
Chapter 10 - Leaving the Village

The next morning, after saying goodbye to the Su family, I went to town. As soon as I left the village, I activated the teleporter and rushed forward with its help.

Unlike techniques and other things, I can use teleport constantly and without respite.

I decided to move away from the village along the road, and then go to the forest to hunt and collect herbs for sale and planting more valuable in my world.

And so already three days have passed during this time, like a madman, I rode by teleportation here and there and collected herbs. During this time, I also cultivated instead of sleeping in my world. And has already broken through to the middle stage. However, even at this stage, I am still weak because I do not have a single combat equipment.

I also cultivated herbs that I succeeded in and I already have whole fields of different plants, although they are all extremely cheap and even if they are unlikely to be sold, there will be enough for equipment. Therefore, I went deeper and deeper into the forest in search of more expensive herbs, however, since I do not know alchemy, I collected almost everything I saw. As soon as I arrive in the city I will look at the prices for herbs and sell them.

* Rooararr *

I was thrown out of thought by a roar close enough to me. I got up, teleported to the tree and began to look around in the direction from which I heard the roar.

Not seeing anything, I neatly followed in that direction and two minutes later I saw a man fighting the beast, although there is no more the beast is tearing people up because there were a lot of corpses lying around. And after a couple of minutes, those last two people were also dead.

As far as I understood, the beast was equal to the peak level of body cleansing. After the murder, he grabbed one corpse with his mouth and dragged it somewhere. I waited for the beast to move away and went down.

When I approached the clearing and looked around, I realized that everyone was dead except one. However, after a couple of instants, he was already a corpse.

-Well, not to waste the good, right? - I said, and after getting rid of the vomit I called and began to examine them. With them, I found as many as five silver ones, which were equal to 500 bronze ones, and a little more bronze ones, I also found swords and the most valuable thing is the sword technique.

Although the technique was not very good, but it is better than nothing. Then I went to catch up with the beast.

A minute later I found him and kept my distance following him. And finally, his lair. He lived in a cave hidden among the stones. Passing here, I would hardly be able to notice her.

After a little thought, I hid in a tree far enough that they would not smell me and sat down and waited for the beast to leave the cave. This time it was really necessary to wait a long time. So I decided to take a look at the technique for now.

The technique itself was quite simple and after a couple of hours I completely understood it. But as much as I would not like to try it, I decided to wait.

And finally the moment came, almost a day later, he went out and went hunting, but I waited another ten minutes and then teleported inside the cave. The inside of the whiteness was quite spacious, but there was also a persistent smell of blood.

Once inside I finally reached the end of the cave, at the end there was an even wider area. Looking around, I immediately noticed a rather unusual flower. Approaching which I directly felt qi. A bright smile appeared on my lips after which I carefully transplanted it into my world.

Then I moved on to a heap of skeletons and different things as I understood this is the ostki of those people whom he dragged away. Also here I saw a fresh corpse, apparently of the man that he brought here yesterday. I quickly examined and collected everything here and then left the cave

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