

Waking up the next morning, Max noticed that he was all alone in the tent.

"Hmm? Where are they?" Muttered Max before getting up.

After getting dressed up, he exited the tent to see all of them, except for Aurora, sitting on the trunks in front of the extinguished campfire.

[Good morning master.] Said Scarlet, always happy to see her master every morning.

"Morning. I was almost scared when I woke up all alone in there." Said Max while sitting next to Scarlet.

[Well, since you had a pretty exhausting month, we thought that maybe you would like to sleep as much as possible this morning.]

"Maybe, what time is it?" Asked Max.

[You're the one with the time master.]

"Ah, right." Said Max, still not completely present.

"Almost 10 and a half? Damn, I really overslept this time. You must have been bored."

{A bit, but we still can live on our own master.} Said Bonny.

"… Yeah, I guess so." Said Max, a bit down.

{Hehe, I'm kidding master. There is nothing more interesting than you.} Said Bonny while getting next to him and hugging him, which made Max pet her head affectionately.

"I'm guessing you already ate."

{Yup, Scarlet got us the pokebites boxes and gave them to us before teleporting them back to your bag.}

{Hope you don't mind me sneaking into your bag master.} Said Scarlet with a grin.

"Of course I mind that you take your boxes to eat." Sarcastically said, Max.

{By the way, they're almost empty.}

"Yeah, I'm almost out of rations too."

{I guess we will have to live with what nature offers us when we will be out.}

"Well, if you didn't swallow all of the pokepuffs boxes after a few days at that dojo, maybe you will still have something left to eat."

{But they were so yummy master.} Said May, almost sad that they didn't have any more left.

{They sure were. I hope you will buy some more soon.} Said Scarlet.

"Are you kidding? If I buy you more you will all get so fat that none of you will fit in the tent anymore."

{You know master, even for pokemon, you never talk about a girl's weight.} Said Scarlet, not very pleased at his last statement.

"I'm giving facts. A fat gardevoir will be rather… weird, don't you think?"

{If I do, then I'm counting on you to make me lose those calories.}

"It's not like I have much of a choice with you."

{You created a pervert, you live with that pervert.} Said Scarlet, almost proudly, making Max sigh in desperation.

"Anyway, you won't have any trouble finding food on your own, but what about me? I don't want to only live on berries forever."

Scarlet then made a thoughtful expression.

[I'll think about something.]

"Okay, thanks."

[No problem.] She said while kissing one of his cheeks.

"Is Aurora still around here?"

[Yes. She's still near the pond again.]

"Okay, I'm gonna go and do a quick check-up." Said Max while standing.

[Be careful with her master.]

"She's not that bad, but will do, just to make you happy."

While Max was slowly getting away, Scarlet rolled her eyes.

{You don't seem to like her a lot Scarlet.} Said Bonny.

{Because you do?}

{… Not a lot but…}

{S-she's quite mean to master.} Said Dusk.

{Yeah, it would take a while for me to forgive her for hurting master, but for now, we have to go with what master wants.} Said Scarlet, not pleased a lot.

{I wonder if master is wasting his time with her or not.} Wondered Bonny.

{Well, you know master, he has a thing with pokemon, but Aurora sure is something else. If she has been betrayed by humans like I think, it will be harder.}

{She was betrayed?} Asked Bonny, a bit surprised.

{I don't know, but it makes me have that feeling.}

{Can't you peak into her mind?}

{I don't like getting into minds other than master's. If I were to, I wouldn't do it anyway. Master must be the one to discover it by himself.}

{… If you think it's the best thing to do.}

{I'm sure it will be easier for her and master when he learns about her from herself.}

{Fair point.}

{And who knows, maybe she could be a nice asset for the team. After all, a fighting type isn't that bad.}

{We already have one when I mega evolve.} Said Bonny, quite proudly.

{True, but it wouldn't be that bad to have someone with a bit of more… self-control.}

{I do now.} Said Bonny, a bit upset.

{Can't argue with that, but for now, you're still exposed to mental instability. You have just begun to control it.}

{Hmpf.} Said Bonny, looking away, upset.

{But I know that master loves your mega form, which is nice for you.} Said Scarlet, trying to reassure her.

{I still have a hard time controlling my aggressiveness when I am, but master doesn't seem to mind that much. I even wonder if he likes it.}

{Thanks to us, I think master may have developed a submissive fetish, getting excited by assertive females.}

{Eh, that's our perverted master.}

{… Is that true?} Asked Dusk.

{About what?} Said Scarlet.

{That master prefers a-assertive females?} Shyly asked the braixen.

{I don't know Dusk, I was mostly joking, but who knows, maybe it's true. Maybe a little peek into his mind could tell us.}

{Did he already tell you that he didn't like you sneaking into his mind without him knowing?} Said Bonny.

{He does, but if it concerns mating, then it doesn't count.}

{Good point.} Complied Bonny with a small grin.

As the team was talking together with a thoughtful Dusk, Max was getting close to the now-famous pond. When he arrived, he saw Aurora laying down, not moving.

(Is she okay?)

Speeding up his pace a bit and without thinking, he goes on all four above her to see if she was still breathing.

"Thank god she's okay," Lowly muttered Max when he heard her snoring softly.

Sensing a presence, Aurora opened her eyes and saw the human above her, making her eyes widen in surprise.

{T-the hell are you doing there? Get off me!} Exclaimed Aurora before using her legs to push Max off her, making him land on his back in front of her.

"Sorry, must be a habit now to see if my team members are okay." He said while standing up and brushing off the dust of him.

{Well, you better keep it to yourself around me.} She said a bit angrily standing up as well.

When Aurora was about to leave, Max stopped her.

"Have you eaten this morning?"

{Why do you ask?}

"Because I want to be sure that my strong lucario has properly eaten."

{Praises and compliments won't work on me.}

"… Sorry."

Aurora then looked at Max for a moment before sighing.

{… Yes I ate okay, I'm not completely incompetent.}

"Never thought about it."


Wanting to leave, Max stopped her again.


{What?} Said Aurora, getting annoyed.

"I'm… probably planning on resuming our training today, so if you want, I'll be very glad to see you joining us."

{What made you think that I care about what's going to make you glad or not?}

"Because you're a nice and cute lucario?"

{W-what? Cute?} Said Aurora, almost shocked.

"Shit. Sorry, it came out by itself." Apologized Max, feeling quite guilty,

Aurora then walked closer to the human.

{Listen here you sick poke-molester, if you ever get your hands on that body of mine, I'm gonna make sure that the others will have a long break from your disgusting touches, got it?} She angrily threatened.

"… So you know about me and the others?"

{You must be pretty blind not to notice that. Pretty much everyone in the dojo knew about you the second day you arrived.}


{Please, it's was pretty obvious with those stupid grins you and them were making when you were close to each other, and I'm not speaking about those dumb lovey-dovey stares, brha.} Said Aurora, almost in disgust.

"You seem to have a pretty huge grudge against those who love each other. Could you be jealous?" Said Max, crossing his arms.

{If by jealous you mean making me almost puke on you, then yes.} She angrily said.

{Now, if you would excuse me, I have a place without you to go to.} She said while turning around and leaving.

"You're still welcome to join us if you want to improve yourself."

{I can improve on my own.} She said before disappearing into the woods.

"Well, she didn't attack me this time too. We're progressing again." Muttered Max before going back to the others.

{So, what's the plan for today master?} Asked Scarlet when he did.

"Well, I guess we should get back to the training before we got too effete."

{Always up for more training.} Said Bonny.

"Strange how a lazy lopunny like you is always up to do some combat training."

{I have to if I want you to be safe in this cruel world master.}

Max then raised an eyebrow.

{And I also have to if I want to have a fit body.}

"Ah, I was waiting for the sexiness part of the answer."

{Hehe, you're starting to know me pretty well master.} Said Bonny, slightly seductively.

"How are we gonna proceed?"

{How about something similar to what we have been doing in the dojo?} Proposed Scarlet.

"Which means?"

{Me training you in the morning and some sparing with your team in the afternoon.}

"Hmm, sound good."

{How unfair, you will have him all for yourself.} Pouted Bonny.

{And with whom do you think he will spare in the afternoon?} Said Scarlet, a bit surprised that she hasn't figured it out yet.

{… Forget what I said.} Said Bonny, smiling almost lewdly.

{What about me and Dusk? Will we also train with master?} Asked May, feeling left out.

{Well, as for Dusk, it will be harder since master could be considered as a fighting type and physical pokemon, so it won't be a good matchup.}

{I agree.} Said Dusk, not sad at all.

{I don't want to burn master by accident.}

{Okay but, what about me?} Asked May.

{You're roughly at the height of his knees, how good of a matchup will that be too?}

{… I guess.} Said May, understanding that Bonny was indeed the best choice they had.

{Cheer up girls, you still have the other 'physical' training with him.}

{That's true.} Said May with a grin with Dusk blushing heavily.

{Then it's settled. You girls don't need our master to practice and train on your own, just be careful not to hurt yourself. I may know Healing Pulse, but it doesn't mean that you shouldn't have consideration for your friends. And Dusk, I want you to work on that move of yours.} Said Scarlet.

{Yes, Scarlet.} They all said.

{Okay master, come with me.} Said Scarlet while motioning him to follow her a bit further.

"Alright. Be nice girls." Said Max to the rest of his team before tailing Scarlet.

After they nodded, they went off to their own training while Max was getting further with his gardevoir. When he was bit deeper into the woods, Scarlet stopped and faced Max.

"Okay Scarlet, what do you have in reserve for me?"

[Well, since I'm no fighting type, I can only rely on what I know.]

"Your powers?"

[Yes. How about we start with a little jogging?]

"Sounds okay."

Scarlet then used 'Gravity' to increase the gravity force around Max by 0.3 times.

"Shit, that again?"

[Why not? Regular jogging won't do as well.]

"Yeah but…"

[Come on now, start running slave.] Said Scarlet while shooting a very weak Psybeam close to him.

"Alright alright."

After Scarlet grinned, Max then began to jog slowly because of Scarlet's move with her following him while floating beside him.

[What's the matter master? I already saw caterpies going faster than that.] Teasingly said, Scarlet.

"And I already saw gyarados that are nicer than you."

[Aww, you're gonna hurt my feelings if you keep saying mean things like that.] She playfully said.

"You have feelings?"

[Of course master. And my strongest is my desire to punish you.] She added with a mischievous grin.

"I call power abuse."

[Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?]


Max then tried to grab her but failed miserably.

[You gonna have to do better than that before even thinking about getting some of this.] She said with a smile while passing her hands across her body.

"I hate… you." Said Max, slowly starting to pant.

[I love you too.]

After a little while, Max was still jogging under gravity pressure with Scarlet motivating him with a few Psybeam attacks near him. After almost an hour, Max couldn't move anymore and let himself land on the ground.

"I can't… do it… anymore." Said max heavily panting after rolling on his back.

[Already? Damn, no wonder why you don't last long with mating.] Said Scarlet with a fake haughty tone.

"You still… like it though… so fuck you."

[What a rude little weak human.]

"I would like… to see you… getting physical… like that."

[Hmm, challenge accepted.]

Scarlet then levitated above her master and dropped herself gently on him and sat on his lap.

[I can tell by the smell that you getting quite sweaty.]


[I don't either like or dislike it, so I don't mind. But what I like…] Said Scarlet while shoving a hand inside his pants and began to play with his junk.

[… Is something like that.] She finished with lustful eyes.

"Can't you… at least let me… rest a bit?"

[Where will be the fun in that? You need to get tougher master.]

Scarlet then used her own hands to unzip his pants slowly and freed his hardening member without pulling it down too much.

[You don't smell very good master.] Said Scarlet after she leaned her face close to his shaft and before giving a gentle lick from the base to his tip.

"Then leave it alone."

After giving him a lustful glare, Scarlet then wrapped her lips around his tip and started to assault it aggressively with her tongue, making it fully hard shortly after. While looking at him in the eyes, Scarlet then goes up and down on it a few times before leaving it alone.

[Even while dirty, you're irresistible master.] She lustfully said while placing herself above the meat rod.

"Don't know if I should be happy or sad about this."

After raising an eyebrow with a smile, Scarlet then lowered herself on his shaft slowly until it touched her womb.

[Here we go.] She said, pleased.

After putting her hands on Max's chest, Scarlet then began to move her hips up and down not too slowly but not too quickly either, sending intense waves of pleasure in her master.

{You wanted to know… how gardevoirs show dominance… right master?} Said Scarlet between moans.

"Hem…Yes?" Said Max, not that sure anymore.

{Well, this position… is one of it.}

Max didn't know why she told him that only now, but maybe it was something that was getting her excited, showing her mate that she was the dominant. Speaking of excitement, Max felt the gardevoir love juice overflowing a bit shortly after.

"Damn Scarlet, is being the dominant one excite you that much?"

Giving a lustful glare as a response, Scarlet then increased her speed and narrowness a bit, like if she wanted to punish him for saying that. Hardly able to contain himself, to begin with, due to her tightness, it was even harder to hold on and felt his climax getting close already.

{Come on master… we have… just started.} Moaned Scarlet.

"It's your fault, you and your tightness."

{Accusing me… for your own weakness? That was low… even for you… master.} She said with a grin.

"Shut u…"

Max then was muffled by Scarlet kissing him and shoving her narrow and long tongue inside his mouth. Max was always surprised to see how long her tongue was, probably able to lick his throat if she wanted. Scarlet continued to kiss him until both of their orgasms were close. When it hit them, she broke the kiss to scream ecstatically while arching her back a bit with her master shooting his burning seeds inside her. After a short break when they had relaxed from the moment, Scarlet then resumed her riding once again.

"You won't even… let me have the time… to recover?" Hardly said Max due to the intense sensitivity.

{… No.} She simply said while riding him a bit wildly.

As the wet impact grew louder due to Scarlet's overflowing love juice, Max grabbed her hips to help her land harder on him, making him smash her womb with her moans getting louder. After tightening her inside one last time after a little while, Scarlet's second orgasm was close and made Max getting closer as well with her powers. A few pounds later, both of them came at the same time again, with Scarlet screaming in pleasure once more.

{Well… good as usual.} Said Scarlet after a moment.

"Same here." Added Max.

Both of them then took a moment to retake their breaths.

[Well, ready to do it again?]

"What? We just did it two times in a row."

[Calm down you sex-crazed fiend, I was talking about the training.]

"… Oh."

[You never stop, do you?] Teasingly said Scarlet with a smile.

"Eh, says the one that almost rapes me every time."

[Am I dreaming or are you actually complaining about that?]

"I would never dare complain about the nice things you do for me." He said while rubbing her cheek.

[… Well caught up master.] She said before giving him a passionate kiss.

"… Well, I guess I am." Said max after a while when she broke it.

"But maybe you could go at 0.2?"

Scarlet then softly sighed.

[… Alright, I'm gonna do you a one-time favor and reduce the intensity a bit.]


[But just once. I don't want a lazy human as a mate.]

"That's mean." Said Max with a faked sad tone.

[Then don't be one.] She said while pitching his cheek.

[Now get up before the urge to molest your own poor pokemon gets you again.] She said while standing up from him.

"Just don't be that cute and beautiful and then it shouldn't happen."

[Don't try to coax me so that I could reduce the intensity again.] Said Scarlet while blushing a bit before casting Gravity again but at 0.2.

Now that Max knew that she was pretty sensitive against sincere compliments, Max grinned a bit before starting to run again toward where they first started. When they arrived after an hour again, Max wouldn't have been able to go further even without the 'Gravity' move.

"Damn, will pokemon even be able to move if you use it at 3 times its power?" Said Max after he retook his breath in a sitting position.

[They sure would be slowed down quite a bit, but since they are not as weak as a human…]

"… Say, Scarlet, why you don't mind that much being with a weak human like me?"

Max knew that she was joking but in a certain way, she wasn't that wrong.

"Will it be better to have a strong pokemon with you and maybe…"

Scarlet then put her fingers on Max's lips to hush him down.

[I'm gonna stop you right there. Sorry for saying this and maybe I'm going a bit too far with that.]

"Scarlet…" Said Max while taking her hand.

[But I can assure you that either you're strong or not, it doesn't matter to me, like you and Bonny.]

"I guess, but with Bonny, it's slightly different. Alongside the fact that you can't have children with a human, you don't even have a mate strong enough to protects you, worse, you're the one that protects me most of the time."

[I don't know about the others master, but whether it's a human or a gallade, a gardevoir is always the one that protects, since we are stronger than our male counterpart.]

"… Still, a gallade can stand up on his own…"

[If I recall correctly, you can also do it as well.] She said while crossing her arms.

"Less than a pokemon."

Scarlet then sighed a bit.

[If I knew that of all of the team members, you will be the one to have an existential crisis…] Said Scarlet, a bit desperately.

"Sorry. It's not really in the nature of humans to like being the weak one."

[Then focus on being on the loved one. Like I said and as we all said, you've done for us a lot more than any of the male of our respective male counterparts. The rest like strength and such are trivial and insignificant, remember?]

Max then rethought about his own words he said to Bonny for a moment.

"… Sorry Scarlet. I something forgot that you're not like humans."

[Don't worry master. Always remember that your happiness is my happiness.]


Max then goes for a hug with Scarlet that she happily returned.

"What now?" Said Max when he broke it.

[We still have time before noon. How about some combat strength training?]

"Sure. What's the plan?"

Scarlet then made Max glow in blue with her psychic powers.

[Remind you of something?]

"Physical attack training?"


"So, you want me to…"

[Try to hit me.]


[I said 'try' because I know you won't, so don't refrain yourself.]

"Still don't like the idea. What if I really manage to hit you?"

[It's very unlikely, but if you do, it's a good thing that you're weaker than me when it comes to physical attack, so I'll be able to endure it.]

Max then was still a bit hesitant.

[… Please master, don't make force you.]

"… Alright then."

Still unpleased, Max then got into a fighting position as well as Scarlet.

[Whenever you want master.]

At her command, Max then tried to give a few punches. Even though she was restraining him a lot less than the first time she used it, Max had a hard time throwing it since he didn't want to at full power but had to when he saw that he was barely moving his fists. When he had put an acceptable amount of strength, the punches began reaching Scarlet, with her blocking or deviating the hits with her hands. After only a couple of punches, Max felt that his muscles were working quite a lot. After a couple more he was even starting to sweat.

[Come on master, I know you can do better than that.] Said Scarlet, trying to motivate him.

Max then increased his hits' power.

[Better.] She said while putting more effort into her blocking.

After a little while, Scarlet then decided that it was time for a short break.

"Damn… you're method… sure does… make me work… quite a bit." Said Max, panting.

[I always get results when needed.]

After Max chuckled a bit, he rested a few minutes before Scarlet resumed the training.

[Now you will be defending one.]


[Don't be scared, I won't hurt you… too much.]

Not letting time for Max to respond or react, Scarlet launched herself at Max and goes for a few punches at a speed that she knew he would block or dodge.

"Whoa, calm down Scarlet, you didn't let me have the time to prepare." He said while blocking.

[An enemy will never let you the time to prepare.] She said while assaulting him a torrent of punches.

After a couple of more punches, Scarlet then retreated a bit and launched a Shadow Ball at Max which he didn't react to in time.

"Whoa." He said while blocking it with his arms.

As the ball exploded into dark energy, it only hurt Max slightly and left almost invisible black burn marks.

"What was that?"

[You were supposed to dodge it, master. But since I anticipate that you maybe you wouldn't, I adjusted the power in advance.]

Rubbing his forearms, Max felt that they were stinging slightly.

"That's still hurt a bit."

[Come on master, I want you to be able to withstand attacks that are a bit harmful. It could save your life.]

"… I guess." Said Max, rubbing his forearms again.

[Sorry if I hurt you.]

Scarlet then wanted to use Healing Pulse on her master's arms but was interrupted by him.

"It's okay. You're right, I have to endure a bit of pain if I want to get stronger."

[… You know, I'm really proud of having you as a master, master.]

"And I'm proud of having you too, love."

Then, Scarlet and Max trained together until noon.

"Well… guess it's time… for lunchtime." Said Max, panting.

[Agree. Doing almost nothing really emptied my stomach.] Teasingly said, Scarlet.

"Sorry that I'm that boring, o all-mighty Scarlet."

[Guess you will have to compensate with something else.] Seductively said, Scarlet.

"Have you been nice enough for that?"

[What are you talking about? I'm always nice enough.]

After more playful bickers, they arrived at the campsite, with the others still not there.

"I guess they're too busy training to think about food. Are you able to find them and call them?" Asked Max to Scarlet.

[As easily as pleasuring you, master.]

After Max rolled his eyes, Scarlet closed hers and focused on her friend's brain waves to locate them. When she does, she said in their mind that it was lunchtime.

[They were gone. They should be here in a minute.]

"Alright. As always, thank you, Scarlet."

After Scarlet smiled, Max went towards his packsack to withdrawn the boxes of the poke food. When everything was out, Bonny and the rest have arrived.

{Geez, all of that training made me hungry.} Exclaimed Bonny.

Turning around, Max saw she had some sweat stain in her fur, making her athletic body more visible. Always unable to resist the sigh, Max then stared at her body a moment before Scarlet wakes him up.

[Master? Are you lost in the neither realm?] Said Scarlet while waving her hand in front of his face.

"Ah, s-sorry Scarlet." Said Max shyly, unlocking his gaze from Bonny.

{Come on Scarlet, if he wants to have a good peep at this, then let him be.} Said Bonny while slightly posing seductively.

{If we let than hungry animal do as he pleased, he will someday eat one of us.} Retorted Scarlet.

{Hmm, if you put it like this, it sounds almost pleasant.}

{Speaking of eating master, do you plan on giving us the boxes, or do you want to keep them for yourself?}

"O-of course, sorry." Said Max while giving the boxes to everyone with a bright red face before going it his packsack.

"Damnit!" Said Max when he opened it.

{Something wrong master?} Asked Scarlet.

"… It's my last ration." Said Max while sitting on the trunk with the others.

{Don't bother with that master, I can hunt for your food if you want.}

"Come on, I'm not five anymore, I can gather my food by myself."

{Sure, but can you fight against aggressive pokemon by yourself?}

"Why should I even think about that? I'm just picking berries or fruits."

{Most of the foods in the wilds are in the territory of a pokemon. If they saw you get food from one of their bushes…}

{Then you're gonna have a bad time master.} Finished Bonny.

"I thought that pokemon were nicer than that."

{Well, compared to a human, maybe. But when it comes to food, they can almost be worse.}

"… Fine then."

After they giggled a bit, they all dig up in their meal.

"Can you tell if Aurora is doing alright Scarlet?"

{… Maybe.}

"Can you do it please?"

{… Fine.} Said Scarlet, not particularly wanting to.

After a moment, she found her a bit further from the pond she usually was.

{She's okay. Her brain waves don't send a distress call and it also doesn't look like it lacks nutrients, which means she's eating properly.} She said before opening her eyes and immediately got back to her food.

"Okay, thanks." Said Max before sighing a bit.

{Don't lose faith master, I'm sure you will succeed with her.} Said Dusk.

"Thanks. Will do my best. So, how has your training have been?"

{Pretty well. Dusk is still getting closer to master Flame Charge. But she still needs to increase her physical attacks a bit though, which is what we train together.} Said Bonny.

"Nice. And you May?"

{I mostly watched.} She said munching on her foods.

"You didn't make her participate?" Asked Max to Bonny.

{She didn't want to.} Protested Bonny.

"… Mayy?"

{I'm still tired, master.} Pouted May.

"… You know, you can do what you want May, but loafing around won't make you stronger."

{I know master, I'll get into it tomorrow, I promise.}

"… Fine."

{What's the plan for this afternoon anyway?} Asked Bonny.

{I'm gonna take a turn with Dusk to increase her special attack. Physical attack and Flame Charge is nice, but she mustn't fall behind on her main attribute.}

{True. But does that mean…}

{Yes. It will be your turn with master.}

{Yes!} Exclaimed Bonny happily.

"Then what about you May?"

{I passed all of the morning without seeing you master, so I'm gonna watch you and Bonny.} Said May, which made Bonny have a slightly displeased expression.


After some more chit-chat, they ate until they were all full.

{Alright, I'm off with Dusk now. Whenever you're ready.} She said toward Dusk.

{Coming.} Said Dusk while standing up.

"Good luck with your training." Said Max while petting Dusk's head when she passed in front of him.

{Thanks. Y-you too.} Shyly said Dusk, blushing a bit.

When Dusk and Scarlet disappeared in the woods, Max stood up as well.

"Well, we should also start girls." Said Max to Bonny and May.

{Yup.} Said Bonny.

After putting away all of the girl's boxes, Max then headed a bit further from the campsite with Bonny and May following behind. When they were in a nice place, all three of them stopped with May sitting at the base of a tree.

"Alright Bonny, something special for me?"

{Actually, yes master. The girls and I talked a bit about it this morning and we can up with something good.}

"Really? What is it?"

{Want to explain May?}

{Sure. You and Bonny are gonna fight master.}

"Fight? Not really I hope."

{For real master, that's the thing.} Said Bonny.

"Hmm, no thanks. I still don't have a death wish."

{Come on master, who do you think we are? We are gonna fight for real but without punch or kick.}

"… Okay, how?"

{We thought about a little submission game.}

"Submission game?"

{Yup. The goal is to pin down the opponent into submission.}

"That's not very fair."

{I won't go too rough in you master, so don't worry.}

"How could I win?"

{That's the thing, you won't. The goal isn't to win or not, but to make you train and work. Every time you will be pinned down, you will have to use your brain and strength to get out of it.}

Max then looked at her a bit dumbfounded.


"Well… it's something that Scarlet could have come up with…"

{Are you implying that I'm too stupid to think about things like that?} Said Bonny while putting her hands on her hips.

"Of course not."

{Not a wise thing to say master when you're about to have your ass kicked by the one you've insulted.}

"No, I didn't."

{No mercy then.}


Bonny launched herself toward and was going for a punch, which she knew that Max would try to block, and lowered herself to the ground level and goes for a sweep, making Max landed in his back. She then immediately goes on top of him and pins his wrist on the ground so he couldn't move.

{Already? We just started.}

Max then tried to free his hands, but to no avail, since Bonny was a lot stronger than him.

{Come on master, try a bit harder. If I were to be a bad pokemon, it would be your end now.} Said Bonny almost cockily.

Max's possibilities were quite limited for now, but when he noticed that one of his legs was between hers, he raised his leg and pressed it against her rear, and pushed her. Not expecting that, Bonny then fell forward and Max used that opportunity to grab her and rollover, making him above her.

{Good thinking master.} Said Bonny while she was now the one that had her wrist blocked on the ground.

{But unfortunately for you, lopunnies have a couple of tricks under their ears, literally.}

Not sure that he understood what she meant, Max's wrist was hit by Bonny's ears hard enough to not hurt him but to make him lose his grip, making his face land on Bonny's chest. She then immediately wrapped her arms around his neck so he couldn't escape. Max then tried to force her to ungrasp him but to no avail again, forcing him to smell her sweaty and slightly musky smell that was slowly increasing.

{You like that smell don't you master?} Guessed Bonny.

"Well, not unpleasant indeed, but now is not the time to enjoy it."

Max then used his arms to push himself off the ground. Since Bonny wasn't that heavy, he hardly but managed to stand up. When Max completely straightened up with Bonny still on his face, the lopunny then used her legs to get off him and make him lose his balance at the same time. When he managed to regain his composure, Bonny dashed toward him and tried to go for a clothesline move with one of her ears. With Max blocking it with both of his arms, Bonny then used her momentum to get behind him, hit the back of both of his knees to make him lose balance again, jumped on his back, and went for a choking submission move without actually choking him. When Max landed on his butt, Bonny coiled her legs around his waist and kept doing the choking move. Tight enough just to make him uncomfortable, Max tried once again to break free but failed miserably. It was already hard to break free of a move like this with another human, so against a physically superior creature like a pokemon, that was impossible.

"Alright, you got me." Said Max while tapping on her arm.

{Looks like it.}

Letting go of one hand, Bonny then makes his head turn toward her and gives him a warm kiss.

{Better luck next time.} She said when she broke it.

"Eh, I could have all the luck in the world, it's really stupid to think than a human can outpower a pokemon."

{Better use your brain then. I think it's a human specialty after all isn't it?}

"Depends on the human."

{I'm sure you're smart enough.} Said Bonny before letting him go.

When Max stood up after Bonny, he saw her already in fighting position.

"Like always, you don't waste time."

{What can I say? I love being physical with you.} She said with a lustful grin.

"Eh, that's my horny bunny."

Then, for the rest of the day, Max and Bonny wrestled and tried to pin each other down, with Bonny giving him some chances most of the time. From time to time, Bonny had to call for a break to calm down her growing lust from touching and being touched too much by her master.

"You sure it's a good idea for us to be going like this?" Said Max, now on one of their many breaks while sitting next to each other.

{I have to control myself, master. I'm better at controlling my aggressiveness, but my lust is way harder than that. Guess it's a good thing May is here, otherwise I would have raped you like ten times now.}

"Yeah, a good thing indeed."

{You don't have to mind me you know.} Commented May, next to them.

"If it's okay with you May, I'll continue doing that."

{Suit yourself.} Said May, sounding almost disappointed.

{Hihi.} giggled Bonny.

{So, up for more again?} She asked.

"I wish I could say yes, but I want to go see Aurora a little, trying to bond a bit, you know?"

{Yeah, I understand.} Said Bonny a bit disappointed.

"Why don't you go join Scarlet with May? I'm sure she would be willing to train you as well."

{I guess, but it won't be as much fun as with you.}

"You don't like getting physical with Scarlet?" Teased Max.

{Hmm, she may be nice and beautiful, but I still prefer males.}

"Yeah, like you said, males are the best, which is really weird when I say it." Said Max while petting her head.

{You have the right to love whatever you want master.} Said Bonny with a grin.

"Shut up."

After Bonny giggled, Max then stood up, followed by Bonny.

"See you later then," Max said before giving a kiss to both Bonny and May.

Even though she liked it, it was still surprising Bonny a bit when Max was the one that gave the kiss.

{Alright, May, let's join the other.} Said Bonny to May when Max left them.

{Aurora sure has most of his attention lately.} Said May, a bit upset.

{Hehe, I guess, but think about how it would make master happy to see all of us in one big family.}

{Is the family big enough already?}

{Well, Scarlet told me that humans can have six active pokemon with them, seven with Scarlet since she was technically never captured.}

{Seven? With that many, he won't have time for all of us.}

{Hm, on the contrary. That's master we are talking about May, the one that would willingly spend his days and nights with us so that we all feel loved.}

{… It's true I guess.}

{Of course, it's true.}

While both of them were on their way to join Scarlet and Dusk, Max was walking toward the pond where Aurora usually was. When he arrived though, she wasn't there. Not having Scarlet to ask, he thought about asking her telepathically, but since he didn't want to bother her, he dropped the idea and decided to go search for her on his own. While walking, he passed in front of many pokemon, most of them were looking at him curiously with the rest simply ignoring him. After a little while, he finally came across her, sitting at the base of a tree.

"Hi Aurora, still feeling in top shape?" Asked Max when near her.

{You again? You never drop it, do you?}

"When it's about pokemon, never."

When getting closer, Max noticed that she had a paw on her thigh and was looking like she trying to hide something when he got closer.

"You okay there?"


"… What are you hiding?" Asked Max, quite concerned.

{Nothing.} She said while looking away.

"I'm not that stupid Aurora, I know you are."

{And what if I am?}

"Why are you hiding it?"

{Maybe because it's none of your business.}

"Aurora, show me that thigh of yours."

{Why should I do that, you poke rapist?} She aggressively said while backing up against the tree a bit.

"Because it's an order." Said Max, not wanting to use that method.

{And what if I refuse?}

"Then I'm gonna ask Scarlet to do it for you."

{Eh, I'm not scared of her.}

"Aurora…" Said Max a bit louder.

Aurora then stared defiantly at Max before sighing.

{… You're such an annoying human.}

"I know."

Sighing one last time, Aurora then reluctantly withdrew her hand to reveal a pretty deep claw wound.

"Shit Aurora!" Said Max while quickly getting near the wound.

"What happened?"

{Nothing.} She said while covering her wound again.

"No, it's not nothing. Who or what attacked you and where is it?"

{Calm down, it was just a stupid bear. He didn't like me so he attacked me but I managed to hit hard enough to show him who's is the strongest.}

"Damn, we have to heal that, or else it could get infected. Hope that bear didn't have rabies. Shit, I don't have anything on me." Said Max while looking in himself and around.

Then, as Max was looking around, a potion bottle appeared next to him, which Max saw a second later.

"Huh?" He said while taking it.

(… Eh, Thanks Scarlet.) Thought Max.

As Max was stretching his arms to move away from Aurora's paw, the lucario pushed it away with her other paw.

{What do you think you're doing?}

"Healing that wound, what else?"

{I don't remember agreeing on you helping me.}

"And I don't remember asking you. We can go with the nice way, or the hard way, but I'm gonna take care of that wound, no matter what."

{Even wounded I can still beat you.}

"Do you really want to go that way? I know that you know that I won't hesitate, even if I don't want to, but it will only be harder for you."

Aurora then stared at him for a moment before doing a complied growl.

{Grha, I wonder why the others are still with you.} Said Aurora before revealing her wounds again.

"Because they gave me a chance. Now, it might sting a bit, but please, hold still."

When Max applied the potion to the wound, she only winced a bit.

(Hm, she's tougher than I thought.) Thought Max.

When Max was done applying the potion, the wound was already starting to close by itself.

"Since the wound was pretty deep, it will take a moment before it's completely healed."

{Great. You can leave now?}

"I won't leave until you're okay. What if that bear comes back before you're healed? And you're welcome by the way."

{'Hmpf'} Responded Aurora while looking away.

{Do whatever you want, see if I care.}

"Thank you." Said Max while sitting in front of Aurora's thigh, watching it.

After a moment, the wound was still a bit red but now closed and healed.

"Here we go." Said Max while softly tapping where the wound was.

{Ow.} Said Aurora, slightly in pain.

"Oh god, sorry." Exclaimed Max, thinking that her wound wasn't painful anymore.

{Can't you be more careful you idiot.}

"Still a bit painful?"

{What do you think? It was open in the air a second ago.} Aggressively said the lucario.

Max then thought for a few seconds before getting an idea.

"Maybe that could help you."

Max then got a bit closer and put her thigh on his lap.

{W-what are you doing?} Embarrassedly said Aurora while covering her lower region that had been all exposed momentarily.

"A little something for you."

Max then began to gently and softly rub where the wound was with Aurora looking at him with a confused look.

"Wow, you must take good care of that fur, because it's very soft." Said after a few rubs.

{I'm not a dirty pokemon that doesn't care about hygiene.}

"Never thought otherwise."

By now, Max had anticipated that Aurora would have protested or tried to go away, but strangely, he didn't feel anything that was trying to stop him.

"Does… that feels… good?" Asked Max.

{… Just a bit.} Said Aurora after a moment of hesitation.

"Glad to hear. I'm also feeling that your muscles are quite stiff. Maybe a good massage would be good."

{Don't push your luck human, you should be grateful that I let touch me right now with what you are doing.}

"I am. I love your fur, thanks for letting me touch you Aurora."

Max then saw a rare sight, Aurora blushing a bit.

{W-whatever.} She said while looking away.

After a moment, Aurora felt that her thigh was feeling better.

{I-it's okay now, you can stop.}

"You sure? I feel that it is still a bit stiff."

{I said it's okay.}


When Max stood up, he felt a few raindrops land on him.

"Shit, it's about to rain."

{No, really?} Mocked Aurora.

"Maybe it would be good for you to come with us."

{No thanks. I still don't like you, so I'm just gonna go search for a cave or something.}

"A cave in the middle of a plain forest?"

{I'll manage okay.}

"… How about the pokeball then? You will be safe and you won't see my face."


Sighing, Max noticed that the rain was getting stronger.

"Alright, guess I don't have a choice then." Said Max while getting behind Aurora.

{What are you…}

Aurora was taken by surprise when Max lifted her a bit so he could sit behind her before coiling his arms around her.

{Are you trying to take advantage of me?} Said Aurora, softly trying to break free.

"I thought that by now you had understood that I'm not like that, but no. Since you don't want to go to protection, the protection will go to you."

{Are you serious?}


Even being under a tree, a couple of drops managed to pass through the branches and leaves with Max shielding Aurora from them.

{What are you trying to accomplish by doing that?}

"What do you mean by accomplish?"

{Why are you doing this and that for me? I don't even like you and I don't care about you. I'm gonna ask you again, what is wrong with you?}

"What is wrong with me?"

Max then goes for a thoughtful expression while slightly starting to shake from the coldness of the rain.

"I guess you can say that I know what it's like to be left behind."

{… How?}

"I don't want to talk about it, but what I can say is that before meeting Scarlet, I only had one person in my life and he threw me out of my home."

{… Kind of like me.}

"Yes, but like Scarlet was and is here for me, as well as I'm here for you. We all are."

As they went silent for a moment, Aurora felt Max getting shakier from the cold. Getting tired of it, Aurora then heavily sighed.

{… If I go in that stupid tent if yours, will you stop shaking on me?}

"I won't have to shield from the rain there I guess."

{Fine then.}

Aurora then stood up so Max could do it as well. After Max nodded, they both headed toward the tent under the rain that was getting heavier. While walking, Max noticed that Aurora was slightly limping a bit from her previously wounded legs.

"Want me to carry you?"

{You should save your energy to keep yourself warm you idiot.}

After Max chuckled a bit, they arrived at the tent a little while later, when they got inside, Max was soaking wet and was greeted by his team.

{There you are master, I was getting worried.} Said Bonny who quickly moved toward him.

{Good thing I told them that you were alright, otherwise they would just go after you in the rain.} Said Scarlet.

After entering the tent, they all saw Aurora entering the tent after Max.

{And you brought a friend with us.} She said with a small grin.

{I'm not your friend.} Protested Aurora.

{Sure thing. Dusk, can you dry them up?}

{Of course.} Responded the braixen.

{No need to, I was about to leave anyway.}

"Hold on Aurora, you promised me that you would stay here."

{I said that would come in the tent, but I never said that I would stay here.}

As Aurora was about to leave, Max then quickly got between her and the entrance.

"Oh no, you don't."

{You want to stop me?}

"Not only me."

Turning around, Aurora saw the rest of the team ready to stop her with Scarlet having her hands glowing blue.

{… Rha, you're so annoying, all of you.} Said Aurora while lying down in the furthest corner of the tent with her back facing them.

{Great. Now Dusk, if you please.} Said Scarlet.

After Dusk nodded, she used her power to dry up both Max and Aurora.

"Well, I guess we're trapped in that tent for the rest of the day." Said Max, still shaky.

{Yes. But first, let's get rid of those clothes.} Said Scarlet while teleporting his clothes away, making him butt naked.

"Hey! What was that for?" Said Max, covering himself.

{You may be dry, but still cold. I guess we need some furry friends to heat you up master.} Said Scarlet while looking at Bonny and Dusk.

{Roger.} Said Bonny while getting behind Max and goes for a back hug.

{Hmm… o-okay.} Shyly said Dusk.

Dusk then slowly got between Max's legs, making him caught in a sandwich between her and Bonny.

{Do you want to help us Aurora? I'm sure your fur is pretty warm.} Asked Scarlet.

{Tss, in your dreams.}

With Scarlet shrouding her shoulders with a smile, Bonny then began to rub herself against Max to 'heat' him up.

"As that… necessary Bonny?" Asked Max.

{You need to get warm master, I'm only helping you.}

When he felt her paws getting almost everywhere on him, Max couldn't control it.

{Hmmm… master?} Said Dusk, feeling something hard pressing against her.

"Bonny's fault, Sorry Dusk."

{Why am I always the offender?} Asked Bonny.

"Because you are?"

{… Good point.}

{N-not that I mind master… but someone may see us.} Lowly said Dusk so that Aurora couldn't hear it.

{I couldn't care less about a human's disgusting thing.} Said Aurora at the bottom of the tent.

"… You sure do have good hearing Aurora."

{What do you think those big ears are for?}

"To make you awfully cute?"

While the others giggled, Aurora growled in annoyance.

{As far as I would like to see it myself, Dusk is right Bonny. It would be a shame that Aurora sees how nice and hot human mating can be.} Said Scarlet, making Aurora makes an 'hmpf' as a response while being sarcastic at the last part.

{Ah bummer.} Said Bonny, disappointed.

{But what are we gonna do for the rest of the day?}

{Well, we only have a few hours until night times come so, playing some cards?}

{No thanks, I'm a bit tired of that game.}

{Hmm, then how about a game that I found in master's head a few days ago which was called I think 'Truth or dare'.}

{Sounds interesting. How does that work?}

{I'll leave that part to master.}

Not sure if it was a good idea to play that kind of game with four horny pokemon, Max then decided to go for it anyway.

"Well, the rule where I was is that you have to ask the person next to you a question that he or she has to answer honestly. If the person doesn't want to tell the truth, you tell them 'I dare you to' and they have to execute what is asked, which consists mostly ordering something to them."

{But what if someone doesn't want to do either one?} Dusk asked.

"Then he's out the game and considered a chicken and a loser."

{Pretty harsh.} Said Bonny.

"Then you have to play until the end."

{Sounds fun, I'm in.} Said Bonny.

{Me too.} Added May.

{Well, I do too but, don't go too harsh on me.} Said Dusk.

"Come on Dusk, we won't make you do too embarrassing things."

{… Because there are?} Said Dusk, not feeling reassured at all.

"Well, since the question or the dare is decided by someone, it could be anything."

Dusk then went a bit red, wondering what she just agreed on going in.

"But I want fair play game okay? This can easily go wrong or too far, so hold on to your fantasy a bit." Said Max.

{Of course master, we're not monsters.} Said Scarlet with a mischievous grin.

"Really convincing when it comes from you."

{Hihi. What about you Aurora? Want to join us?}

{Like hell I care about your stupid games.}

"Come on Aurora, it would be a good occasion to know each other."

{And why should I care?}

"Because you're a nice and cute lucario?"

{… No.}

"Come on. Aurora, Aurora, Aurora." Called out Max, shortly followed by the others.

{Rhaa… fine, if it means you shutting up.} Said Aurora while getting up and join them.

{But only if Max has his clothes on and the others separate from him.}

Then, all of them looked at her with a dumbfounded look.

{… What?} She said.

{Did you just call master, Max?} Asked Scarlet.

{What? O-of course not! I said that human, that's what I said.} Protested Aurora.

All of them looked at each other.

"That's what I also heard." Said Max, hinting at them to go along with him.

{… I guess I misheard then.} Said Scarlet while teleporting Max's clothes back on him.

When Dusk and Bonny left him, they were all sitting in a circle.

{Well, who starts?} Asked Bonny.

{Since it's a human game, honor to them.} Told Scarlet.

"Okay, but who I should ask the question first?"

{You decide.}

"Okay… hmm…"

Looking around, Max had a hard time decided which one to choose.

{Why not by me then master.} Said Scarlet, getting impatient.

"Okay. Alright… what is your favorite color?"



{Now now master, I think the rule is one question at a time.}

"True. If we're going to clockwise rotation, Bonny is next then."

{Cool. Scarlet, why is red your favorite color?} Asked Bonny.

{… Let's go for dare then.} Responded Scarlet.

{Great. I always wanted to see that. I dare you to let master touch your crest without making any faces.}

Scarlet then narrowed her eyes at Bonny.

{… How long?}

{Hmm… what about a minute?}

"Bonny, remember, not too far."

{Alright, ten seconds then.}

{… Alright. Whenever you want master.}

"… Okay."

A bit embarrassed, Max then stood up and goes in front of Scarlet.

[Why are you, ashamed master? I'm the one that is being molested.]

"I know. Just try to contain yourself as much as you can okay?"

{Of course.}

Max then began to touch and gently rub her crest. Closing her eyes, Scarlet had extreme difficulties not to react to her master's touch but managed to only clench her teeth in order not to moan. After ten seconds, Max then let go of her, which made her sigh in relief.

"Well, that was a pretty heavy start." Said Max after sitting back to his previous place.

{Yeah, it was just a start.} Said Scarlet while glaring at Bonny, which responded by showing her tongue.

"Alright, Dusk is next I suppose."

{O-okay. M-master, who do you love the most?}

"Geez girls, normally we start softly. At this rate, it is gonna get out of control."

{Just answer her master.} Said Scarlet.

"There is no real answer, I love all of you equally."

{Bullshit master, someone here has to be your favorite.} Said Scarlet.

"Of course not."

{I also call bullshit.} Said Aurora.

"Tsk, fine, dare then."

{W-well, I dare you to pet me for ten seconds too.} Said Dusk.

"With pleasure." Said Max while getting close to her so he can pet her head.

"See girls, that's how a fun truth or dare game should be."

Scarlet and Bonny then looked at each other.

[Not spicy enough?] Said Scarlet into Bonny's mind.

(Nope.) She answered.

"Okay May, your turn." Said Max after sitting in place.

(At least she should be more gentle than the others.)

{Which one do you prefer mating with?} Asked the mawile.

(The fuck?) Thought Max.

"Come on May, I was expecting that kind of question from the others, but not from you?"

{What? I think we all want to know.}

Looking at the others, they all looked away innocently except for Aurora, which wasn't really into the game.

"Dang it, dare then."

{Yay! I dare you to kiss me for ten seconds.}

"Wait a minute! Are you planning on giving me questions that I can't answer so you can make me do whatever you want?"

Again, they all looked innocently.

{Master?} Said May, impatient.

Sighing, Max then goes toward May and kissed her for ten seconds, making Aurora almost look away in disgust.

"Okay… Scarlet now." Said Max while looking at with narrowed eyes.

"I won't let you do whatever you want, so I'm gonna answer your next question."

{Really?} She said with also narrowed eyes.

{How about that? What is your favorite part of my body?}

"… Your eyes."

{… Liar.}

"Of course not. I love your eyes."

{It's true that you love them, but there is one part of me that you love more.}

Max then angrily glared at her.

{Psychic master, you can't lie to me.}

"… Dare then." He said, upset.

{Well, since you lied, I think a dare from everyone here is a punishment, don't you think girls?}

{Agree. That will teach him to lie.} Said Bonny.

{Good, you and May can punish him first. I'm gonna use mine with Dusk.}

Dusk then looked at Scarlet with a puzzled face when she leaned toward her and whispered into her ears.

{What? Isn't this a bit too much?} Said Dusk when she was done.

{Not for a liar.}

{… O-okay.} Complied the braixen.

{What is it Scarlet?} Asked Bonny.

{I'll tell you after. You can dare him now.}

{Alright. Sorry Aurora, but I dare Master to remove his shirt and be chest naked.}

"Alright, not so bad." Said Max before removing it.

{Your turn May.} Said Scarlet.

{Okay. I dare you to stand on your head for ten seconds.}

"… Okay."

(Maybe they will go easy on me after all.) Thought Max while going on his head and keep himself steady with his hand for ten seconds.

When he was done, Max stood up and wanted to get back to his place but Scarlet stopped him.

{Not so fast master, can you please stand in the middle for a moment?}

"… Sure." He said while doing as told.

{A dare to give Aurora?} Asked Scarlet.

{I'll pass.}

{Alright, suit yourself.}

Scarlet then looked at Dusk which she gave her a nod.

{Master, I dare you to resist that for thirty seconds.}

Scarlet and Dusk then used their powers combined to make Max felt an intense pleasurable heat inside himself.

"Shit!" Exclaimed Max, while getting on his knees.

{What is going on?} Asked Bonny.

Scarlet then told Bonny in her head what she and Dusk were doing.

{Ooh. Good luck with that master.} She said with a grin.

Thirty seconds later, which seemed like an eternity for Max, Scarlet and Dusk stopped their psychic pleasure-giving, making Max slightly pant.

{There you go master, you can go back to your place now.}

As Max wanted to stand up, he decided that maybe it wasn't the moment.

"Hmm, maybe after a minute?"

Scarlet then whispered into Dusk's ears again.

{… O-okay. Master, I dare you to stand up and go back to your place right now.} Ordered Dusk.

"What? You can't use two dares in a row."

{It was 'my' dare master, I just used Dusk help. She still has hers to give.}

"… Damnit." Muttered Max.

Max then reluctantly stood up and went back to his place while showing a raging boner through his pants to everyone, which made them giggle and Aurora look away, not wanting to see more than needed.

"I hate you all." Said Max, greatly embarrassed.

{We love you too master. Your turn now Aurora.} Said Scarlet.

{No thanks.} She responded.

"Come on Aurora, let yourself go a bit and have some fun."

{Fine. Human, why are you such an idiot?}

The rest then looked at each other a bit in desperation.

"Dare I guess?"

{I dare you to leave me alone.}

"… Alright, will do. I guess it's my turn then. Aurora, why do you hate me or humans so much?"

{None of your business.}

"I suppose it's a dare then."

Max then looked at the spike on the back of her paw.

"I dare you to let me touch your spike on your left paw."

{Hell no.} She said while covering her paw.

{It's part of the game Aurora, you don't have a choice.} Said Bonny.

"She's right, it's the rule."

Heavily sighing, Aurora then reluctantly presented her left paw. Grabbing it, Max then began to touch her spike.

"Wow, it's hard, and a bit cold."

{Its metal you idiot, of course, it is.}

"I know it's not part of the game, but I'm really curious. What is it exactly?"

Sighing a bit, Aurora then decided to answer anyway.

{It's part of my skeleton.}

"Skeleton? You mean your skeleton is made of… steel?"

{Lucarios skeleton is composed of something similar to iron, which is where our steel type comes from.} Explained the lucario.

"No wonder why you're so heavy. It also looks pointy, ow." Said Max while touching the tip of the spike, which was really pointy.

{Give me that before you kill yourself with it.} Said Aurora before removing her paw from his hands.

"Can learn more a bit you by scanning you with my pokedex?"


Aurora didn't have a real reason to say no, besides just the the fun of refusing something to Max.

"Okay. Back to Bonny, I guess."

Bonny and all of the others looked at each other and nodded shortly after, all getting what she was thinking.

{Okay master. Do you prefer my fur or Scarlet's skin?}

"Those kinds of questions again? I love both of them."

Scarlet then cleared her throat, making sure that Max didn't forget about her.

"Freaking hell… Dare."

{Sweet.} She said with a big smile.

{I dare you to kiss Aurora on the cheek.}

{"What?"} Both Max and Aurora exclaimed.

{Okay, that's it. I'm out of here.} Said Aurora while standing up.

{Suit yourself Aurora, if you don't mind be consider a chicken and a loser.} Provoked Scarlet.

At the entrance of the tent, Aurora then stopped mid-track.

{… Rhhaa!} Growled the lucario before sitting back to her previous place.

(Low hit Scarlet.) Thought Max.

[What? It worked no?]

{Make it quick then. I don't want your disgusting lips on me for too long.}

"Bonny didn't say how long."

{Just one and simple kiss.} Said the lopunny.

"… Okay then. Sorry Aurora but, it's the rule."

{Ghr.} Growled Aurora while presenting her cheek.

Max then goes for a not too slow and not too quick kiss on her cheek.

{What a stupid game.} She said while brushing off the kiss from her fur.

{Come on, don't tell me you didn't like it?} Asked Scarlet with a grin.

{No, I didn't.}

Scarlet then raised an eyebrow at Aurora, to which she responded with an angry 'Shut up' face.

{If you say so. Dusk, you're next.}

{Okay. Do you prefer my fur or Bonny's one?} Asked Dusk a bit shyly.

"What is wrong with you? You know I can't answer that."

All of them then stay silent.

"… Of course you all know. What are you planning?"

{I'm shocked master, thinking that we would do evil plotting behind your back.} Said Scarlet with a fake innocent tone.

"Not your style I know." Sarcastically said, Max.


"'sigh' dare then."

{I-I dare you to caress Aurora behind the ears.}

{… How…} Said Aurora before shutting herself up.

{We're both canine pokemon so, it was easy to guess.} Shyly said Dusk, almost hiding behind Bonny.

{And that's what I get for trusting a human.} Angrily muttered Aurora.

"Come on, I'll make sure that you won't suffer for too long."

{Shut it and start already. The sooner you start, the sooner it will be done.}

"How long Dusk?"

{Ten seconds should be enough.}

"Alright. Get ready for the most painful ten seconds of your life Aurora."

{Shut up and let's get this over with.}

Max then began to gently scratch and caress the fur behind her ears. Even if she tried to act tough, Scarlet could feel that she was liking it. Bonny also noticed that she was instinctively pushing her head against Max's hands slightly. When the ten seconds had passed, no one said anything, even Aurora. After maybe twenty seconds, she realized it and quickly retreated her head.

{Alright, that's enough now.} She angrily said.

"It wasn't that bad, was it?"

{Like hell I would like having you touching me.} She said while crossing her arms.

"Hmmm. May is next then."

{Hmm, let's see.} She said with a thoughtful expression.

Scarlet then leaned toward May to whisper in her ears too.

{Good one Scarlet. Master, if my big maw had a tongue, what will you do with it?}

"The fuck? How is that even a question?" Protested Max.

{Isn't part of the game that we had the free will to ask whatever we want?} Told Scarlet.

"Yeah but…"

{Then answer, or dare.}

"You girls 'are' monsters. Dare."

{I dare you master to give a very cuddly and warm hug to Aurora for thirty seconds.} Ordered May.

{Why are you all on me now?} Angrily said Aurora.

{I don't know what are you talking about?} Said Scarlet, faking ignorance.

{Ghra.} Growled Aurora.

"Sorry Aurora, but it's the rule." Said Max, with an almost 'I'm sorry' face.

{… I'm so gonna make you payback.}

After chuckling, Max goes for a hug that Aurora reluctantly let him do before May interrupted them.

{No no master, I want a standing hug.} She said with a grin.

{What's the difference?} Protested Aurora.

{Standing is better.}

Aurora then crossed her arms and looked away with an 'hmpf'.

{You know the rules Aurora.} Warned Scarlet.

{… Whatever. Stupid game.} Muttered the lucario while standing up, shortly followed by Max.

{M-make it quick.}

"Well, it's thirty seconds so..."

{I know, just…} Said Aurora, still reluctant.

"Come on, like you said, the sooner you go with it…"

{Alright alright, don't push me human.}

After a moment of hesitation, Aurora opened her arms while looking away in embarrassment and anger. Since she was shorter than him, Max had to go on his knees before going for a tight hug. The others could see a faint blush on her face before being astonished by the next scene. A couple of seconds later, they saw Aurora getting absent-minded a bit before almost returning the hug, which made May and Dusk almost gasp in surprise. However, Aurora came back to her sense just in time to prevent herself from returning the hug when the thirsty second was almost done.

{Okay that's enough. I won't be fooled again.} Said Aurora before pushing Max away.

{You didn't hug for thirty seconds.} Said May.

"That's okay May since it's her first time, we should give her a chance and be gentle with her. After all, I'm always gentle when it comes to the first time." Said Max while both of them sat back to their place.

{I approve.} Said Bonny.

{I second that.} Followed May.

{I-I guess it's true.} Shyly added Dusk.

{Can't argue with that.} Concluded Scarlet.

"Hehe, well Scarlet, I suppose you're next."

{You're right master. Now Aurora, it's the second time I hear you saying that you won't be fooled again, care to tell us what it's about?}

{… Yes, I care.}

"Dare I suppose." Said Max.

{Okay, I dare you to tell us what it's all about.}

Aurora then stared angrily at everyone.

{… I'm done.} Said the lucario before standing up and leaving the tent.

"Aurora, wait."

Max wanted to stop her but she was already outside.

"… That's not really how dares work Scarlet."

{I know, but she's obviously hiding something from us and herself. When she will understand that she will have to tell us sooner or later…}

"I know, but maybe we can wait until she's more comfortable with us?"

{… Maybe, but you know that I'm not the very patient type.}

Max then sighed a bit.

"… I'm gonna get her. We will play again another time."

{But it's still raining outside master.} Said Bonny as Max was standing up.

"Less than earlier." Said while peeking outside and before leaving it.

Exiting the tent and going after Aurora in the less intense rain, Max dashed toward Aurora that was leaving her usual and stopped her a couple of meters away from the tent.

"Wait Aurora, I'm sorry for what Scarlet did."

Max then put a hand on the lucario shoulder, only to be pushed away aggressively.

{Will you knock it off already?} Loudly and aggressively said Aurora.

"You know that I won't."

{What would it take for you to leave me alone and keep your nose out of my freaking business?}

"That you tell me what happen to you."

{But that's exactly what I don't want to talk about.} Said Aurora while angrily stomping her feet on the ground.



Aurora then seemed to calm down a bit before Max saw what it could be mistaken for raindrops but he knew what it was. It was tears.

{Because… I don't trust humans… anymore.} Said Aurora, slightly sobbing.

Max then got on his knees in the mud and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Please Aurora… tell me."

{… Why?} She said, sadly looking away.

Max then gently grabbed her chin to make her look at him again.

"Because you're my friend Aurora and I care for you."

Aurora then stared at Max's eyes for a moment before gently pushing his hand away from her chin.

{Why should I trust you? How can I know that… you won't throw me away like that other human?}

"… I don't know which human you're talking about, but did you see how happy my team is with me?"

{… I was also happy when he abandoned me.}

"Who abandoned you?"

After staring at him a bit again, Aurora turned around so her back was facing Max.

{… The human I used to love.}

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