
Attack Gimmick Part 1

"Then I'll attack with my Infinitrack River Stromer, and end the game!" A brown haired poncho wearing boy shouted as he shot his fist forward, and a large black and red tank fired its three cannons straight towards an opposing armored warrior monster.

Though it put a valiant effort, the golden armored warrior was soon felled by the beams shot out by the giant machine's cannons. Felling it and turning it into golden motes of light as the summoner received damage from the battle.

"GUAAAAAGH!" The barrett wearing boy screamed as his Life Points reached zero, the chime of his duel disk noting his defeat on the duel.

Chitaro Ariga: 0LP

"Alright! That's another win for me!" And Allen shouted with a wide grin at another successful duel, pumping his fist while his opponent groaned at his defeat. Others came to console him, while the brown haired boy merely hummed as he went to his own group of friends.

"Hey, Allen! Over here!" A silver haired girl shouted as she waved her hand, gesturing to him to come closer. And he does, walking closer to where Myu and Sayaka were standing waiting for him to finish his duel. "So you're done right? I don't think there's any other duelists here with higher points than the one that you just beat."

"Well, no one other than me now!" The brown haired boy said as he puffed his chest. A smug smile on his face, his points being the highest having beaten the bounty that was near the area.

"Yeah, well, that also makes you everyone's target you know." Myu pointed out with a huff, crossing her hands in front of her. "It would have been nice if you also shared some of those points for us too, you know." 

"Eh, I guess I can give you the next one." The poncho wearing boy said with a shrug, and began walking with his duel disk out in front of him. "Now let's go to the next one!" Following the path that it said to reach for the other nearest duelists with the highest point tally.

And the other two girls followed him, with the twin tailed girl huffing as she said, "That's what you said about the last one too! And we agreed that we'll let Sayaka duel against the next one too!" 

"I-I'm fine with that Myu." The glasses-wearing girl shyly pointed out, interjecting her friend's complaint. "I-it's not like I entered the tournament because I wanted to go far… I just wanted to help Yuuna-san with her… problem."

"Ugh, right. That." The wind was taken from his sails as soon as he was reminded of that, the poncho wearing boy slumping even as he continued walking. "We haven't been seeing much of those, if any huh."

"Well it's only just been two hours since the tournament started. And we haven't gotten far from where we even started too." Myu suggested. "Maybe they're just on the other side of the city?"

"Man, that could be it huh? That kind of sucks. Hopefully Yuuna and Nee-san have better luck I guess." Allen huffed. Then went and continued forward, his sights already set towards another target.

"Anyway, we'll definitely find more of those Numbers people if we just keep getting points! Then they'll probably come to us instead of us coming to them!" He shouted as he raised his fist. "And if it also gets us a spot in the finals, then that's just extra!"

"Allen…I'm pretty sure that Yuuna-san told us to tell her when we find a Numbers." Sayaka warned her childhood friend, who merely waved away her concern. 

"Eh, we handled the last one just fine didn't we? I'm sure that we can handle others too just fine! Now come on!"

The two girls shared a look with one another, before letting out a sigh as they followed Allen.


They started the World Duel Carnival normally. Like almost every other duelist roaming around in the city, they immediately duelled.

Not each other of course, though most of her explanation most likely went over Allen's head, she at least got the point across that that would be bad. No, instead they were all challenged by some of their classmates.

They agreed of course they treated it as if it was another day in school even. Dueling one another, just like they had always practised, though this time without a teacher to watch over them.

It was something that she's already done many times before, of course. Dueling together with Allen and Myu was almost a daily occurrence at this point, mostly due to the former's insistence of wanting to be a better duelist, to want to surpass his sister. 

And as his childhood friend, what could Sayaka do but help him?

In truth, that was also the reason as to why she had entered the World Duel Carnival as well. Unlike Myu or Allen, she doesn't have the will nor the skills to become a professional duelist, to etch her name in the annals of dueling history.

She was proficient at dueling, yes, but… she also knows that she was not proficient at handling pressure. The first time that she had to duel on a stage, while all the other students were watching, she had promptly fainted on the spot.

It was embarrassing, an event that was etched into her mind for the rest of her life. And though others had laughed at her for that incident, Allen had stood firm and defended her. Like he always had.

And that Allen wanted to help Yuuna, who was dealing with the numerous monster cards that seemed to have scattered themselves across the city. Possessing the people without enough willpower and making them more violent. A supernatural incident that they somehow found themselves right in the middle of right after meeting the red haired girl.

So she would help, in any way that she can. And if it meant entering a tournament where the level of competitors would be far, far, above her class? Then she would gulp and do her best to try and eek out a victory.

So far, they haven't met any pro duelists, which she was gratefully thankful for. No matter how much Allen complained that he hadn't had a challenging duel yet, something that Myu solemnly agreed on. 

If anything, she wouldn't want any of them to meet any of those so called pro duelists at all! If they do, there's a large chance that they would lose! And if they lose, then that means that their chances of helping out Yuuna would be lessened!

So it would be best if they didn't meet them at all! Sure that might not mean that they wouldn't be getting as much points, because they all know that the pro duelists would be those who would have the most of those, but that just meant that they would have to duel more right?

To scrape by the tournament was just fine for her. That should give them the best chances to help Yuuna on hunting down the errant Numbers that are scattered all around the city. Though with how Allen kept trying to go for the bounties… then it was really only a matter of time for them to find an actual pro duelist.

Sayaka could only sigh as she lamented this fact, and the brown haired boy that both she and Myu were following shouted while pointing towards his destination of choice. "Alright, if this thing's right then there should be someone strong somewhere over there!"

And the place that he pointed at was one of the many amusement parks that the city had, the tracks of roller coasters could be seen even beyond the walls of its gates. A giant ferris while twinkling as it spun in place. The sounds of cheers could even be heard from where they stood beyond its walls.

"Wait, so the next place where a bounty duelist is is in an amusement park?! In Heartland Amusement Park of all places?!" Myu spoke out as she eyed the large crowd that gathered at the park's entry gate, eyeing it with a groan. "I don't want to waste time actually waiting in line for that. We could just search for another place and duelist right?"

"Hmmmm, but… come on! It shouldn't be that long right! And we can also just… play around at the theme park you know! Come on!" The brown haired boy whined and went ahead of them anyway, uncaring of their own both their words as he ran off to wait in line.

Both she and Myu turned to each other, locking eyes with one another and let out a sigh. Before they followed suit with their willful friend.





The three screams could be heard alongside many others as the trio walked out along the lines of others, having finished a ride of one of the park's many roller coasters. Allen beamed, still brimming with energy while both Myu and herself shambled out as they attempted to take their breaths.

"Man that was fun! I wonder what other attractions we can ride." The brown haired teen said with a grin as he spread the Heartland Amusement Park's pamphlet which doubles as a map, looking at the many rides and attractions that the place has.

"You know what, no. No more. Allen! Focus!" The silver haired girl mumbled to herself as she walked forward to the poncho wearing boy, and ripped the map off from his hands.

"Wha-hey!" Allen whined as he glared at Myu, and the girl did the same. Meeting his glare with her own.

"Focus!" The smaller girl hissed as she merely let out a sigh as she managed to catch her breath and not hear her beating heart right in her ears. "We're here to find that bounty duelist remember! We're in a tournament for goodness sake! We can't waste time riding all the rides here!"

"Wait, you're right!" He shouted with wide eyes as he whipped out his duel disk, and snapped to a direction. "He's that way!" And ran while leaving them behind once again.

"Ugh, I should have done that earlier. Come on Sayaka. We have to follow the idiot. Again." Myu grumbled as she extended a hand towards her, and she nodded and took her hand. Letting the smaller girl guide her as they both followed after Allen.

They walked for a few minutes, not needing to weave through the crowds with Allen rushing in first and making way for them to follow. Though that didn't stop Sayaka from apologising for her childhood friend's behaviour.

And they finally did manage to catch him, to see the brown haired poncho wearing boy talking to someone. A person that she felt was familiar.

"No way! I'm a huge fan!"

"Oh? A fan? I see." The teen with blonde and brown spiky hair said with a smile, taking Allen's hand in his own as he shook it. "Well, I'm honoured! Honestly, to meet a fan in a place like this is quite the surprise!"

"Hold on, that's…" Myu muttered as they approached, also finding the figure that Allen had met familiar as her eyes widened in recognition. "Isn't that…IV!? The professional duelist IV?! the Asia Champion!?"

"Hm? Oh! Are these your friends! Haha, well yes! Yes I am!" IV spoke aloud as he turned towards them, with Allen motioning for them to get closer to them. "I assume that you've heard of me?"

"Heard of you-I've watched your exhibition match! And that grand final match for the Asia Duelist Championship was amazing!" The silver haired girl shouted, Allen also nodding his head while she, instead, paled.

A professional duelist! An actual professional duelist was the one that her childhood friend hand met! Most likely the bounty duelist of the area considering who he was. Because of course the Asia Champion would participate in the World Duel Carnival!

Though she held the smallest of hopes that he was merely visiting, such was dashed as he turned towards her childhood friend and spoke. "So then, you want to have a duel against me is that right?"

Her heart plummeted as she heard that, but before the brown haired boy could let words out from his open mouth, Myu kicked him in the shin. "Ow! What gives!?" He cried out and turned towards the silver haired girl, who was giving him a stink eye.

"You. Promised." She said, merely repeating two words. That in itself brought out many emotions on Allen, 

"Uuuugh. Fine… I don't think I'll be dueling you. Sorry about that." He said with a grumble and a groan, and she let out a sigh of relief.

"But Sayaka will though."

The air left her lungs again, and her head snapped towards Allen so fast that her glasses almost flew off of their place.


"Right, that was the promise wasn't it. Glad that you at least remember that part." Myu huffed, and her head snapped towards her from Allen.

"But I-!"

"You know I wouldn't mind if you all were to duel together, you know? It is in the rules isn't it?" The formal dress wearing teen said with a small smile as he eyed them, a hand lazily placed on his side as he continued. "Think of it as a fanservice from me."


"No thanks. It wouldn't really work out for us. And we don't think that it'll be fair for you anyway." Myu spoke for them, placing a hand on Allen's shoulder.

"Huh? Why not?" The boy asked.

"Idiot, only one of us would get the points anyway. There isn't a need for us to possibly lose all of our points." The silver haired girl barked as she eyed him, and his mouth opened and made an 'o' as his eyes lit up in understanding.

"H-huh!? For real?"

"Oh is that so? I hadn't thought that it would be like that." IV muttered, placing a hand on his chin. They all shared a look of disbelief at a professional duelist of all people having missed that part of the rules, but he seemed to find their looks amusing instead as he chuckled and said, "Well even for someone like me there are things that I miss too you know." The professional duelist said with a laugh.

"A shame though, I would have loved to duel with you all." He said with a smile, and Myu shook her head as she eyed the small crowd that they were gathering.

"Well, there's a lot of people around anyway. We'll duel them to make sure that no one interferes with yours." She said, as she turned around, and walked towards the people that started to make their way to them.

"You can do it Sayaka! We believe in you!" Allen said as he then did the same. Giving a slap to her shoulder before he left and followed Myu.

"Now then, shall we?" The blonde haired professional duelist said as he extended his left hand, a blade-like crimson duel blade manifesting on his gauntlet-like duel blade. A special design that she had never seen before, even on the many duels that she's seen him play.

"I-right!" She nodded her head and hastily activated her own, the shining yellow duel blade extending from her duel disk/ she fixed the placement of her glasses before she then fully readied herself for a duel. Taking a deep breath, and nodding to herself.

With that, the duel began.


Sayaka Sasayama: 4000LP

IV: 4000LP

"I'll allow you to go first." The yellow haired teen said to her with a gentle smile, gesturing towards her with his right hand. "Go ahead." He said, giving her the opportunity to go first in the duel.

"I-Isee. Then, I will take the first turn!" She sputtered as she nodded her head, taking the given offer as she began her turn. And as usual starting out with five cards in her hand. "I will start by activating the effect of Hecatrice in my hand!"

Following the declaration she revealed the monster card in her hand, and began explaining its effect. "I can discard Hecatrice from my hand to the graveyard, to add one 'Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen' from my deck to my hand."

With that explanation finished, she discarded the monster in question and added the titilar Continuous Spell from her deck to her hand. "And I will activate it!" She shouted, placing the card that she had just added right onto her yellow duel blade.

"Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen allows me to once per turn special summon a Fairy monster from my hand if I control no monsters!" She shouted, explaining its effects as she revealed another card in her hand.

"And with it, I will special summon Starry Knight Orbitael in defence position!" She declared, placing the monster card onto her duel blade, and the shield bearing angel appeared before her, his wings spread wide as it kneels before her, shield right in front of him to defend her from any attacks.

Starry Knight Orbitael - Light/Fairy/Level 4/Effect: 400/2100

"Starry Knight?" Her opponent hummed as he saw her summon her first monster. "I must say that I don't think I have ever heard of a monster like that!"

"Ah that's-" She stopped herself from spilling any information about her deck before opponent, shutting her mouth as she gave her opponent a look.

"Ah! I must have interrupted you. Sorry about that." IV said with a small laugh as he held both of his hands up. "Do continue." He said, gesturing towards her again as he allowed her to continue her turn.

And that she does, pursuing the cards that she still had in her hand as she continued with her plays. "Then next I will normal summon Starry Knight Rayel." She declared, placing another card onto her duel blade.

Soon the monster then manifested before her, white wings fluttering as the fairy appeared onto the field. Wielding its blade in one hand as the angelic monster descended to her side of the field.

Starry Knight Rayel - Light/Fairy/Level 4/Effect: 1800/700

"Then I will activate Raye;'s effect!" She declared, waving a hand forward towards the monster that she had just summoned. "When Rayel is normal summoned, I can add one 'Starry Knight' Spell or Trap card from my deck to my hand!"

The effect then resolves, and she took out a card from her deck and showed it to her opponent. "I will add the Spell card, Starry Knight Balefire from my deck to my hand!" And then shuffled it with the other two cards that she had in her hand.

But she wasn't done with adding cards from her deck of course. "Then I will activate the effect of Orbitael!" She shouted, "Once per turn, as a Quick Effect, I can target one Light monster that I control, tribute it, and if I do, set one 'Starry Knight' Spell or Trap card directly from my deck!" 

Having finished the explanation, she waved her hand to the side where her newly summoned monster resided. "I will target Starry Knight Orbitael itself! And tribute him, to set the Field Spell, Starry Knight Sky from my deck!"

The shield bearing fairy then raised its shield as its shining wings spread wide, its own body turning into golden motes of light as it tributed itself for its own effect. Allowing her to set the archetypal Field Spell directly from her deck.

"And I will activate it!" She shouted as she flipped the set card face-up, and the arena around them began to darken, the vastness of the dark night sky consuming both of them. Golden streaks and dots shining, stars decorating the night sky that engulfed them.

"A Field Spell huh…" The formally dressed spiky haired duelist said with amazement as he glanced around him, the stage having turned with the activation of the Field Spell. "I don't think I see many of them in use these days. So you actually play them huh?"

"Yes, I do." She briefly answered her opponent as she glanced at the cards that remained in her hand, and decided her next move. "Then I will activate the Spell, Starry Knight Balefire!" By playing the Spell card that she had added earlier with Rayel's effect.

"Starry Knight Balefire allows me to add one 'Starry Knight' monster, or one Level 7 Light Dragon monster from my hand!" She explained the card's effect briefly, and chose which effect to use.

"With it, I will add Starry Knight Flamel to my hand!" She said, taking the card from her deck and showing it to her opponent. Before of course shuffling it with the rest of the cards in her hand.

"Then, I will normal summon him!" She shouted, placing the monster card onto her duel blade, and the bow wielding armored angel appeared before her. A flaming arrow already notched and ready to fire against her opponent.

Starry Knight Flamel - Light/Fairy/Level 4/Effect: 1500/1000

"What!?" IV shouted, the first time that he raised his voice in the duel. A look of genuine shock on his face as the gentle look that he had disappeared in a flash. "A second normal summon!? How did you even get that!" 

"Ah, that's, Starry Knight Sky allows me to normal summon one 'Starry Knight' monster. Or one Level 7 Light Dragon monster in addition to my normal summon or set." She said, explaining the effect of the Field Spell that she had set directly from her deck.

"So that's it." He muttered, eyes narrowed and smile gone. Only for it to appear back in the next moment. "Well you should have said so! And here I was worried that you might have just cheated!"

The small smile that she had faltered as she heard his words. An accusation for cheating isn't something that someone should throw around lightly, and though it was slightly her fault for not explaining her Field Spell's effect in the first place, for her opponent to just say that she was cheating like that was…

She shook her head, focusing back on the duel as she waved her left hand upwards, and declared aloud. "I will take the Level 4 Starry Knight Rayel, and the Level 4 Starry Knight Flamel, and overlay them!" 

The shout was followed by the two monsters letting out their respectives battle cries, their forms shining as their body turned into pillars of light. Both of them swirling around one another as a gold and black vortex appeared right before her.

"With these two monsters, I will construct an overlay network! Xyz Summon!" She continued on, performing a chant as the two golden pillars of light entered the galactical vortex, and exploded into a pillar of light.

"XYZ Summon!" She shouted once more, bringing her hand down as the pillar of light started to recede. "An angel's smile for the heroes who keep fighting! Appear now! Fairy Cheer Girl!"

And took on the form of the XYZ Monster that had been with her for the longest time, large blue butterfly wings fluttering and leaving sprinkles of shining dusts as she raised the two bright golden pom poms held in her hand. The green skirt of her dress swayed along in a beat of a rhythm that only she could hear as two golden orbs orbited around her.

Fairy Cheer Girl - Light/Fairy/XYZ/Rank 4/Effect: 1900/1500 OV: 2

"An XYZ Monster on your first turn! That's amazing!" Her opponent gave praise with a smile, eyeing the XYZ Monster that she had just summoned onto the field. "And it's completely different from the other monsters that you have already summoned too. Why, your deck certainly is interesting isn't it?"

She reflexively nodded her head as she continued with her turn, waving a hand forward towards the XYZ Monster in question. "And I will use her effect!" She shouted. "Once per turn, I can detach one XYZ Material from her to draw one card!"

Following the declaration, the winged fairy monster fluttered in place as she threw both of her arms out with a cheer. One of her randong punches hit the golden shining orbs that flew around her with the golden pom poms in her hand, absorbing it into herself as she used her effect.

Fairy Cheer Girl - Light/Fairy/XYZ/Rank 4/Effect: 1900/1500 OV: 1

The effect resolves, and with it she drew a card from the top of her deck. Recovering back to three cards in her hand. But she was not yet finished with this turn however. "I will use the effect of Starry Knight Rayel in my graveyard!" She declared with a wave of her right hand. 

"Its effect in the graveyard? I see, so you detached it for the XYZ Monster's effect then."

"I can banish her from my graveyard, to target one 'Starry Knight' monster that isn't 'Starry Knight Rayel', and special summon it!" She explained the monster's graveyard effect, and took out the one and only target in her graveyard to return it to the field.

"I will summon back Starry Knight Orbitael in defence position!" And once more the shield bearing fairy returned onto the field, wings spread wide with his shield bore forwards to preserve against any oncoming attacks.

Starry Knight Orbitael - Light/Fairy/Level 4/Effect: 400/2100

"Then I will set a card face-down, and end my turn." Then proceeded to set a card that was in her hand before she ended her turn. Ending with quite the board of two monsters, one of them being an XYZ, her own Field Spell set up on the field, and a singular backrow in addition to the two cards that she still had in her hand.

"Then it's my turn I see. I draw!" The blonde declared as he began his turn, drawing a card for his turn and starting out with six cards in hand. IV glanced down towards the card that he had drawn, and smiled.

"I can say, you're quite talented." The formal clothes wearing teen said, his purple eyes trailing from the monsters on the field and then onto her. "If it's like this then… I will have to give you a real fanservice."


"Now then, let's begin." Her opponent began ominously as he took out a card from his hand. "I will start by normal summoning Gimmick Puppet Egg Head!" He shouted, placing the card onto his crimson duel blade.

The monster appeared as soon as the card was placed onto it, a strange orange egg-like monster with curled blonde hair, and skeletal puppet-like limbs that danced onto the field. Its eyes locking eerily onto her own XYZ Monster that inched back with unease.

Gimmick Puppet Egg Head - Earth/Machine/Level 4/Effect: 1600/1200

"Gimmick… Puppet?" She muttered at seeing the unfamiliar monster. A monster from an archetype that she had never seen him ever play in the many duels that she's seen him on.

"Egg Head's effect!" He declared aloud as he struck his hand forward. "Once per turn, I can discard one 'Gimmick Puppet' monster, to change this card's Level to 8 until the End Phase!" And he revealed one of the cards that he had in his hand.

"I will discard Gimmick Puppet Dreary Doll, to change Egg Head's Level to 8!" He shouted aloud as the egg-like monster gave out a monstrous mechanical noise, brown aura engulfing its form as its level was modulated into 8.

Gimmick Puppet Egg Head - Earth/Machine/Level 8/Effect: 1600/1200

"A Level modulator… a Rank 8 deck?!" She said in surprise as she put the pieces together, figuring his strategy as soon as she saw him modulate the Level of his monster.

"Hm, so you figured it out then? Well it's no matter." Her opponent hummed as he took out another card from his hand, placing it into his modified duel disk. "I will activate the Spell, Junk Puppet!"

And said spell card manifested right before him, shining on the field as he explained its effect. "Junk Puppet lets me target one 'Gimmick Puppet' monster in my graveyard, and special summon it!"

The kind smile that the scarred duelist had was replaced with a grin as he took out the card that he had discarded and showed it once more. "I will special summon Gimmick Puppet Dreary Doll onto the field!"

He swiped the card and placed it onto his duel blade, and a large dark blue casket then appeared onto the field. Said casket's lid was then pushed open from the inside, revealing a bandaged blonde haired doll who giggled ominously as she entered the battlefield.

Gimmick Puppet Dreary Doll - Dark/Machine/Level 8/Effect: 0/0

And she knew exactly where this was heading. "Two Level 8 monsters! Here it comes!" She muttered, preparing herself for what was to come.

"Now then, allow me to give you a grand fanservice! I will overlay the Level 8 Gimmick Puppet Egg Head and the Level 8 Gimmick Puppet Dreary Doll!" The two monsters began to glow, turning into a brown and dark purple pillars of energy that flew high into the sky as they crossed one another.

A giant black and golden vortex appeared before IV, and he raised his hand as he chanted. "With these two monsters I will construct an overlay network. XYZ Summon!" And the two pillars of light swerved and entered it, creating an explosion of light.

And from it, a new XZ monster took form. "Appear, Numbers 15!" A giant black mesh of limbs, resembling a heart, tied with strings hanging from a giant dark cross. The envoy from hell who pulls the strings of fate. Once more, lift the curtain to the stage in the depths of the deepest, blackest darkness! Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder!"

And the mesh of limbs then untangled itself, revealing the giant's machinery that it was. A black mechanical giant whose body was tangled in strings hanging on from the machinery that it was attached to. The monster itself wore a giant golden crown, a mark of the number 15 shining blood red on its head. The XYZ Monster's form eclipsing any of her monster as it filled the dark starry field they resided upon as two purple orbs trailed over its body..

Number 15: Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder - Dark/Machine/XYZ/Rank 8/Effect: 1500/2500 OV: 2 

"That's! A Numbers!?" She gasped and stumbled back at seeing the monster's sheer size and scale. The monster somehow giving a feeling that was far more ominous than any of the Numbers that she had ever seen before

"Oh? So you do know them!" IV said with glee. "Then that makes this easier really. But before that, I will activate the Equip Spell, Gimmick Shield!" The blonde haired duelist declared, placing the card on his spell and trap zone, and its holographic projection shone.

"I can equip Gimmick Shield to only a 'Gimmick Puppet' XYZ Monster." He began, "and while equipped, that monster's attack and defence are switched!" He shouted as a wave of dark aura swelled from his only monster, its attack increasing as a giant circular gear-like shield appeared in its hand

Number 15: Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder - Dark/Machine/XYZ/Rank 8/Effect: 2500/1500 OV: 2 

Yet switching the monster's attack and defence wasn't all that the Equip Spell could do. "But that's not all! I will activate the second effect of Gimmick Shield!" IV declared. "Once per turn, I can inflict 300 damage to you for each XYZ Material the equipped monster has!"

"300 for each material, then-!" She muttered as her eyes widened at seeing the effect.

"Gimmick Puppet Giant Killer has two materials, which means that you will receive 600 damage! Take it, my fanservice!" The teen cackled as the two purple orbs orbiting the giant puppet shot out streaks of energy, all headed towards her.

"Kya!" She yelped, holding up both hands up as a streak of purple energy hit its mark, kicking up a cloud of dust behind and making her flinch as her Life Points lowered.

Sayaka Sasayama: 3400LP

"How's that? Are you impressed? But the fanservice has just begun! I will activate Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder's effect!" The formal dress wearing teen shouted as he swung his right hand forward, the manic grin he sported growing wider as he did so.

"Up to twice per turn, during my Main Phase, I can detach one material from this card, then target one special summoned monster my opponent controls, destroy it! Then, if it was an XYZ Monster, I can inflict damage to you equal to its original attack!" The blonde duelist shouted the monster's effect with a manic smile.

One of its glowing purple orbs floated and flew right into the monster's golden crown, being absorbed right into the monster's body as it then raised both of its hands. Preparing itself to use its effect.

Number 15: Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder - Dark/Machine/XYZ/Rank 8/Effect: 2500/1500 OV: 1

And with its cost paid, IV swung a hand outwards towards his target of choice. "I will target your Fairy Cheer Girl, and destroy it!" He shouted, and following his command, shining strings erupted from the monster's palm. All of them heading towards her own XYZ Monsters.

"That's! I won't let it go through!" She shouted back, regaining her composure as she waved a hand out. "I will use the effect of Orbitael! I will target Fairy Cheer Girl for its effect!" She declared, chaining the winged fairy's Quick Effect in response to her opponent's own effect.

With nothing else to respond with, the chain of effect then resolves backwards, allowing her to set a Starry Knight Spell or Trap card directly from her deck.

The shield bearing monster's wings spread wide as it raised the shield in his hand, the butterfly winged XYZ Monster from beside him disappearing into motes of light as she was tributed for his effect.

"I'm sorry Fairy Cheer Girl."She muttered under her breath as she then took out the card that she would set directly from her deck. "I will set the Continuous Spell, Starry Knight Ceremony from my deck." She said, placing the card onto her spell and trap zone.

"Tch. Then with its target gone Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder's effect will resolve without effect." Her opponent clicked his tongue, a look of annoyance flashing through his face as he narrowed his eyes.

"Well aren't you quite an annoying one. Well no matter, we'll move to battle!" He commented as he leaned forward, moving on towards the Battle Phase, and waving his left hand forwards.

"Go! Giant Grinder! Attack her monster! Final Dance!" IV shouted, and the XYZ Monster heeded his command, raising its right hand as a gigantic whip manifested in its grip. Then swung, intending to destroy the defence position monster that she had on her field.

She didn't have anything that could stop the attack, but! "I will activate the Trap card, Stained Glass of Light and Dark!" She shouted, waving a hand up as she flipped the set card that she had set during her turn.

As the card's projection shone before her, she explained the relevant effect which she would use. "This card allows me to apply the following effects in sequence depending on the type of effect monsters that I control!"

And she continued to read out the one which would activate in her current deck. "I only control a Fairy monster, which means that with its effect, I can draw three cards, then place two cards on the bottom of my deck!"

"Ho? So you're trying to draw your way out of it then?" Her opponent says in amusement.

The effect resolves, and she draws up to five cards in her hand. She glanced through the new arrivals that she now had,and the cards that she had before, and placed two of them back at the bottom of her deck.

"Are you done then? Then the attack continues! Giant Grinder!" IV shouted as the giant XYZ Monster resumed its onslaught, cracking its whip and swinging it towards her monster.

"Then, I will use my card! A second Starry Knight Flamel in my hand!" She shouted, revealing one of the cards that was in her hand. Whose effect was now online thanks to the draws that her Trap card had granted her.

"When an opponent's monster declares an attack, I can send this card from my hand or face-up field to the graveyard, and special summon one Level 7 Light Dragon monster from my hand!" She said, explaining the monster's effect as she sent it to the graveyard from her hand and proceeded to reveal its intended target 

"Appear! Starry Night, Starry Dragon!" And raised a card that she had drawn earlier before placing it onto her duel blade. The glorious white dragon descended onto the field like a shining star. Majestic white wings spread wide as it faced off against her opponent's dark XYZ Monster as it was summoned in attack position.

Starry Night, Starry Dragon - Light/Dragon/Level 7/Effect: 2500/2300

"A dragon? So that's what your deck is all around then?" Her opponent hummed with narrowed eyes as he eyed her newly summoned monster, clearly noting the synergy of the cards that she had previously activated as the dragon shared the others' archetypal namesake.

"That's right, and I will activate its effect!" She shouted, waving a hand towards Starry Dragon. "If this card is normal or special summoned from my hand, I can target one card on the field, and destroy it!"

"What!?" IV shouted in surprise at the monster's effect, his head snapping to the one target that he knew she would target.

"I will target your Number monster, and destroy it!" She struck her hand forward, as the large white dragon opened its large maw, unleashing a golden torrent of flames from its maw heading towards her opponent's XYZ Monster.

"Tch! As if I'll let you! I will use the Quick-Play Spell, Forbidden Dress!" The formally dressed teen shouted as he threw one of the cards that he had in his hand onto his crimson duel blade, and its holographic projection shone before him.

"This card lets me target a face-up monster on the field, until the end of this turn, that target loses 600 points of attack, but cannot be targeted or destroyed by other card effects!" He exclaimed, explaining his counter to the situation as he extended his hand forward.

"I'll target Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder, and make it immune to your card effect!" The brown and yellow haired duelist declared aloud, as a wave of light emanated from his XYZ Monster. With the effect of Forbidden Dress taking its form, giving it targeting and destruction protection until the end of the turn.

Number 15: Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder - Dark/Machine/XYZ/Rank 8/Effect: 1900/1500 OV: 1

The chain continued to resolve, with Starry Dragon expelling a blast of light from its maw towards the gigantic black puppet before it, only for the attack to leave no lasting effect on said monster thanks to Forbidden Dress.

"But now your monster's attack is lower than Orbitael's defence." She pointed out, after taking a deep breath. Of course that tidbit wasn't something that her opponent missed, as after the chain of effect resolved as he did not redeclare an attack with his now weakened monster.

"Tch! Fine then! I will use Giant Grinder's effect again!" He shouted, waving a hand forward towards his XYZ Monster. "I will detach another overlay unit, to target and destroy your dragon!" 

The last orbiting material on the gigantic puppet was absorbed onto its crown, empowering it as the sounds of mechanical gears reached her ears once again.

Number 15: Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder - Dark/Machine/XYZ/Rank 8/Effect: 1900/1500 OV: 0

The black giant raised both of its hands, and released a web of strings all aimed towards the dragon of the stars. Only for it to flex its wings, cutting all of the strings that approaches it with a victorious roar.

"What!?" Her opponent stumbled. "Giant Grinder's effect not working?!"

"Starry Night, Starry Dragon cannot be destroyed by battle with a Dark monster, nor can it be destroyed by a Dark monster's effect." She explained to her opponent, letting out the breath that she had unknowingly held as soon as she heard him activate his monster's effect once again.

"That's!" He grit his teeth as he stopped himself, sending a glare that made her flinch at its intensity.

"I will set a card, and end my turn." Her opponent said, the smile and manic grin that he once sported gone as he eyed her eerily. Finishing his turn by setting a card face-down on his spell and trap zone. Ending with an XYZ Monster equipped with an Equip Spell, along with a singular set card as his backrow, no cards remaining in his hand.

"And at the end of the turn, the effect of Forbidden Dress would wear off." He noted aloud as the strength that was sapped from his XYZ Monster returned.

Number 15: Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder - Dark/Machine/XYZ/Rank 8/Effect: 2500/1500 OV: 0

With his turn ending, her own then soon began. "Then, it's my turn! I draw!" She spoke aloud as she drew for turn, beginning with two cards in her hand. This time, she was the one to eye her opponent, dissociation between the duelists that she knew, and the duelists that she faced now.

She didn't know if this was true…. him. That this was IV's true character that he does not show when cameras are on him. That all of what she had known about the duelist was merely a front that he put on for those that watched him. 

Or if it was the Numbers card in front of her influencing him. Turning the kind and friendly duelist who was well known across the world and twisting his personality so.

She… didn't really know. She couldn't tell. 

And that terrified her.

She shook her head, getting her head back into the duel that she was in, now with its stakes raised higher than before. 

Her deck can't get rid of his Number monster by battle. She doesn't have a Number of her own after all. But as Yuuna said, the Battle Phase isn't everything.

This was what Yuuna had prepared them for, ways of dealing with problematic enemies with Number cards as their aces. Monsters that are, to them, indestructible by battle. But just like everything else in this game, not completely immune to everything else that they can do.


"You… want to change your deck?" Yuuna had asked her, the girl most well known for her red garb raising an eyebrow at the request that she had suddenly dropped onto her.

The glasses-wearing girl gulped, taking a deep breath as she nodded her head. "Yes." She said, "I… I know that I'm not the best at dueling, and I know, I know! I know that I'm getting better!" She spoke before the red haired girl could give a rebuttal, waving her hand in front of her.

"But… seeing the new cards that you gave Allen and Myu, and seeing how they all work together so well, and then seeing how my deck just… doesn't." She closed her eyes as she clenched her skirt. "I… don't want to be a burden. I want to help more, as best as I can."

"Sayaka." The taller girl started, placing down the handful of cards that she was fiddling with as she turned towards her. Taking her hand in hers as she continued. "You're never a burden. No one ever thought that you were a burden."

Yet before she could even put up an argument, Yuuna continued. "And I can assure you that you are helping. You helped me just last week when I was clearly sick and being hard headed about it. You always help out Allen and Myu, Anna too for that matter."

She unconsciously grip the red haired girl's hands tighter, and she only gave a smile in response. "So don't ever say that alright? Now, if you don't mind me asking, where did all of this come from?"

"I… it's just…" She sputtered, unable to form her words correctly, but eventually managing to. "My deck… Even though you've given me these Starry Knight cards I-I can;y use them right. Allen's and Myu's decks changed so much and I-even with my new deck I still can't-"

"Sayaka." The red haired girl spoke out once again, "calm down.  Listen to my voice. Take deep breaths." She asked her, and she followed the words that she spoke. Taking deep calming breaths, one after another.

"Oh thank goodness that that actually works, working part time at a call centre has its perks after all." The girl muttered under her breath, something that she hadn't managed to catch as she continued on. "But anyway, you don't need to say anything else, Sayaka. I more or less get what you're trying to say."

"You do?" She asked, looking up to the purple-grey eyes of the girl in front of her, who smiled and nodded her head.

"I know that you think that you need to get a new deck just to help, just so that you can get better at helping, but we both know that that won't be the case." The cap wearing girl spoke, caressing her hand to keep her calm.

"But I-"

"Sayaka." The call of her name stopped her. "The thing is, no one can be perfect at their new deck just in the span of a week. Let alone a few days. You need to familiarise yourself with what the deck does, its intricacies, and its weaknesses too." 

And deep down, she already knew what Yuuna was telling her. The fact of the matter is, if she were to change her deck now then she would be even more of a burden.

But still… 

"Is it because of the deck that I chose for you is bad?" Yuuna spoke as she kept silent, a soft tone that denotes disappointment. One that wasn't aimed for her, but rather at herself. "If that's the case then-"

"No! It's not that!" She shouted out as she hastily shook her head back and forth. "It's not-it's not your fault Yuuna-san it's-" And yet the words refused to escape her lips, she could find no correct way to explain her feelings.

The cards that Yuuna had given her, the deck that she had built along with it, it's great. It's amazing how well the cards work and mesh together, how they were able to support one another, like a well oiled machine. They all worked well together, like an orchestra that performs a beautiful melody of which she conducted.

And yet.

If she were to be said conductor then the deck would never be able to play to its fullest. It would be a machine which was well oiled, yet not maintained correctly. A deck which would never meet its full potential under her command.

Unlike Allen. Unlike Myu. Unlike Anna. She would never be a great duelist. Of that, she knew deep in her heart.

The silence was seemingly enough of an answer however. "I see." The red haired girl said with her eyes closed. "If it's not the problem of the deck itself… then you think that it's you isn't it?" 

It was not an accusation. The soft and kind tone that the girl spoke with as she gently held her hand for comfort told her all that she needed to know. 

And yet.

It still hurt, to hear the words that her mind had been telling her all this time to leave the lips of someone that Allen, Myu, Anna, and even herself had come to admire in the span of a handful of weeks. 

"It's just. With the World Duel Carnival starting in a week or so, and with the case of the Numbers-I couldn't help Allen and Myu with Shark and-" Her hands shook as her vision became blurry, yet Yuuna's grip remained steady.

"Hush now, it's alright. Everythings alright." The older girl comforted her again. This time bringing a hand to wipe the tears at the edge of her vision.

"I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't-"

"Hey now, it's fine. It's fine. If anything we can call this even with the time that you took care of me." The older girl said with a small smile and a wink, then closing her eyes again as she continued. "But I think I see the problem now, do you really think that your deck isn't a good fit for you?"

"It's not-not that the deck doesn't fit me. It's just… I-I don't think that I can use it-"

"Sayaka. You've only had the deck for just around a week." The long haired girl pointed out. "And before you say anything else, just listen alright?" Yuuna said, urging her to hear what she had to say first before continuing.

"I understand that you're feeling like this because you're comparing yourself to Allen and Myu aren't you? And though it's good to have rivals and the like to grow with, your circumstances with theirs are different." She spoke out, gently taking her to take the empty seat beside her instead of constantly standing.

"Allen and Myu's decks are different. They've changed over time with the new cards that they have, yes, but in truth, the core of their decks are still the same." The hat wearing girl said. "They have new lines, new corner cases, and of course new ways to use their cards, but the axis of their decks remains the same."

The red jacket wearing girl raised a finger as she continued. "Myu's deck has always been focused on summoning her Extra Deck monsters. The problem that she had before was that she couldn't do so, and now she doesn't have access to just the Rank 4s that are Dolkka and Laggia, but also Rank 6s in Solda and Lars."

She continued on as well. "Though Allen's deck did shift in their axis slightly, his original deck does mostly focus on his Rank 4, what with his monster of choice being Heavy Armored Train Ironwolf, but he also do play Rank 5s like Digvorzhak and cards that access it like Jumbo Drill. Its just that with the Infinitrack, he can access those far more easily, and can pivot into other Earth Machine XYZs too."

"I see…" Though most of the explanation did went somewhat over her head, she could understand what Yuuna was trying to say. That at the end of the day, though their decks has changed quite a bit, the core of how their decks works hasn't changed.

"But yours are a different story." The red hat wearing girl pointed out, her eyes meeting her's. "I did my best in trying to find cards that can help you summon Fairy Cheer Girl, and to help extend your strategy-"

"But that's-that's not enough." She managed to mutter out, as her head ducked down and looked at her own hands. "If I end up fighting against a Numbers monster… my Fairy Cheer Girl can't do anything…"

Yuuna hummed at hearing her thoughts.

"Did you know, Sayaka, that against Numbers Monster, against XYZ Monsters in general even, your deck would most likely work the best off of all three. Between you, Myu, and Allen that is."


"Allen's deck is proficient in toolboxing if I am being honest. That's what Earth Machine does best after all. Be it their normal summons with Level modulation, Crab Crane for Rank Ups to access higher Rank XYZ Monsters, and Drag Shovel for Trap based spot removal. It can do quite a lot."

And she kept continuing. "Myu's deck though, it really does well going first. Unlike Allen's Earth Machine, it isn't that great at breaking boards, but setting a board is the best out of all three most likely." 

With that all said, she then turned towards her. "Yours though, Sayaka, has a deck that underwent the most changes. The base of your strategy completely changed, your plays evolved from just summoning Fairy Cheer Girl to having her as a mere midpoint of your starting turn." 

And she continued. "The fact that you managed to learn the intricacies of the Starry Knights as fast as you did already showed that you are a good duelist Sayaka. You had to learn about them from the ground up, and the fact that you're proficient at them shows that you've already done well."

The words of genuine praise struck her at her core. Her lips wavering as she kept tears from spilling once again.

"And if anything, the cards that I have been giving you all are cards that would go well against Numbers." Yuuna admitted, and her head turned towards her. "Allen gets spot removal, Myu too to some extent, and she also has Lars' spot negation to remove a Numbers' protection. Your Starry Night, Starry Dragon is both spot removal and can even remove an XYZ Monster's material by battle. Banishing it and getting a second attack and all that." She spoke out, pointing out the ways that the decks of all three of them could deal with Numbers Monsters.

She was left speechless at that, at the amount of thought that the red haired girl had put into the cards that she had given them. The many cards that were intended to work together to find ways to work around the Numbers Protection that the Numbers Monsters had, all while improving their decks in general as well.

"But if you really do think that you want, no, that you need to change your deck, then I won't stop you. I'll do my best to help you search for new cards that could help with your strategy of choice." The crimson haired girl said, and she raised her head to meet her eyes. "So? Do you still want to change your deck?"

"I…" She muttered, the resolve that she had built to speak with the girl wavering after the talk that she had given her. "I don't know…"

"You know what, why don't you give it another week?" Yuuna said, tilting her head and placing a hand at her head. "This isn't that easy of a decision to make for you, of that I'm sure. So take some more time to think about it. We've still got some time after all."


Which apparently includes,

A Patreon Link that I have for some reason:

https:// www.patreon. com/PandorasJailofCreativity/membership?view_as=patron

Discord Link that I have for some reason:

https:// discord.gg/4bg8TRm2Gk

Twitter that I have for some reason:

https://mobile. twitter.com/ pandorajail

Shout out to Zeranion, pyro stick figure 76 and 13arabba who actually paid for Patreon, along with the people on the discord, absolute madlads.

Note that this work is also crossposted on FF, AO3, and Space Battles, all because I hate myself lmao.

Pandora_Jailcreators' thoughts
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