* A storm had manifested at the will of the Black Buran, effectively trapping the human from all directions. It knew the person was cornered and it was only a matter of time before victory was to come its way. 

In the eye of the storm, Ryu was desperately clinging to dear life. In a last-ditch effort to survive, he had to use his entire vine seeds repository to germinate a massive dome over his head. The green thicket had saved him from bleeding out to death by taking all the punishment onto itself. 

Despite the countless wind blades thrown at it, the shield of strong wood and sift of flexible vines had managed to survive for more than five minutes now. That must have been the reason why the Buran grew frustrated and began discharging its Sonic Boom attacks on the dome structure to effectively destroy it and reveal the human inside. 

Ryu meanwhile breathed raggedly. These seeds were the ones he had kept hidden for a last-round trump card that could have given him the edge over the flying beast. Yet, his grave mistake of locking himself in one place had caused him to call upon all his cards at once, just to survive the assault. 

In his mind, he made a note to thank the Dragon for this wonderful cultivation technique. If Ryu still have mana flowing through his channels, it was only because of the potent cultivation technique. 

Seated cross-legged under the wooden dome, Ryu was preparing for an all-out attack. *Bam* *Bam* His hearing had recovered a little since taking that sonic boom attack on his face. This allowed him to tell the dilapidated state of his defenses that could collapse any moment now. 

Thankfully, Ryu at least had a plan in mind. His mind kept flashing a picture. Picture of a gigantic wooden statue holding an equally massive long sword over its head. The next moment, the sword came down bringing with it the brilliance of a thousand stars and scattering dancing blue flames all across the battlefield. 

If he had to get out of this situation, he must take drastic steps. The next time when Ryu opened his eyelids, his irises glowed brightly and a thick green aura covered his hands and body. 

On the opposite spectrum, Lyod was deliberating intensely on whether he should intervene or not. Every time he would take a step, the unwavering heartbeats of Ryu would bring him to a halt. Behind him, Itzel and Courtney were no longer speaking up as well. Their entire attention was stuck on the base of the violent cyclone. 

The next moment, a shattering noise jolted everyone out of their stupor. Like a lightning strike from the sky, a tree bolted from the ground up, its branches twisting and jerking in the choppy winds. 

However, by its sheer strength, the plant contested against the winds not slowing at all before its height was over fifty feet. Before anyone could understand what was going on, they heard a loud shriek, followed by the dissipation of the violent winds. 

When the storm subsided, master Lyod and others were treated to the most astounding scene they had ever come across in their lives. A magnificent tree had bloomed, reaching the heavens. At the cusp of its length, the strong branches had captured the Black Buran.

From such a distance, it felt like the hand of God itself had reached out to grasp the flying cataclysm, punishing it for the havoc it brought along. The turn of events had left the audience gasping for breath, and yet things were not over. 




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