
Dynamic Introduction!

"Haaaaa! I love training!"

Goku was in the backyard and just finished his daily training. He had started from 5 in the morning and it was 8. A few days had passed and everybody had already chosen their internship

Goku wiped the sweat with his towel and made his way towards the kitchen. He decided that he had enough tacos for a while and made himself some instant ramen and grabbed himself a team 4-star cream soda. After waiting, he grabbed his food and walked to the living room

As he walked in, he saw that Shin was sitting at the table. He had a full cup of coffee right next to him and he was typing something on the laptop in front of him. There was also a big stack of nominations

"Morning bro. what are you doing?" Goku said as he sat in front of him and began eating his breakfast

Shin looked diverted his attention "Morning Goku. did you know that Capsule Corp actually sponsors UA?"

Goku shook his head " I know that. they actually covered all the costs for the tournament including the food stands and stuff. Their daughter, Bulma Briefs actually attends UA. I heard that shes in the support course and they make all such of weird stuff

Shin nodded his head and took a sip of his coffee "That's right. and did you also that they also commission special equipment?

Goku was just confused "What are you trying to say"

Shin turned the laptop towards him and there was a picture of a belt "This is a gravity belt. They give it to other students who ask for it and its use for personal training. I would have ordered a pair for the two of us but it would only go to 10x gravity and that would be nothing. So I asked if they could commission something for me"

"What? like a belt that would go to x20 gravity?"

"Nope, it's something way better than a belt. I ask them to commission me something called a gravity chamber! I made sure that it was spacious enough for the both of us and especially ask them to make sure that it goes beyond 200x times"

Goku was super excited "Really!? that's so amazing! we finally have something that will help us with our training! lately, I felt that my progress was slowing down and I wasn't getting stronger as I used to"

"Now you don't have to worry about a stagnant in your training and I'll also be helping you train. Usually, it would take weeks to finish such a big project but they said that they got the majority of the support students working on it. Even Bulma herself will be working on it so it'll probably take a few days" Shin said as he got up and went to go refill his coffee

As Shin went to go get a refill, Goku grabbed a few nominations and went through them. He saw that many popular heroes like hawks, Best Jeanist, Edgeshot, and even Endeavor sent one "Hey Shin! have you decided which hero you're going under? there's so many here that want you to join them"

Shin walked back into the living room while drinking his coffee and saw Goku going through the pile "Why bother? Even though so many sent me invitations. they just don't interest me. Besides, there's no way I'm going to join into an internship like Endeavor" He went through the pile a few hours earlier and all the sent one were just heroes that wanted to ride on his fame or heroes that didn't interest him at all

As Goku continued going through the pile, he saw a piece of paper that he didn't see before. He then picked it up and began to scan it over. All it had was an address and a name on it

Shin smirked "I guess I caught your attention. I least I won't be bored"


An hour had passed and Shin was walking through a forest

He told Goku that he was going out and he started making his way where the address was mentioned. He flew for the majority of the trip and decided to walk the rest of the way there

As he walked out of the light, he realized that he was standing in a massive clearing. there was no sign of wildlife and you could hear the sound of the passing winds. everything was completely calm and tranquil

But everything would change as Shin tilted his head to the right, dodging the high-powered kick that was intended to crush his head. As the assailant continued their assault Shin just continued to dodge their attacks as they were extremely slow to him

As he continued to be on the defensive, he decided to try something. The assailant managed to land a hit but was shocked to see that it was an afterimage. before they could do anything they suddenly felt something around their neck. they looked down to see a curved blade

they then tilted their head to see Shin right behind them. He was holding out a scythe and it was so close that if they moved, their head would be instantly cut off

"You know it's rude to attack somebody especially since you invited them to come all the way out here"

Shin finally had a good look at them. they were a short woman with dark skin, of a toned and very strong-looking build, her thighs and bicep muscles noticeably defined. She had red eyes and bunny ears. Her outfit consists of a sleeveless white leotard with a dark purple trim around her shoulders and waist, a wide, yellow crescent moon design over her chest

"Now why would you attack me right in the middle of nowhere..."

" Rabbit Hero: Mirko?"

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