
Break the System

I fluttered in the air, dodging spears, darts, stones and arrows, while Pest finished the dark cloud spell. When he did, the difference became immediate. Magical darkness blended with darkness natural, and even the magic stone's glow was consumed by it. My pursuers lost the sight of me, and I of them—but I heard no more projectiles swishing anywhere near me.

After that, getting out was simple. The hardest part was pushing the magic stone out of the embrasure I picked as my exit, but luckily for me, it fit, if barely. I flew under the cloak of darkness away from the fortress and into the winding caves, until the walls weren't in sight anymore, and ordered Pest to drop the spell.

Then I dropped the rock, too. It was too heavy to haul around like that without breaks, and my hands were tired from it under all the tingles they had. If I hauled it around, I would increase my STR a lot… But running from and after monsters would become complicated.

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