
Chapter 137: The City to Watch, Part 1

Crocker Theater, Elgin, October 25, 1960

Howie sat, holding Centehua's hand in the dark theater, long after the last frame of the film ended.

"He went back to the future to get Weena," noted Centehua. "Love conquers all. You see Howie? That movie was Muy bien. Thank you for taking me to part of your past."

"Yeah, well, I wanted you to see it the way I did." When the house lights came on, Howie looked around the theater. "It's dead in here today. I remember more people in here. Let's go, Rose."

He stood and helped her out of the seat. When they walked outside, their eyes had to adjust to the brightness. Grove Street was wall to wall people, and there was a commotion which seemed to be centered in front of the Joseph Spiess store. People were carrying signs.

"Wait," said Howie. What is the exact date?" He looked at his mini-tab and answered his own question. October 25! Oh, no wonder. I can't believe I picked this day of all days."

"What is it?" she asked.

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