
Nightmare II

The two people who fell earlier rose to their feet and joined in. Four people ganged up on Aaron at once but Aaron didn't seem at all afraid even though Mai could see Aaron was a little overwhelmed. This is an unfair fight. Mai held her breath when one of them managed to hit Aaron right in the face, blood showing from his injured lips. Mai hates him, that's why she doesn't like fights.

Fortunately, Aaron returned to counterattack, knocking two people down again leaving the long-haired man and the big man back. They are more troublesome. The two thugs glanced at each other. The big man was heard cursing, he took something out of his pocket, a penknife.

Mai's face immediately paled, she looked at Aaron with a worried feeling. Her heartfelt like it was going to jump out of her chest. Mai grimaced at the thought that the sharp object could injure Aaron.

Instead, Aaron rolled his eyes and Mai could see a fleeting grin on Aaron's face. It seems that Aaron is happy in contrast to Mai who feels horrified.

With a knife drawn in his right hand, the big man attacked Aaron indiscriminately. Aaron managed to dodge all of the attacks, making the thug boss even more furious. On another occasion, the knife wound even injured his friend. The man with long hair cursed in annoyance and Aaron smiled mockingly.

The emotions that overtook the big man made his attack reckless, Aaron managed to catch the big man's hand just before the knife hit his stomach, dealing a heavy blow to his chin. Aaron also had time to kick the long-haired man who came closer.

The big man was stubborn, he attacked again with the knife drawn. Aaron didn't have time to grab the knife because he was disturbed by the action of the long-haired man. With a swift movement, Aaron caught the hand holding the knife, twisted it until it fell, knocked the boss thug back staggering, and kicked the penknife away so it could no longer be used.

The knife was thrown right in front of Mai. Mai's clear eyes stared at the penknife then turned to the men who were fighting.

Aaron's breath hitched, he seemed to be getting tired. The two thugs were indeed troublesome as well as desperate. An annoyed curse escaped his lips when the big man stood back up, the man never gave up. His friend, the long-haired man seemed to have given up just like his other two friends. The big man again attacked blindly and managed to land his fist into Aaron's stomach, making the man stagger.

Mai screamed stifled, unconsciously she picked up the knife that had fallen earlier and walked over to the big man. Mai ignored her fear, she thought she had to do something to help.

Meanwhile, Aaron managed to dodge before his opponent could launch his kick. One spinning kick that was right on the target managed to make the big man not move anymore.

At the same time, Mai who came over also fell, tripping over a rock in front of her. Aaron caught it by reflex, they hugged and stared at each other for a few seconds. Until Mai noticed the strange frown on Aaron's face then the man pushed her roughly.

"What have you done?" A low growl was heard. The brown eyes looked at Mai sharply.

What have I done? I want to help you. I picked up the knife to scare them away but instead I tripped, my reckless sickness reoccurring out of place. - thought Mai.

Mai was a little surprised by Aaron's rudeness earlier. Aaron didn't need to be that rude, then Mai's eyes widened in surprise when she remembered something.

Knife? Where's the knife?

Mai glanced down at her right hand and found the sharp object still in her hand. It's just that the knife is now covered in blood. Mai's stomach immediately churned when she saw the red liquid, her heart racing faster.

Oh my God, what happened? Why is there blood? It felt like when I picked it up the knife was still clean. - thought Mai.

Mai gasped as she realized the worst.

Did I just stab someone? Impossible! but the bloodstains... Oh my God... No...! - thought Mai.

Mai's heart was racing uncontrollably, her body had goosebumps, her stomach felt queasy and when her eyes caught the sight in front of her, her head immediately felt dizzy, her legs went limp instantly.

"A... Aaron..." She said quietly.

Aaron was clutching the left side of his stomach. Blood seeped from between his fingers. His brown eyes looked alternately at the sloppy girl and his belly. His face was in shock at what had just happened.

Mai shook her head, she dropped the knife and now she felt more scared than before.

"Aa...ron... Sorry..... I... I didn't mean to." Said Mai.

Aaron's gaze seemed to not believe her words, making Mai even more frightened. That gaze seemed to blame her. This is her fault, her carelessness, her stupidity.

Oh God, I stabbed him, how come? I didn't mean it that way, didn't I! - thought Mai. Mai regretted her actions.

What should she do now? Mai covered her mouth with both hands, frantic. Her vision blurred because of the clear liquid that began to fill her eye sockets. Her sobs were muffled by the hand that was still covering her mouth. Mai was raging with her thoughts, confused and shocked when she saw Aaron approaching her and Mai reflexively closed her eyes.

Aaron must be really mad at her. With sobs that couldn't be muffled anymore, Mai waited for the man to vent his anger. Waiting for insults or maybe a slap even though Mai wasn't sure Aaron would hit a girl that hard. I don't think Aaron is a rough man.

Mai felt Aaron pulling her hand roughly and she thought maybe she was wrong. Aaron must be emotional right now so the guy might forget he's dealing with a girl. Mai's body was pushed back and Mai was getting scared of what Aaron would do next but then she heard Aaron say...

"Get in my car... Hurry up!" said Aaron.

Mai opened her eyes in confusion to know what Aaron meant. Mai thought Aaron would scold her but why was he even told to get into the car. Mai only understood when she saw Aaron standing in front of her, placing himself between Mai and the four thugs who had just woken up and stood up.

Mai realized they were still in danger.

Oh yeah, it's not over yet. How about this? - thought Mai.

Aaron's breathing became clearer. Either because of exhaustion or because of the wound in his stomach. Does Aaron still want to fight with them? There was no way Aaron could fight in such a condition but the thugs would definitely not want to know and Aaron had no choice but to fight or they both would end up pitifully.

"Aaron....," Mai whispered fearfully. Afraid of the consequences of his actions, afraid of those thugs, afraid to think about their next fate.

"It's ok... It's gonna be ok," said Aaron which Mai caught as sweet words full of lies.

No, they're not gonna be okay. Thanks to her and her stupidity. Mai cursed herself.

Unexpectedly, the four thugs ran away. Maybe they didn't want to take responsibility if Aaron fell unconscious or had given up because they were already in a battered state from being beaten by Aaron. Mai is grateful for it.

Aaron breathed a sigh of relief, he leaned back in his car and grimaced then glanced at his sore stomach.

Hopefully, it's not too bad. - thought Aaron.

Adrenaline for a moment made him feel nothing, just a feeling of shock but now the wound was starting to hurt.

This is bad. Why can something like this happen?

"Sorry..." Mai said again.

"I... I just wanted to scare them." Said Mai while looking down, not daring to look at Aaron or look at the man's red shirt which was covered in blood.

"Well . . . You did it. They ran away scared," said Aaron. Whether it's a compliment or an insult.

"Let's get out of here," he said.

Aaron turned around to get into the car but the girl in front of him just kept quiet and fell to the ground. Aaron rushed over to her in a panic, completely oblivious to the wound on his stomach.

"Mai... Are you okay? Come on... Get up.. Don't faint here, Mai... Please!" he shouted.

Aaron looked around him, worried that the thugs would return. He couldn't fight anymore in this condition.

Another cry sounded from Mai's lips, the girl's body also trembled. Aaron took a deep breath, gathering the remaining strength he had before tugging at the girl's body.

"We gotta go... Come on...!" he ordered then dragged Mai just like that into his car.

Next... Aaron drove his car at high speed as if someone was chasing them.

Here is today's chapter guys. I hope you all liked it. Let me know what you guys thought. I love reading the comments and I try my best. Quick shout to everyone that votes with power stones. I really appreciate it. Seeing the notification that you guys voted is a such huge motivation booster. Thank you guys for reading and I hope you all have a wonderful day :)

awisantonicreators' thoughts
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