
Charles Wentworth's Rise (II)

After Voldemort's death, Charles began his rise to power. However, he did not walk a path similar to Voldemort and Grindelwald, blatantly gathering followers to do his bidding. No, he followed a more official path.

He ran for the Minister of Magic in the British Wizarding World. With his strength and status as a hero who participated in Voldemort's downfall, his reputation was at an all-time high.

Dumbledore was suspicious of Charles–especially since he came out of nowhere; the identity he created for him was suspicious, but there was never enough evidence to show his true colors. 

As a result, Dumbledore did not grant him his full support, but he did not condone him, remaining neutral.

Charles' campaign slogan involved radical change for the Wizard World. He talked only about innovation, improvement, and a better future for all wizardkind–no matter the blood.

Most factions in Britain supported Charles. The mixed-blood and muggle-born wizards saw hope for a better life in the wizard world, while the pureblood worshiped Charles's strength and his promise of power.

As for Dumbledore? Although he felt many of Charles' ideas were too radical, he also agreed with many of them. So, he still remained neutral. In the end, Lily supports Charles, and as the savior of the wizarding world, she has much power and influence.

Charles became the minister and was even voted the most popular Minister in the history of Britain.

After taking office, Charles began to deliver on his promises. His first order of business was to modify the state of education in the British Magical World. He created a more rigorous curriculum that focused on establishing a great foundation for all future wizards.

Certain classes, like Alchemy, that were not mandatory, became so. He found a real teacher of Divination and taught children basic knowledge on the subject. He searched for people with real talent for the craft and developed their ability.

He innovated the Muggle Study Class and taught wizards what it's truly like to live in the Muggle World. Charles wanted to prepare for the eventual integration between wizards and muggles.

He created government-funded research programs to encourage wizards to innovate and create; the Ministry of Magic would greatly compensate anyone who innovated magic and created new spells, potions, or magical artifacts.

Charles secretly went to influence Arthur Weasely to modify his flying car. Afterward, Charles was not punished according to the Misuse of Muggle Artifact Office. Instead, he publicly awarded him for his innovative mind and even granted him plenty of wealth.

For the next ten years, Charles's effort not only allowed Britain to recover from the years of war but it also created a prosperous wizarding world. During this time, Charles had done many things, including fusing with a second bloodline and reaching Tier 3.

Despite his strength, Charles did not eliminate Dumbledore, not that he did not want to. However, out of fear of him, Dumbledore walked the same path he did with Edward; he found a way to use his phoenix to reach Tier 3.

Dumbledore reached Tier 3 before him, making Charles more weary than the latter and also more cautious. In the end, he decided not directly to confront the old man. However, it's also a fact that the headmaster's existence was a pain to his future plan.

So, he decided to use an indirect method of eliminating him. He secretly released the information that Voldemort had made Horcrux. As expected, Dumbledore began to search for them and came upon the Gaunt's family.

Like in the books and movie, Dumbledore could not resist putting the ring on, resulting in him being cursed. Charles had also secretly augmented the curse, ensuring the old man had no chance of surviving. After that, he only needed to kidnap Grindelwald, who was the only remaining person who could affect his plans.

Dumbledore did not survive more than a month. The only thing the headmaster could do before his death was destroy the Elder Wand, but Charles did not care. Although he felt the wand was powerful, he knew it was not impossible to create a better one in the future.

So, in February 1990, Dumbledore died, and Charles's ambition had no one to stop him.

His next step was the International Confederation of Wizards. He rallied all the Ministers or governing bodies of the different wizarding worlds, convincing them to create a unified Magic Council that rules the entire magical world.

The process was both easy and difficult. The easy part was that Charles had already infiltrated the Ministry of Magic of most countries in the world; many of the current Ministers of Magics were his people, and he spent ten years ensuring they were in that position.

Through money and the assassination of political opponents, he succeeded in his actions. So, when he offered the plan, most of the upper echelons of society agreed. However, the backlash was from the population with different nationalities and a sense of belonging.

This was the trouble, but Charles was patient. He used the Magic Council to replicate his success in Britain. He improved the lives of wizards, brought development and civilizations to them, and increased the overall productivity and happiness of the magical communities across the world.

This process took him another ten years, but by the year 2000, Charles' prestige and power were enough that there would be only little trouble if he called for the establishment of the Magic Empire. Now, he only needed it for the correct time.

Charles' next step was on the muggle side. Unfortunately, that's when his trouble began. He did not focus much on the Muggle World but still used its power. Over the years, he has been secretly controlling scientists, politicians, and the rich and wealthy. However, Charles did not know his existence was already known by certain people–including his ambitions.

There is a special group of muggles who have been aware of wizards and guarding against them. Edward had to deal with them, but Charles's situation was worse since these people spent more than 20 years waiting and preparing.

So, when Charles focused his fangs on the Muggle World, a war broke out between the two sides.

The war lasted for five years. The Muggles had secretly cultivated many Muggle-born wizards to be on their side, and with the use of magitech similar to Arthur Weasley's flying car, the war was devastating.

Countless muggles and wizards died. Unfortunately, the wizard population paled in comparison to wizards, so the final result was more devastating to them. The only good thing about this war was Charles had a good enough reason to establish the Magic Empire.

With a common enemy, such a process was easy. Unfortunately, Charles did not want the wizard to become the enemy of muggles. He knew their population was too small, and in the future, wizards would also be the main source of wizards.

In the end, Charles won the war after successfully reaching Tier 4 and ruling the entire planet. More than 15 years have passed since the war, and the hatred between wizards and muggles has not abated.

On the contrary, wizards have become the highest class of society, creating a strict social hierarchy.

"If Charles doesn't fix this problem, it's only a matter of time before there is another war," commented Edward. According to the file, Charles has been trying to fix this issue.

The Mage Path created by Hermione showed no signs of appearing in this world, so he focused on Bloodline. He created ways to infuse muggles with magical animal bloodlines. Sadly, the success rate is abysmal.

Edward shook his head and focused on something else. The last note from the agent was that Charles, the Magic Emperor, was about to conduct a dangerous experiment using the Time Room from the Ministry of Magic. The agent wanted to check it out, but it seems he never returned.

"It seems that I have to see Charles," muttered Edward with a dangerous light in his eyes.

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