
Out Of Fuel, Already?

Now, the train had picked up speed. It had past gone through the station. The city was as quiet as usual except for a pleasant noise that filled the air, the sound of wheels rubbing against the metal rail. It was pleasant to hear a train move. A somewhat different sound after all these years. 

Raiden was pleasant too. His face was still outside the left window, feeling the fast wave of cold air. Joel was also at the right window. He seemed happy just like Raiden.

"Let's get back to business, shall we?" Joel called out.

Raiden wanted to pass some more time by the window but unwillingly had to move away. 

Joel took out a large map from his bag and spread it over all the controls.

"Okay, so let's discuss how are we gonna make our journey to Tokyo," Joel said.

"Uhh, well, we would just sit here in train and eventually will reach Tokyo right?"

"Yes, but it's better to discuss our plan so we don't end up screwing things," Joel pointed his finger over to Hokkaido in the map. "We are currently here at Hokkaido and…" He slid his finger down. "Across Hokkaido lies the big sea connecting the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean, and after crossing the ocean comes Aomori, where we have to reach. And, after Aomori, there will be a very easy way to Tokyo."

(Note - View Japan's map for a better understanding of the location of places like Aomori and Hokkaido.)

"Oh, now that you mention it how are we gonna cross the sea?" Raiden asked. "We will have to leave this train."

"Huh? What are you talking about? We can easily pass by The Seikan Tunnel."

"Oh-oh, yes yes, The Seikan Tunnel, it totally slipped out of my mind," Raiden said as he nodded.

The Seikan Tunnel is a 53.85 km dual gauge railway tunnel in Japan, with a 23.3 km long portion under the seabed of the Tsugaru Strait (area between Hokkaido and Aomori), which separates Aomori Prefecture on the main Japanese island of Honshu from the northern island of Hokkaido. The track level is about 100 m (330 ft) below the seabed and 240 m (790 ft) below sea level. The tunnel is part of the standard gauge Hokkaido Shinkansen and the narrow gauge Kaikyo Line of the Hokkaido Railway Company (JR Hokkaido)'s Tsugaru-Kaikyo Line. 

"So, after The Seikan Tunnel, we will go by train from Aomori to Saitama," Joel said.

"Why Saitama when we can directly stop at Tokyo?" Raiden asked.

"You know right what's gonna happen behind us on the train? God knows how many zombies will be running behind this train and I don't want them to invade Tokyo so it's better to leave the train in Saitama."

"Well, you are correct but isn't it surprising that not a single zombie is near this train. I legit thought that there will be a big swarm of them running behind us," Raiden said as he took a peek out of the window to check if any zombies were chasing the train.

"Maybe they are just too far away," Joel shrugged.

"Yes, I guess, after you lured all of them with your car at the opposite side of our base. And, maybe they are running, getting closer to us every second, who knows."

Joel stood up from his chair and glared straight at the long-distance, "Here it is," He said.

Raiden focused his vision from Joel to the distance where the train was going.

The area where they both focused was full of greenery. A short mountain but full of green trees and they could see a little hole at the bottom of the mountain. As they got closer the hole seemed bigger.

"The Seikan Tunnel," Joel said.

"Is that it?" Raiden asked.

"Yes, that is The Seikan Tunnel."

At the bottom of the mountain, surrounded by many trees, laid The Seikan Tunnel. 

The train reached the tunnel. Now, it looked like a big black hole.

"Doesn't it look like some scary house-type shit?" Raiden chuckled.

"Scary house in real life, it is."

The train finally entered the dark tunnel. As the train moved forward into the darkness the little glimpse of light started to fade away. In no time, it went perfectly dark. The sound made by wheels and rails echoed through the whole tunnel. 

Joel had taken a hold of his seat and Raiden slipped down to sit on the floor. 

"What is this Raiden? Are you afraid of the dark?" Joel chuckled.

"Huh, no? I just slipped a little, that's all. And, why are you holding down on the chair like a scared rat?" Raiden remarked.

"Huh, no? I just stumbled over and grabbed the chair to maintain my grip."

Silence filled the compartment for a short while.

"You are just scared aren't you?"

"You are just scared aren't you?"

They both yelled at the same time.

"No, I'm not."

"No, I'm not."

"Geez, dude, I can see the terrified look on your face clearly," Joel said. 

"You are so afraid that you are seeing things but the fact is you can't see anything in this dark," Raiden replied back.

"I can see the fear in your trembling voice."

"But the fact stays still, you can't see in this dark."

"You are just too scared to admit that you are scared," Joel smirked.

"Oh and what about you? Can you prove you are not scared?" 

"Of course I can," Joel said as he crossed his arms.

"Okay, so go outside of the compartment. If you do so I will admit you are not scared," Raiden said with an evil smile on his face. 

It was too late for Joel to realize that he had been set up in a trap. He looked over to Raiden. It was so dark but he could easily imagine what kind of look Raiden had. 

"Huh, what is this? Don't tell me you are scared of going out, Joel," Raiden's smile widened even more.

Joel took in a gulp, sweat dripped down from his forehead, "I will show you I'm not scared," He stood up and put his hand on the wall to his back. He slid his hand towards the door and went outside after opening it.

The outer seemed even darker and the echoes were even more clear. Joel's heart started pumping so fast, one wrong move and he could fall to his death.

"See Raiden, I completed your challenge," Joel's voice trembled.

"Oh yes, you did, I believe you now."

Joel chuckled even though he was still scared and went back towards the door. He tried opening the door but it didn't budge. Raiden had locked it from inside. 

"Raiden, you bastard, open the door now," He screamed as he knocked all over the door. "Raiden! Please! Don't do these pranks with me, it's so dark out here."

Raiden laughed by grabbing his stomach as he rolled over on the floor.

Suddenly the door which Joel was beating became visible. Not only the door but everything seemed visible now. 

Raiden stood up from the floor and saw a bright glimpse of light. Joel had stopped beating on the door too and focused on the shining thing.

It could be the most bright thing they had ever seen in their life. The light was rapidly getting bigger as they were moving towards it. And, when it was time to become one with the light, they emerged out of the tunnel. It was the Aomori surface.

The sun was brighter than before. It took them some time to adjust their eyes. They had finally entered the Aomori city. 

Raiden looked around from the window and Joel looked from the railing. Their reaction was somewhat different from someone who would usually enter the Aomori city. They had a big question mark on their face. 

But before they could even try to think about what was going on around them, their train had loosened up speed. It was retarding. And, slowly, it stopped.

"Why did you stop the train?" Joel shouted from outside the compartment.

"But I didn't, I didn't even touch any control," Raiden replied with confusion.

"Dude, open the door already."

Raiden immediately opened the door.

Joel entered inside and looked over at the controls. He tried flipping some switches then a particular place caught his attention. 


"What happened?" Raiden asked.

"We are out of fuel."

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