

"What a treacherous creature. It turns its back on its master at the first sign of danger. There can be no trust for one whose very blood screams 'traitor'!" God of Paladins declared with a face contorted as if he just drank a cup of his own urine.

"Knowledge is power, God of Paladins. Even the knowledge that is dubious at best," Goddess of Wizards chided him, not turning her piercing eyes away from me. "But here's one piece of certain knowledge for you, demon. There are tortures that are beyond that of flesh, tortures that you can't even imagine, that my magic can invoke on you. They are so painful because my spells inflict them on your soul itself, which is in its most vulnerable here, in the mortal realm. If you lie or don't reply, I will gladly use these torments on you and see if you truly are that used to everything."

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