
Chapter 133: A Girl and Her Dog, Part 3

Doc walked over to Cheryl for a pet.

"It's very nice to see you too," she said as she scratched behind his ears. "Actually, this special dog may end up part of our plans. But oy, does he need a bath. Look at his poor head. Louie, you are back in our employ. I want a full report from you."

"Yes, Cheryl."

"Cathy, are you going back to the city tonight or staying here?" asked Kevin. "The meeting will be at eight in the morning."

"I might as well stay here in my old room then," Cathy answered. "Besides, there's supposed to be a big snowstorm tonight."

"Good, then why don't you and Thomas grab something to eat and come back here. Your mom and I need to start going over some things."

Cathy looked at Thomas, who now had a huge, cheesy grin on his face. "Ugh," she said with her resolve defeated. "Where would you like to go?"

"Gromer's or Jimmy's Charhouse?" he asked while walking out of the office with her.

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