
The 5 leaf Grimoire

A Man was instructing a boy, whose bow was aimed at a small fox, unaware of his presence

the boy raised his elbows over his shoulders and closed one eye, aiming at the poor fox

"Now!" The man shouted, causing the boy to release the arrow, watching it fly as it impaled the Fox's heart

"Nice shot." He nodded

it had been a month since he became Hunter's disciple, as he watched as the hunter's health slowly decreased, with each coughing fit lasting longer and longer

in the middle of the next sentence, his coughing got worse and a small amount of black blood came out of his mouth, causing the hunter to smile Wryly

"Stupid poison." He said, wiping the bloodstains off his mouth and looking towards me

"You can't keep trying to go with me, it's getting colder and your health is decreasing," Zalak said, watching the pale middle man

"Oh please, I'm a hunter by nature. my deathbed will be the forest." He patted his chest in pride, before opening the first page of his Grimoire and chanting a spell "Tracking Bank."

The hunter had a Myriad of spells, having all of them been related to tracking pray, in the form of a small spike of magical energy that his Grimoire tracks all the time

quickly Grabbing the Fox and going toward the next location

Looking at the large magical barrier that split half of the forest apart, he looked towards the hunter and asked

"Why is there a magical barrier there?"

"It's for the nobles that wish to come to this place for a hunting game." The hunter said, his eyes looking at it "But the animals got killed quickly due to the magic they used, causing the number of animals there to fall and then it became a desolate forestland."

quickly nodding, he went on the rest of the day, killing more and more animals

in the end, the hunter turned to me

"I won't be able to go out anymore." He sighed "My Muscles are becoming harder and harder to control."

"Oh, what about dying in the forest?" Zalak teased

"A moment of strength" The hunter coughed, immediately changing the subject

Zalak laughed before shaking his head and following the hunter back to his house

the fox could be useful for dinner for the Orphanage, but he had different plans this time

instead of going straight home, he went to the towns butcher, Seigh is the person who runs the butcher shop, and is respected as a nice and kind man.

hearing the bell attached to the boy open, the man looked at the boy and said

"Welcome!" a bulky man said, have an attitude that is quite the opposite of violent

After nodding, Zalak passed him the fox and a bag of coins and asked for a request

"Can you please butcher the Fox meat?" Zalak said, "I live in a church and they don't want to butcher an animal."

a lie, but a truth. both Father Orsi and sister Lily hate killing animals, although they will do it when necessary. the main reason he's here is to see if he can learn the butchers main magic, cutting magic.

Cutting magic let the user use spells to enhance the cutting power of a blade or a sharp object. people compare it to slash magic, the far more superior version of it

trying to bring it to the back, Zalak quickly stopped him

"Can you show me in person?" Zalak asked, holding the book to the back of his back

"Are you sure you can handle it?" Seigh asked, showing his kind side "It may be too much to a kid."

Hearing this, Zalak rolled his eyes. he has seen a lot worse, with that dream persisting every day, milliseconds more each day.

"I'll be fine," Zalak responded, looking at him

Seigh was apparently a Noble one day, but something must have happened for him to work in a lowly butcher shop

Seigh's grimoire appeared, a Green 3-leafed clover that had traces of black on it

although he had never seen it before, he had heard from gossip that Magic Knight Jack the ripper's Grimoire is a lot like his, but Zalak kept that fact to his heart

Grabbing a butchers knife, he chanted

"[Blade Sharpness.]"

A common theme it seemed, the names from grimoires were normally really simple or Farfetched

Green magic floated out of the Grimoire and went onto the blade as he Zalak could see a small Embrame envelop the blade of the Knife, giving it a dangerous shine

watching as he lifted it, he slowly used the blade of his knife to easily cut through the pelt of the small animal as he slowly made an Incision near the tall, before letting the blade climb up the skin and separate the meat from the pelt, which has its other uses

he was a master at it, that was for sure. 5 minutes later, an unpelted corpse of a fox was shown

"Cook the fox meat for 2 hours at the least before consumption-" He started explaining how to get rid of the parasites on the fox, etc

"Do you want it to get rubbed in salt?" He asked, which made Zalak nod his head

Rubbing the corpse of a beast with salt is how you preserve the meat for longer

as he went to the back, Zalak absorbed the magic with his book and looked towards the new page that came up

"Not even 5% done." He sighed, which caused him to think of a reason why

"The stronger the magic, the longer it takes to fill the page?" A possible answer

sighing, he watched as Seigh came back and rubbed the meat before handing it to me.


it was a long way home, that's for sure


A month later

a coughing sound could be heard from the bedroom of the Hunter

"Zalak." he lifted his hands "Be strong when I'm gone."

"Hm." Zalak nodded, looking at his Teacher that had one foot in the grave

death was a natural thing. Zalak wasn't going to be sad about it. 2 and more months since he started dreaming about those Elfes getting slaughtered on repeat, Human laughter in his head playing out every time

holding his head in pain just thinking about it, he looked towards the master, whose final moments were coming rapidly

"Tell me, do you fear death?" He looked towards the hunter, who was lying in bed

"What a stupid question." He said, laughing "Don't we all? the fact of losing someone you may love in an instant isn't very appetizing, isn't it?"

thinking about it, he thought of the reaction he would give if the Orphanage was slaughtered

Anger.....Infinite Anger.....

"But death is the wheel that holds up the shitstain of life." He muttered, before coughing "Ah, a 6-year-old like you wouldn't get it anyway." He shrugged in his bed

going to his draws, he whipped out a piece of paper, an inheritance paper approved by the king's service, the people that help the Wizard king with legal matters


it listed things that will be given. it also shown the duties required to completely gain the inheritance


"Arent you putting in too much trust for someone you barely know?"

The hunter shrugged, before looking at me

"All my siblings and family are dead, who am I supposed to give it to?" The hunter said, before looking at the contract "Ah if you agree with it, you'll be expected to do the things required, which shouldn't be a hard thing for you." he muttered, before adding "You get your Grimoire when your 15, so the contract ends there."

nodding hearing this, Zalak asked

"What am I supposed to do?"

the hunter bit his finger when a small amount of black blood came out

"Even if the blood has been poisoned it still recognizes it."

Zalak did the same, his blood absorbed by the contract

the contract Split in half, half going into his soul and the other going the Hunter


"It's contract magic, relax." He said, "Trust alone won't get you very far, so contract magic soul binds the condition, making sure the contract cant be breached"

"What happens when it's breached?" Zalak said, holding his heart

"Well death normally, " The hunter said "But I set it as you'll feel pain now and then"

with Hunter's face becoming A Ghastly pale, he said

"keep the cabin and the equipment, they can be useful later on."

his face getting paler and paler before asking

"Veronica, James, is that you?"

his hands sloped, causing Zalak to sigh

a rushed death, that was for sure.

using his fingertips to close the man's eyes, he went to the butcher

no, he wasn't going to chop him up and sell his meat, the butcher held a Funeral or a Cremation depending on the Deceased wishes.

Robert wanted a cremation, which was fine by him

Something more interesting, however, was something that was about to happen

a Grimoire appeared over Roberts body, obviously his own Grimoire

once a user of Grimoire dies, the Grimoire will appear near his/her's body and split in half, dispersing. Nobody knows how Grimoires are created, but people think that its representation of someone's soul, and there's one for every human that exists

but once the Grimoire appeared, a Phemonom appeared

the book near Zalak's side created a suction, engulfing Roberts Grimoire

"Stop it-" Zalak shouted, watching as the book fully absorbed the book, watching as the figure of Roberts Grimoire slowly faded, leaving behind nothing.

the book went under a Metamorphosis, as thick red energy poured out, changing its appearance. a 5 leafed clover could be seen in the book became immobile once more

3 leaf Grimoire represent - Hope, Faith and love

4 leaf Grimoire Represent - Hope, Faith, love and Good luck

in a 5 Leaf Grimoire, Resides a Demon.

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