

In an endless black void a nameless soul can be seen drifting, contemplating its current situation. As an insignificant peon in the larger scheme of things, perhaps a bit more intelligent than the average peon, but a peon nonetheless.

It lived a meaningless life, and died a meaningless death at just 16 years of age, but it finds itself wondering.

'Is this this a normal situation after death or am I in for a surprise? It sure is peaceful though, I wouldn't mind spending some more time here.'

That is right, rather than being shaken by its untimely death the soul ponders if maybe, just maybe death holds a second chance at a meaningful life, full of adventure and so, excitement begins to swirl around in its mind as all manner of delusions take over.

'If i'm being reincarnated can I choose the world? Are fictional worlds even available? Do I get wishes? An OP system? What about plot armor and the protagonist aura that makes everything go your way? Do those come in the reincarnator package? Man with the legendary protagonist aura even I can get a harem right? Haa . . . I'm blissful just thinking about it.'

Unbeknownst to it an immensely powerful being was watching this process with interest.

'Hmm, a lost soul has wandered of the cycle of reincarnation and entered the void of nothingness. Even more interesting, his soul feels right at home when normally it should have been dispersed.'

'Well in any case, it needs to tossed back into the cycle but since I'm feeling generous how about making some of his interesting delusions a reality.'

As the godlike being thinks this, he reveals his presence to the nameless soul.

"Greetings lost soul." He announced his presence.

"A R.O.B.!" The soul exclaimed.

"Ah yes. Random Omnipotent Being, a label some of the beneficiaries of our boredom have given my kind." The being commented.

"Not accurate of course. We're not just random existences and although we might seem omnipotent from the perspective of one such as you, it is actually not the case. We have our limits, as unreachable they may appear." He explained.

"Since you're omnipotent from my perspective, it still means you can give me some of those awesome wishes in exchange for taking my existence as entertainment right?" The soul inquired.

"That would be so!" The being responded.

"Do I get to choose?" The soul asked.

"Hmm . . . It needs to be interesting for me so I'll give you a few options and you can choose from amongst them." The being offered.

"Fair enough." The soul accepted. It was not like it could defy the being before it and annoying it seemed like a terrible idea.

"First choice: the world of DxD with a Type-Moon / Nasuverse ability or Nasuverse with a DxD based ability." The being offered.

"I'm inclined towards the first but can I get details?" The soul asked.

"Sure." The being replied.

"If you choose to head to the Nasuverse, you'll get a Reality Marble with lots of potential abilities and functions based on the world of DxD."

"On the other hand, if you choose to head to DxD, you'll get a Sacred Gear with functions and abilities based on the Nasuverse." He explained.

'Hmm . . . The Nasuverse tends to have much larger limits of crazy stuff that can happen but DxD can be quite crazy too so in the end it comes down to preference and the potential my knowledge of those realities could have . . .' The soul pondered.

"I feel like I can achieve more if I go with the DxD and Nasu Sacred Gear." He decided.

"Very well." The being replied.

"Second choice: which faction do you want to be a part of and when do you wish to enter the world? Devils, Grigori, Heaven, Khaos Brigade, Hero Faction or Neutral."

"Each faction will limit you next choice which is your race, so choose carefully." The being warned.

"What races can I pick with each faction?" The soul asked.

"All factions have Human as an option, in addition, Devils have Devil/Human Hybrids, Grigory have Fallen Angel/Human Hybrids, the Khaos Brigade has all previous options plus Demigods, Heaven has Miracle Children, the Hero Faction only has Humans but you get a Heroic Inheritance."

"Neutral will mean you have no backing but be free. However, you'll be restricted to base Human and the Sacred Gear I'll give you." The being explained.

"Oh well . . . It's a shame to lose out on the benefits of a cool race but freedom is still best and I'll have the benefit of anonymity, at least until someone discovers me." The soul said.

"Neutral Human then." The Being said.

"Yes." The soul confirmed.

"Well then, for your sacred gear, I've already settled on something and don't worry, you won't be disappointed." The being declared.

"Oh well, not like I'm in any position to argue." The soul replied.

"Indeed." The being approved.

"Can I get a breakdown of its features or will I have to figure it out myself?" The soul asked.

"The sacred gear will be an autonomous type with its own consciousness so it can explain all of its function to you."

"Oh! And before you worry, as your sacred gear, it will have absolute loyalty to you and the entire purpose of its existence will be to assist you so no need to worry." The being assured.

"Great! I was getting worried that I'd have to suffer one of those insufferable artificial intelligences whose only purpose is to make their host's life a living hell." The soul said.

"Ah yes. I personally find that trope quite annoying so you don't have to worry about it." The being shared.

"As for your starting location, it will be an orphanage in Kuoh and your age will be the same as the series' protagonist, Hyoudou Issei."

"Can I be a bit older?" The soul asked.

"I'll give you an extra year then." The being accepted the request.

"Sure, thanks." The soul replied.

"Good! Then be on your way and try to live an entertaining life." The being said before sending the soul on his way.

"Will do!" Was the last thing he said before the start of his new life.

Next thing he knew, he woke up in a small bed in a small room.

'Well, pretty nice for an orphanage, having a room all to myself.' The soul though before the memories of the life he led before awakening to his previous life's memories all came rushing back after being temporarily forgotten.

'Haikami Jun, unh? I can work with that.' Jun thought after remembering his own name.

'Appeared on the orphanage's entrance under mysterious circumstances and was adopted I was a few weeks old at the most. A loner with barely any aquantaces much less friends in my 5 short years of existence . . . R.O.B. sure made it easy for me.' He considered.

He was a short, scrawny five year old, black hair and eyes like a typical japanese kid and the facial features of a pretty boi that Jun hoped would become a bit more manly as he grew up.

It was the middle of the night and everyone was supposed to be asleep but Jun, having just awakened to the wonder of a new life didn't really feel like it.

'Let's see if i need to awaken my sacred gear or if I can already use it.' He decided.

'I was awakened the very moment you were.' An androgynous voice sounded in Jun's head.

'That answers that. I would assume you are the consciousness of my sacred gear?' Jun said.

'Yes and no.' The voice replied.

'?' Jun was confused.

Sensing it the voice saw fit to explain.

'I can help you use and guide the functions of your sacred gear but my control is only what you see fit to give me, I have not real autonomy in the matter and technically exist separately from the sacred ger, although practically it makes no difference when compared to if I didn't.'

'Thanks for the explanation.' Jun replied.

'It is my duty." The voice neutrally replied but Jun got an inexplicable feeling the being was pleased with his gratitude.

'What do I call you?' Jun asked.

'You may call me Ahsaka.' The voice replied.

'You can just call be Jun. By the way, do you have a gender?' Jun directly asked.

'No but I can choose one to interact with you if you'd like.' Ahsaka offered.

'Suit yourself Ahsaka but since your name is female sounding, I shall treat you as such if you don't mind.' Jun said.

'As you wish." Ahsaka replied, her voice sounding distinctively more female but still quite monotone.

'Alright then. Can you explain the functions of my sacred gear?" Jun requested.

'Certainly.' Ahsaka replied.

'Your sacred gear is called the Grimoire of Akasha and strictly speaking, it holds no inherent power.' She started.

'Meaning?' Jun inquired.

'The sacred gear regulates your innate power which would otherwise erase your ego.' Ahsaka revealed.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.

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