

Up until night fell, Fei Li was left undisturbed. Even the area outside of his room was quiet. But once the room dimmed and the shadows of night crept up the walls, Lu Qinyi returned as he said he would. Only a single servant accompanied him, a young girl who had a slight build and mild expression. Lu Qinyi picked her not only because of her harmless appearance but also because she was braver than most other servants. On top of this, she had feather light steps and didn't like to talk much.

She placed the tray of fresh, steaming food and tea down on the table then moved back, completely steady, without any noticeable nervousness and without making any loud sounds. She then stepped back some distance, quietly remaining by the door of the room. It seemed this was a good choice as Fei Li's gaze only lingered on her a moment before falling on Lu Qinyi who stood some distance back as well, hands held at his back. Seeing how Fei Li was eyeing him, he brought his hands forth, showing they were empty. Fei Li's gaze finally fell to the tray. Although it was easily within his reach and the two other people in the room were a comfortable distance away, he didn't move.

Seeing he wouldn't move, Lu Qinyi stepped forward to take his seat at the edge of the bed. He picked up the bowl of soup, taking a sip before holding the bowl out. He remained like that with immense patience before Fei Li shifted forward to take the bowl. While Fei Li finished the soup, Lu Qinyi busied himself with dishing out the next dish.

"Instead of water, we brought along tea. It has some honey and lemon added. Dr Liang figured your throat might not be good. He said something about the time you were unable to drink properly. I said that we had fed you some water while you slept but he said it wouldn't have been enough to keep your throat from going dry." He spoke lightly, as casual as if talking to a friend of his, pausing to take a bite of the dish in his hands before swapping it for the empty soup bowl. His movements were slow, his new normal for when dealing with Fei Li to try and put the other at ease. Fei Li didn't say anything but accepted the new dish and began eating it.

"I've also got some liquid medicine for you. Dr Liang said it would help with the pain as well as aid the recovery of your injuries," Lu Qinyi continued, pouring a cup of tea, steam rising up lazily. He blew at the cup of tea a few times before taking a sip. He then hummed, admitting "It's a bit too sweet, next time I'll request they use less honey." He then held the cup of tea in his hands, resting them in his lap as he waited for Fei Li to finish eating. The empty dish and chopsticks were traded for the cup of tea. Fei Li took a testing sip. It seemed that he liked it as his eyes had a little more light in them and he quickly took another sip. Rather than desperately gulping down the liquid like before, Fei Li was more steadily sipping at it, sometimes even pausing as if to appreciate the taste. Lu Qinyi didn't rush him, only asking "Do you like your tea on the sweeter side?" Of course, there was no response but once the cup was emptied, Fei Li took the initiative to hold the empty cup out. Lu Qinyi placed the cup down on the table, closely observing Fei Li's reaction as he did. Fei Li's gaze lingered on the tea pot and cup for a moment before returning to Lu Qinyi. Lu Qinyi's lips quirked, feeling he'd had his fun, he picked the cup back up and refilled it. Fei Li hardly hesitated to reach out for the cup but just as his fingertips touched it, he unexpectedly withdrew his hand, looking at Lu Qinyi almost expectantly.

Lu Qinyi looked confused before his brows rose slightly, his mouth forming a small 'o' as he realized. He lifted the tea, taking a sip. Only then did Fei Li take the cup, sitting back to sip at the tea again. Lu Qinyi observed him for a moment, seeing that he was at ease enough to sit with a more relaxed posture, his shoulders not as tensed up, he took up a different bowl of liquid. "Medicine." He raised it to take a casual sip then held it out, gentle smile once more on his face.

It took a long moment before Fei Li took the bowl in one hand, the other hand still holding his tea. He raised it to sniff at the medicine, his nose twitching at the strong smell. Seeing Lu Qinyi's bright eyes filled with hope and that smile of his, he really didn't get the slightest feeling of danger from him, no sense that he intended to harm him. He held the bowl hesitantly, staring at Lu Qinyi closely.

"It will help with the pain," Lu Qinyi reminded softly. "Just try some."

This was finally enough for Fei Li to lower his guard. Although his thoughts were scrambled, he felt pain all through his body and he couldn't really tell any of what was going on, this man hadn't posed him any harm. Thus, he lifted the bowl up, downing a gulp of the bitter liquid. That previously expressionless face showed a slight frown at the taste, quickly sipping at the sweet tea to rinse it down. Lu Qinyi let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, half a laugh escaping him both in relief and in amusement of Fei Li's actions.

After a moment of Fei Li showing no intention of lifting the medicine bowl again, Lu Qinyi prompted, "Take another sip, it won't be effective if you don't finish it." He almost felt as if he were coaxing a child. Fei Li looked at him, then the bowl. Finally, he raised it up taking a gulp then rinsing down with the tea again. He repeated this until the medicine and tea were both finished. Lu Qinyi watched with amusement, wondering if he'd ever had thought he would get to see a general scrunch his nose up and be so childish about taking medicine. He decided no, he most definitely could never have thought that he would.

He put the bowl aside but held the empty cup in his hand, fiddling with it as he waited. Fei Li kept his gaze on him but at some point, he seemed to slowly slump, the tension at his shoulders easing away as the aching pain that covered his body and the piercing pain that rang through his head seemed to slowly ease. Although it didn't completely get rid of the pain, even the reduction was a great relief.

With a full stomach and a comforting warmth filling him from the tea, the day's events caught up to him, and fatigue began to take hold. He blinked a few times wearily.

Upon seeing this, Lu Qinyi set aside the tea cup, nodding to the still silent servant girl who sat by the door. She took the tray and left the room, shortly returning with a large bowl of water that left off a light steam. She placed it on the bedside table then handed Lu Qinyi cloth, bandages and a jar. She then left the room without a word.

Fei Li had sat up the moment she moved, on alert and tense again even as he tried to blink back the sleepiness prickling at his eyes. Once she had left, Lu Qinyi met his gaze. He then just as quickly averted his gaze to the side, rubbing the side of his neck sheepishly.

"Ah... I need to tend to your wounds. I'm no physician but I'm experienced. I'll be careful. Come on then." He said as casually as he could while beckoning him over.

Admittedly he hadn't ever treated someone with such an unstable mind, nor could he truly be prepared to be treating the wounds of the famous enemy general Fei Li. He hadn't even tended to other's wounds that often, most of his experience was on himself. Still, he was trained in case the need arose.

Fei Li again stared him down. But with the pain eased, he could recognize that he did need his wounds tended to. His state was comfortable from having eaten his fill and the tiredness further wore away at his will. Additionally, the man in front of him still seemed to bear no ill will. He slowly shifted forward, his gaze remaining filled with caution but he sat within reach. His eyes followed Lu Qinyi's hand as it slowly reached out, his body tensing up, and he instinctively leaned away as it reached him.

But Lu Qinyi seemed to have endless patience, he only pulled his hand back slightly to give him space, flashing that signature gentle smile. He waited until Fei Li moved back to his original position before reaching out again. He easily untied the knot that held the bandages in place, unravelling them with slow circling movements. Fei Li's eyes followed Lu Qinyi's every movement, with the latter occasionally having to pause as Fei Li would turn slightly to look at that hand that reached behind his head. He would merely wait a moment and Fei Li would turn his head forward again, letting Lu Qinyi continue. Lu Qinyi tossed aside the bandages, dipping a cloth into the water. He moved even slower now, bundling up Fei Li's long hair in one hand to hold it out of the way. He then used the cloth to give the nasty wound at the back of his head a short, gentle wipe. He then paused here, assessing Fei Li's reaction and giving him time to adjust to this new stage of the care process.

Although Fei Li remained as frozen and stiff as a statue, he didn't object or pull away so Lu Qinyi continued to carefully clean the wound. Then with some difficulty and skillful maneuvering, he used one hand to open the jar, scooping ointment with two of his fingertips while the other hand continued to hold Fei Li's hair out of the way.

"I'm honestly not sure how this feels when applied to a wound. I apologize if it's uncomfortable, please bear with it." He paused but as expected, Fei Li gave no reaction, merely passively watching Lu Qinyi's movements as much as he could.

With that, Lu Qinyi applied the ointment. Fei Li let out a hiss as the cold ointment met his wound, sending a sharp pain through his head, his head bending forward to escape the trigger of this pain. "Sorry, sorry," Lu Qinyi quickly apologized, stopping applying the ointment for a moment. "I guess it hurts then. If you can bear it for just a moment General Fei, I'll get it over with quickly." Lu Qinyi figured the furrow in his brows and that stare he was being given was because of the pain but said pain had already eased. Rather, Fei Li was instead struck by how genuinely sympathetic Lu Qinyi had sounded... And how unfamiliar he felt that tone was. However, his mind was too hazy, he couldn't hold onto that thought and it quickly slipped away. After having waited a moment, Lu Qinyi reached forward again, quickly spreading the remaining ointment, finishing just as the other pulled away again. He rinsed his fingers in the bowl of water, took up the cloth to press it over the wound. Lu Qinyi's brow furrowed slightly in concentration as he struggled to hold the cloth in place, whilst keeping Fei Li's hair out of the way, at the same time he was trying to wrap the bandages around his head. All with only his two hands. Although he did manage to securely bandage Fei Li's head, chunks of hair had gotten caught up in the bandages. Lu Qinyi frowned at his messy work but it would have to suffice.

"That's the most important one done but... I need your robes undone to tend to the others." Fei Li only stared at him blankly, giving a couple tired blinks. Lu Qinyi sighed, tilting his gaze up to the roof in a silent prayer for mental strength. He then moved slowly, as least threateningly as he could manage, to pull at Fei Li's belt. The other went alert the moment he got close and reacted in defence, shoving that hand away. Lu Qinyi could only sigh again, pinching at the bridge of his nose.

"I just need to treat your other wounds. Your back is covered in cuts and scratches, you have grazes all down your arms, your hands are the same. Some on your chest as well, along with some injuries you must have obtained while fighting." He tried to explain, picking up a handful of clean bandages.

"Treatment." He emphasised again, lifting the bandages in his hand. Fei Li had his eyes narrowed, looking at him cautiously. But Lu Qinyi had no choice, reaching out again to undo the other's belt. Surprisingly enough, although Fei Li had instinctively raised a hand to stop him, he hadn't shoved the hand away. After a moment of stalemate, Fei Li still had no reason to not trust him and eventually let his hand fall away although he remained on high alert. Lu Qinyi pulled the belt free, carefully pulling Fei Li's outer robe down from his shoulders, then the inner robe. As Fei Li looked down at himself, sure enough there were bandages wrapped up his chest. Lu Qinyi pulled them off, cleaning off the wounds on the other's chest first where Fei Li could have a clear view of his actions. True to what Lu Qinyi had said, besides numerous small cuts and scratches from the tumble down that cliff face, there were more serious, deep cuts inflicted on his chest. 'Someone had used a blade against me' he thought to himself vaguely but he couldn't recall why someone would. He hazily seemed to remember the pain of the wound, remembered pressing his hand against it, warm blood spilling out from between his fingers and dripping onto the ground underneath. That ache throughout his head started to worsen and he raised a hand to clutch at his head. He decided to focus back on the here and now, instead paying attention to the slight sting and ache that accompanied Lu Qinyi's gentle cleaning. He had moved onto the wounds along his back. Worse grazes, scratches and cuts. A couple more wounds from a blade. And plenty of dark bruises.

Lu Qinyi used ointment on the worst of the wounds and Fei Li let him, bearing the pain that flared up when that cold ointment met each wound. Thin cloth was laid along his back and at the blade wound on his stomach, bandages wrapped about with skillful movements. Despite his momentary hesitations and pauses, in addition to how painfully slow he went to keep Fei Li at ease, the wounds were treated fairly well. His arms were treated in a similar manner and even the cuts along his hands were cleaned. Once Lu Qinyi was done, he let out a breath of relief, before finishing up and returning Fei Li's clothes to their original state. Fei Li kept his gaze on him although really he felt much too tired to hold much caution towards this man who had been nothing but gentle and careful.

Lu Qinyi got up from the bed to leave the room. "See? That wasn't too bad. If you need anything, knock on the table side and a servant will attend to you." He glanced over his shoulder, pausing to give a "Good night General Fei" before leaving. Fei Li stared after him before letting himself fall back onto the bed, finally able to stop fighting that overwhelming weariness that seemed to be bone deep.

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