

They stared at her with their mouths agape.

'Could someone be so generous?'

They could not believe how this person could be so generous to them. They wondered if someone would really do this without expecting something in exchange.

Their parents have warned them about men who would be so gallant and generous in front of the lady so the latter would be fascinated by him.

However, for some reason, they could not connect this Shi Jin to such a person.

They couldn't pinpoint what it was but they just could not feel those kinds of intentions from him.

They could see though that whoever he would choose would be one blessed lady. If he could be genuinely caring and protective to his friends, how much more he would be to someone he would fall in love with.

At some point, they have some degree of attraction towards him, but the more they interact with him, they somehow feel like they are being treated as younger sisters instead.

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