
Chapter 128 - Ransom

"I swear to Gaia, Taryk, you don't step on the fucking gas, I'm going to pitch you out of this van and run you over," I snarled at him. The snail's pace we were traveling to the agreed upon address to get Kiema was rubbing against my nerves like sandpaper.

"And what if someone else is there waiting? Slow and steady wi - "

"Finish that sentence and die."

He clamped his mouth shut, swallowed.

"Good man." I looked out the side window. Barely any light could be seen down any of these streets. And yet you wanted him to plow down these streets like a maniac? He could hit Kiema. I shrugged off the cooler, calmer me. I'd thank the man later. When I had Kiema back. When she was safe.

"What the fuck is that?" Taryk asked as he stepped on the brakes. The van rocked to a gentle stop as the block ahead of us erupted into full daylight.

I felt the bottom drop out of my stomach. "That's her. It's going to fucking be her."

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