
Update on Mc's Powers and Everything In Between

•Be able to create Energy Balls

•Unbreakable Sword + Mastered Swordsmanship

•Infinity (Jujutsu Kaisen)

•Broken Limiter


•Electrokinesis (Electricity Manipulation)

•Electronic control


•Matter Manipulation

•Pyrokinesis (Fire Manipulation)

•Shockwave Generation




•Extrasensory perception

•9 White Tomoe Rinnegan

[-Predict and perceive your opponents moves




-Blaze Release|Kagutsuchi

-Kamui on both eyes + Kamui Dimension



-Deva Path

-Asura Path

-Human Path

-Outer Path.]


[-Infinite Tsukuyomi


•Power Mimicry

•Fist of Flowing Water Crushed Rock

•Ice Manipulation

•Air Manipulation

•Portal Creation

(I realized it isn't really much as I was hoping for but there will be more soon. More powers for our Mc, overpowered ones that is :D)

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