
The witch queen

With the girl waking up soon, Zakai stood there, looking at the girl that was waking up

"W-who are you!" She shouted, "Where am i!"

Zakai stayed silent, before saying

"You know mars?" Zakai made his voice deeper

"MARS? is he okay!"

their grimoire was patched up, and both had the same colour

Feeling Noelle group come, Zakai hid in the shadows, watching as asta and a group of boys and girls followed them

"How interesting." The dryad said, "Those swords, belong to your father."

"Why does asta have them?"

"Beats me."

Zakai made sure to make a set of new cloak and a new mask to combat his burnt coat

Zakai recognized a familiar face, it was marred, crying over Fana body

Zakai walked up, causing Asta to raise his swords before Fana shouted

"Wait, he saved me!" Fana shouted, causing the boy to come and pat me on the cloak

"You should have said before, thank you!"

Walking up to the sword and picking it up, Zakai examined it

One was heavy, making it so he couldn't cast magic and the other absorbed it

"[Transmutation magic: Trace]"

although the anti-magic effect will probably not be there, who said the fake cant surpass the genuine

Zakai flashed with his wind magic, looking over a peak, where a woman with a distinct dress was looking at him

it was the queen of witches, simply called the witch queen

"So we finally meet. " The witch queen squinted her eyes "I've kept my eyes on you the moment you came to this forest." She muttered, walking closer "What do you want?"

Zakai pointed to his ear, causing her to laugh

"Oh, a magic stone? why would you possibly want such a .... prized treasure of mine."

Zakai stayed silent, sighing under his mask

feeling a surge of magic beneath him, Zakai jumped, watching as a spike of blood was where he was sitting behind

"The forest is my domain." The witch queen muttered "So I don't like pesky men like you to come in my forest. I'm the god of this forest, and i, the queen of witches, will have mercy if you leave"

"I think you should leave." The dryad said,"That woman is strong"

"Ive seen worse," Zakai muttered

the witch queen uses blood magic, powerful magic that has high use. for example, rumours are that Vanessa Zogratis uses blood magic, and she was powerful enough to topple a royal family with her 2 brothers, a bone mage and a body mage

both are extremely powerful magic, that makes shivers crawl down the spines of many

anyway, back to the battle

with the witch queen rushing up to Zakai, Zakai made his scythe

the queen also made a scythe , as both ran to eachover

Zakai aimed for the legs , which caused the witch queen to jump , before lowering doing a vertical slash with it

Zakai was ready , as he slashed horizontally at her waste , causing her body to turn into a bunch of crows

(Damn itachi , look there's a genjustu user)

the witch queen appeared behind him , swinging her scythe at him

"Shit!" Zakai muttered

the large scythe was coming closer , as Zakai quickly pulled fenrir sword from the grimoire and attempted to parry it , causing Zakai to get pushed forward

"Oh , more than 2 types of magic?" The witch queen muttered "No... that isn't normal magic... that's a spirit is it not?"

The witch queen started laughing , before saying "Ill make sure to dissect you and look at your secrets." She licked her lips

"Dryad , can fenrir absorb the blood?"

"I wouldn't recommend it , that's woman magic may be able to control fenrir from the inside"

Zakai muttered , jumping in the air and creating his bow

"[Lava magic : Hestiac arrows]"

A arrow that looked like molded lava appeared on Zakai's bowstring , as Zakai shot it toward the witch queen


She threw her hands up , parrying the lava arrow

the arrow was knocked away , protecting the witch queen from harm

"[Blood magic : Scaffold of fresh blood]"

The pit that was destroyed when they were fighting was intastly filled with blood

Zakai looked at the blood , watching as it became solid

"A good gentleman would let a good looking lady like me to even the playing field , wouldn't we , boy?" The witch queen shot a glance at me

Zakai shoot his head , his hands thrusted into the ground

"[chlorokenisis magic : Nature's Madness]!"

A large portion of vines and trees erupted form the ground , blasting the witch queen in the air

"WHA-" She shouted , splitting blood

Zakai wasn't going to miss such a grand opportunity , as he shot towards the witch queen and ripped her ear ring off her ear

Zakai fled , shooting towards the opposite side and deep in the forest

"You bastard!" The witch queen shot blood spieks at Zakai , who dodged them and ran in the forest , out of the naked eye

"FIND HIM!" The witch queen shouted at the witches , who flew on there brooms into the forest


"Smart choice , you would of lost." The dryad said "Afterall , she has a way larger mana pool than you."

Zakai was running from tree to tree , before he looked around and opened a spatial portal , teleporting out of the forest t

seeing that his mana signal had gone , the witch queen started screaming , before looking at asta's group that was walking in with a cunning smile


Taking his mask off , Zakai have a sigh and looked at the magic stone that was displayed in a earring

"That was easier than i expected." Zakai said

"Oh please , stop your humble bragging," The dryad shot him down

"Let me have my moment of pride" Zakai mumbled , before saying

"[Transmuation magic : Trace]"

A sword was presented , its colour nothing like Asta's. the sword was gray , and had the same chipping , stretched and dullness.

"Just a useless blade." Zakai thought , ready to throw it out

"Wait." The dryad said , "Show me that mark."

Zakai tiwsted the blade around , depicting a shackle and a sword , each collided with eachover

(The dwarfs are communists! Run!)

"So? its just a brand mark for the dwarfes." Zakai said "What value has it got?"

"That may be our way inside the island"

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