
Quirk Apprehension Test pt. 1

"Wow, Goku your ripped!"

"You're not bad yourself Kirishima!"

Shin and the rest of the guys of 1-A are currently in the locker that was near their classroom and were changing into their new gym clothes. As they were changing they took the time to talk among themselves and take the chance to get used to one another

Goku, Kirishima, Kirillin, and Denki were talking among themselves. they talked about training exercises. Hoping to learn something and add it into their regimen so they could get stronger

"How long have you trained Goku? You're really strong from what we saw during the exam, so you must have worked hard for a long time to get where you are right now

It was Krillin who asked. For a long time, he wanted to know-how did Goku get so strong. He was there during the exam when he saw Goku destroying those points bots. It would be normal if he just destroyed a couple of bots and received a normal amount of points. But If he was anything like his brother that was not the case. He saw Goku destroy many of the bots with ease. Even though he didn't know how many points he got in total, it would have to be in the top 5 for sure

Goku just scratched his head and started explaining

"Me and Shin have trained ever since we were just five years old. Shin woke me up one and wanted to show me something. He took me outside to our backyard and then...

"Then what?" Denki and Kirishima asked in unison. They were enthralled in the story and most importantly they wanted to know how such monsters as Shin and Goku managed to get so strong

"He started to float off the ground and eventually fly around. He told this power was called Ki or life energy. You can use any way you want such as increasing the power of your strikes or defense. You can even use ki to make techniques. Anyone can use ki since every living thing has KI inside them but it's hard to unlock either naturally or by years of training and meditation. Shin helped me unlock my ki and since that day, we would train every day for the past 11 years. No matter what we made sure to train every day, we took a few breaks as possible to maximize our training growth.

They were shocked! when they were five years old they were just playing around doing stupid things. To hear that both of them started training when they were just five years old was insane! No wonder they were so strong.

Then Kirishima as another that was on his mind

"If you and Shin fought right now while going all out, do you think you might be able to win?"

At this point, there were some people who were eavesdropping especially an explosive boy and a green-haired little guy. They wanted to take this chance to gauge how strong shin really was

Goku Just looked back to see Shin who was currently minding his own business and getting dressed

"Ever since we were kids Shin was always one step ahead of me. He was the first one to unlock his KI and ever since then, he taught me and helped me grow in strength and especially as a person.

He just smiled at the back of his brother. He owed so much to the twin brother of his. When he needed help Shin was always there to help him out. When he did something bad, he was always there to punish him and teach him the error of his ways. He even helped him study for the exam which he would have definitely had failed hard without Shin's help

"I owe a lot to my brother of mine. Without him, I wouldn't be as strong today. I wouldn't even be here right now since I probably would have failed the writing portion of the exam without Shin helping me study. I would go through hell and back for him. As for your question, It would be a long fight as we are almost equal but I would lose. Shin Is physically stronger and has a little bit more ki mastery than me. That doesn't mean I won't back down though. If me and Shin were to fight, I would fight till I dropped dead.

As he finished speaking. Everybody took their time to digest what they had learned. If Goku, who said to be nearly as strong as Shin would lose to him. wouldn't that make them weaker than Goku? If Shin could destroy the big zero bot effortlessly, couldn't Goku do the same thing? Even though this was their first time ever meeting the brothers, they knew they far surpassed them as they currently are.

They all made a silent vow. They would train hard to catch up to the monkey so they would never be left behind. Especially Bakugo and Midoriya. If they want to become the next number 1, they would have to surpass both Shin and Goku. They wouldn't let them get in their way of reaching their dreams. both of them set Goku and Shin as a level of strength to reach and ultimately as their rivals

unbeknownst for Goku, Shin was listening in to their conversation. When he heard how Goku felt about him it made him feel warm inside. Even if it was an accident or intentional that both he and Goku were brothers and it was a mix of MHA and DBZ put together. He was happy that if anybody was born as his brother, it had been Goku even if he can be an airhead sometimes. He vowed that he will help Goku get strong as he can and reach new heights together

After that, they talked it little bit more about random stuff and eventually put on their gym clothes and went straight towards the school grounds

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