When will they're team battle start, I don't really care about the rest, I want to see just how interesting things will get *Joschwa*
[Looks Like It'll Be Another Few Other Battles Until They Have Theirs]
Looks that way.. Hmmm…. Is that *Joschwa*
[Yes It's What You Think It Is]
Interesting so that's where the demi-god Lavos' secret tomb was located *Joschwa*
[It's Seems That The Academy Was Built Here On Purpose]
It does but why build it here, well I can kind of guess why *Joschwa*
[I Can Feel The Mana Leaking From It]
Oh it's about to display itself to everyone here huh *Joschwa*
[There's Another One To But It's Well Hidden From With It]
Oh even more interesting wonder why well the only way to know is to go in and since it'll open itself soon why not watch some entertainment first *Joschwa*
Now onto the next team battle are Spring High Academy against Emperor Academy of Randu City. Just like the rest it's a team match that has 5 of their students come up to the stage and battle with the last team standing wins the top four teams will have the right to advance to the next round of the tournament now if the academies have selected who they want to take part in this round. They can now come up to the stage now. (A Male Instructor As The Announcer)
As he said that the academies sent 5 of their students that they chose to represent them in this round. The crowd that has now become large was finally riled up as two of the four best academies were about to battle. It made it all the more exciting to everyone around but they're was some who had other thoughts on their minds.
Bray and a few of the other instructors that belong to his family had thoughts about the opening of Lavos' secret tomb. It seems that they will begin making their move soon.
He's also thinking about taking his revenge on both April and Joschwa soon enough but first he needs to retrieve Lavos Inheritance and that important treasure. Something that was recorded in the Lavos secret book that his great-grandfather found.
As the ten people came to the arena stage people cheered louder and more passionately as they saw some of their city's top rising stars. Joschwa seeing this didn't really care as he was more interested in the soon to open secret tomb.
Seems like this tournament will be postpone for a while, and I was looking towards this battle haa *Joschwa*
[You Weren't.. Were You]
No I wasn't but maybe I could nurture some of them if I find any worth my time… personally *Joschwa*
While he was talking to Priella, inside the Emperor Academy's wait area Bray saw as the treasure in his hand began to tremble slightly. It started to tremble more, feeling the piece of treasure he got from his grandfather. Which indicated that it was about to open now.
It's time, Adin, Fronis, Parken (Bray)
Yes young master (Adin,Fronis,Parken)
So have you done as I told you (Bray)
Yes (Adin, Fronis, Parken)
And? (Bray)
Young master Vadis at first was indifferent to having the meeting at first until I mentioned the tomb he… (Fronis)
I said I'll come to find out for myself if this secret tomb was true and if not then things would be unfavourable for you Bray (Young Master Vadis)
Y-you.. (Parken)
Shut up (Bray)
Sorry young master.. .young master Vadis (Parken)
Moving behind Bray, Parken, stood beside the other two as he remained silent. As they were within another room inside the waiting area, some people did notice Vadis but most thought he was a handsome young master that's a friend of Bray. Only a handful knew he was the young master of The Vadis Clan, which is a secluded family.
They are one of the most powerful families on this continent but most don't even know about them. The Collinton Family are influential and powerful enough to at least be seen as worthy in front of them. But The Collinton's are far more stronger than people actually realized. That's why the Vadis are on good terms with them "in secret".
As they were talking about the tomb, the treasure that was trembling early began to vibrate even more. They stop discussing how they were going to go about treasures and other things that they will find inside.
I can feel the leak of mana close by. It seems to be opening now. Let's go, we'll discuss this once we're inside. Is that fine with you Marvik (Bray)
<Smiling> That's fine (Marvik)
This could be the best time to gain father's approval to become the next head of the family.. I want to see what you want from there and why risk telling me for *Marvik*
Then let's go before others start coming (Bray)
You don't seem to care if they come just when.. You must know something about this "secret" tomb then and know what you're after (Marvik)
We'll just have to see once we're inside (Bray)
Then why tell me when you could just… You want to use my reputation as a hot-tempered playboy from a secluded clan to get rid of someone or people that you deemed either not touchable by your family or is touchable but will cause multiple problems. And I'm thinking it's the latter (Marvik)
Yes you're right but I'll tell you more about that latter inside to since they'll come too (Bray)
He's different from the rumors he's not as hot tempered as they say or he's just that good at hiding it.. It doesn't matter as long as I get that I won't have to be so cautious about the Vadis, other clans or guilds that are high ranks. It's still better to be cautious as there might be people more dangerous than I know. *Bray*
Parken, how did it go? (Bray)
Young master, he doesn't have any real background just two parents name Elisha and William Walter the Fourth, an older brother name William Walter the Fifth, older sister name Elverlyn Walter and two younger twin sisters name Melkalina and Selondra Walter. There's nothing that suggests that either parents belong to a powerful family but still be a little cautious just in case. (Parken)
Good but no need to worry as long as it happens in there no one will find out or care. (Bray)
Adin I want you to keep shadowing him then when I give you the signal dispose of him (Bray)
Yes young master I shall do as you instructed (Clone Adin)
Adin left after being given his orders as Marvik just watched and heard everything, but didn't say anything as he will be told later about it anyway.
It's time for us to go to (Bray)
Yeah shall we then, let's see what this tomb has to offer (Marvik)
They left after that without anyone knowing except for one person who knows everything.
So that's what he wants from there but no one knows about the realm within it huh (Joschwa)
No master it wasn't in the book demi-god Lavos had (Clone Adin)
Demi-god huh but what they don't know is that he was actually a god when he made it. It seems he didn't want people to know he became a god by the looks of it. I just want to know why he made a realm within an already existing one. What does he have that he needed to make another realm for it or maybe it's something else entirely. Well only way to know is to go myself (Joschwa)
Are we heading there now (Clone Adin)
No there's no need to rush since some interesting people are arriving there soon so why not let them have some fun before I take it away (Joschwa)
Yes master, what would you like for me to do in the meantime (Clone Adin)
<Grin> Just do what he said shadow me (Joschwa)
Yes master (Clone Adin)
He went into Joschwa's shadow since he was born from it. Joschwa who was in a spectators booth where he was in the shadows the whole time while no one knew since he put up a sound barrier.
He got up and left the booth after putting down the barrier. Some keener sense people finally noticed him as he walked out. They were both bewildered and confused as to how they didn't know he was there this whole time.
Did you see him (???)
It doesn't seem like he's from any clan, guild or family since he's not wearing anything that indicates he is nor do I feel much mana from him so it's probably why we didn't notice him (???)
You're probably right… hmm do you feel that (???)
Yeah I do, it feels like a secret realm has opened (???)
Bragden let's go. It seems people are starting to notice that let's hurry (???)
Yeah let's but do you think we should contact the sect first Mora (Bragden)
They probably already felt it before us and sending some elders (Zamora)
They soon left too. As the team battle for Spring High Academy and Emperor Academy was coming to the final moments. Before they could get down to that everyone could feel a huge amount of mana coming from the west direction of the academy.
What's going on, I feel a huge amount of mana out of nowhere and it's not coming from anyone around here or a person at that (An Academy Instructor)
I know it seems a secret tomb of a demi-god has opened (Another Academy Instructor)
As more and more people who are able to feel and use mana they all decided to postpone the tournament for another time since something better has shown itself now. As all the instructors, students and some people from other guilds,clans,sects,and families went towards the area where it was located.
_________Lavos' Secret Tomb Entrance___________
So since you know the location of it do you know what we might face inside (Marvik)
No I don't only where it's located (Bray)
What a pity that just means we have to be more cautious, well whatever (Marvik)
He must be tired of putting on his nice guy act now, not like I care, I don't know if I could get rid of him also since he's special guard is nearby watching. *Bray*
Fronis, Parken go inside first (Bray)
Yes young master (Fronis and Parken)
They both walked forward at a steady pace, Parken went first. Going through the entrance, it seems there wasn't a barrier set up. After seeing Parken go through without any problems, Fronis walked up to go through it next. He put his hand out to test it out for himself but he was shocked to feel he was resisted against.
Everyone who saw this was shocked since Parken went through with no problem but why couldn't Fronis. Will that happen to all of them? What's the difference between the two? Those types of questions surface in everyone's mind now.
A barrier, it's must be set to only allow certain ranks to go in, do you know anything about this Bray (Marvik)
No but from what I can tell it seems anyone over the National rank won't be able to go in (Bray)
That's what I feel from the barrier well looks like we won't be able to go with everyone here but it doesn't mean we can't proceed as plan (Marvik)
You're right let's relay to our people who can go through so they don't have to worry about it (Bray)
They proceeded to call their people and tell them about the barrier and after that they told the ones who could go through to follow. The rest will stay here until the others arrive.
Not too far away there was a young man who was observing everything, and that person was Joschwa.
Oh a barrier well it doesn't matter. It's not strong enough to do anything to me. I wonder what you have that you had to create another realm inside….. God Of The Undead Lavosict (Joschwa)