
Chapter 413

Lucky 413

Palina Alb. She was the mother of Clara Alb and Berto Alb. 

She was a loving mother. When Clara wanted to go to Dellia, Palina was heartbroken but she decided to let go of her daughter. Palina even fought with her husband just to let Clara go to Dellia. 

As a mother, she was worried about her two children and hoped that both of them would have a healthy and happy life. 

However, fate was playing with her. When Berto became 15 years old, he awakened his Term Attribute. Her poor son started suffering from nightmares every night. Berto could not sleep peacefully, to the point that he was losing weight. 

Both Palina and her husband did their best to help Berto find his fuel. They know how painful it is to live in constant suffering. 

One day, when Berto turned 19 years old, out of his parents' recommendations, Berto entered the Church of Love. Hoping that God would take pity on him. 

Berto witnessed some questionable things inside the Church. He realized that the Church's love was too frightening. 

Thankfully, it didn't take long for Berto to find his fuel inside the Church. The first time he read an authentic scripture, Berto had a peaceful sleep. Since then, Berto stopped having nightmares. 

Along with his fuel, Berto acquired the ability to summon Hell. He could turn anyone into ashes... He became a soldier under Principal Lycan because of that. 

Yet it was better than having nightmares every night. Palina was happy to see her son living his life.

But it didn't change the fact that Palina was getting lonely these days. She lost her husband. She lost Clara. It would be strange if she was not depressed.

"What do we have here?"

Palina stared at her sister. 

Palina and Sana. They were sisters. Back when they were young, discrimination was still strong and Demihumans couldn't leave their houses without receiving frowns from humans. Unlike Clara and Berto who didn't have the strong features of Elves, Sana, and Palina had slow aging. 

When they became adults, Sana decided to explore the continent. Sana left Junian and Palina lost contact with her sister. Perhaps the trauma of discrimination caused her to leave Junian. 

"Hehe, hi sister!"

"Don't hehe me. Sana, I can't believe that I will see you again."

Palina was staring at Sana with a cold gaze. Three decades, they didn't see each other for almost three decades. 

"I miss you." Sana smiled. 

"... I miss you too." 

Palina sighed. Her sister used familial love to ease the atmosphere. 

"I should be angry right now."

"I'm sorry."

The two were having conversations in the house. 

"Sorry? You didn't contact me!"

"It's hard to send letters to Junian."

"Don't make an excuse. If you really miss me, you will find a way to contact me. Junian's security against foreign letters is much more lenient than a decade ago. You should have sent at least one. So that I know that you're still alive."

Palina's expression slowly darkened. Perhaps she was the only one who was thinking of her family. 

"I'm sorry about that."

Palina sighed again. Her sister kept apologizing. 

"So? Do you have a way to escape from me?" 

"Sister. Don't you feel curious about our lineage? Unlike other Elven descendants who can control nature elements, we have unique abilities."

"Don't change the topic, Sana."

"Come on. You know that I can't escape from you once you're serious. Just answer my question." 

To be precise, Sana was hand-tied right now. Berto sent her to Palina tied up. Berto knew that Sana had a few tricks in her sleeves and she could escape. 

"... Our lineage came from the High Elves of Fate. Of course we inherited their powers."

"I know, but I'm just curious why no one of us exactly has a strong connection to the term 'Fate'. Maybe your power is related but it's still not enough."

"Sana, we have a lot of time to talk about it. We can take it slow."

"Yay. But before that, sister... Are you sure you can do it alone?"

"Don't underestimate me."

Suddenly, the door of the house burst open, and people with black hoods entered. They were clearly bad people because they didn't knock at all...

"Is this the reason why you didn't contact me?"

"Well, I just met these people last two years ago. Although they are a bit stubborn."

"I can see that."

"By the way, they are from the Council of Torment."

"Meh, doesn't matter."

Palina shrugged and pulled out two pistols under her chair. 

She started shooting the trespassers with no mercy. The trespassers were strong because they had Term Attributes. 

However, for unknown reasons, Palina successfully dodged their attacks gracefully. Furthermore, every move she made was calculated. 

When the battle was over, Palina and Sana were the only ones alive. 

She checked the magazines of her pistols and nodded. 

"One bullet for each of you is enough."

Her fighting style was almost the same as Calix's. However, she was more refined. There was no waste movement. 

In fact, the battle didn't last a minute. Palina just killed them fast. Without receiving any graze. 

"Hayst, I thought they can entertain me for a little bit."

"Sister, do you know how scary you are right now?"

"Sana, if not because you're my little sister, I might have to pull your hair right now. You brought these people into my house."

"It is not my fault. They are too fucking insane, they keep following me."

"Word Sana, word. Maintain your manners, do you understand?" Palina sat down. But this time, she was serious. 

"... I understand."

Today would definitely be a troublesome one. 

'Loved by Fate my ass! Why am I here if I'm loved by Fate!?'

She cursed. 

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