
Chapter 36 Preparing for a Fight

The moment Eldra received the letter stating that Lanthim would be arriving. In the dragon lands to meet with him he could not contain his excitement. For ten years he had waited for his greatest foe to return so they could battle again.

"He comes to visit because he requires a favor what will you do?"

Surrounded by women, Eldra realized that he was still bathing while the letter was read to him.

"No matter the request it is only fitting I provide what I can." [Eldra]

His enthusiasm while commendable did not receive much any smiles from the women around. Who thought of lanthim as some kind of monster. After Eldra had returned home from his attempt to retrieve the boy back ten years ago. The damage he had taken in battle was considerable. Adding to that having to send Leinea to be Lanthim's wife. Made many feel that this young man had taken enough.

"The clan owes him nothing why must we endure all of this for a human?"

"Haldrema what is the difference between a first order being compared to a second?" [Eldra]

A strange question to ask leaving those present unsure as to what purpose there was behind it.

"Well, mainly the difference is in the density and purity of mana. Our kind is able to achieve extremely dense levels of purified mana. In our bodies allowing for a much more powerful spell. When we use magic and other benefits." [Haldrema]

Nodding in agreement with the statement eldra stood to take a robe that had been prepared for him.

"First order beings are so far below us, we can barely understand what keeps them alive. With them having so little mana compared to us." [Eldra]

Walking towards one of the many exits he looked back asking one final question.

"How frightening would it be to stand in the presence of a third order being?" [Eldra]

Leaving the bath the shock from his mates was apparent each scrambling between themselves talking in whispers so not to be heard.

Smiling the further down the corridor, he walked there was something he could not understand. With the distance needed to cover between continents, it would take days for Lanthim to get to the dragon lands.

Looking out towards the ocean he could see a youth standing on the beach back turned towards him. Thinking this odd eldra observed this intruder who seemed to have entered his domain without permission. As he continued to watch the youth did not turn around continuing to look out at to the ocean.

'Strange how is it that no one else has noticed him yet?' [Eldra]

Thinking this eldra activated an acceleration spell allowing him to move from where he was to the beach in one movement. Having to rely on a magic circle that was prepared beforehand.

"It took you long enough eldra."

Slightly taken aback by the immediate response to his arrival from this unknown person eldra advance closing the gap between them quickly.

"I demand to know who you are and how you entered here? These are private lands owned by my clan you will leave at once." [Eldra]

Feeling agitated by the words that had been used against him eldra prepared for a fight lowering himself into a better stance.

"You are too uneasy eldra was taking your arm, or crushing your chest what brought this interesting change in your personality about?"

Turning towards eldra slowly as to not cause any further trouble, Lanthim smiled as if seeing an old friend. Looking at each other neither moved or spoke. Eldra for a minute though that someone had used some kind of projection magic however he could not sense any mana being used anywhere around him.

"How do I know you are the real Lanthim Frenost? Even if he could get this far into the dragon lands in a single day. I would have sensed him coming with such a large projection area, he would be hard to miss." [Eldra]

In truth, he would have known immediately because he knew Lanthim's presence well from his time in the wastes. That being said from this person he sensed nothing as if he was not there like wind blowing where ever it may.

Relaxing slightly, Eldra looked closer at this young man looking at his face. However, due to the cloak that the other man wore eldra could not see the young man's face.

"How am I to trust one who hides his face?" [Eldra]

"True but I must say watching you sweat is fun." [Lanthim]

Removing his hood, his hair was the first thing eldra remembered from back ten years previous. However, there was still something that bothered him.

"While I am pleased to see that you are no intruder. I must ask how it is that I can not sense you presence?" [Eldra]

Surprised by the sudden reveal, the question came without him even thinking. True Lanthim was standing right in front of him but he felt nothing absolutely nothing.

"We have other business to discuss at present shall we go inside?" [Lanthim]

Moving to his purpose quickly, lanthim moved first towards eldra's mountain estate. Astounded by lanthim's reluctance to give an answer eldra followed behind the young man. Finding an empty room to talk was not difficult for the estate had many unused rooms.

"Well putting aside the means by which you have arrived. I will inquire as to what business brings you to my door?" [Eldra]

Both being seated opposite one another eldra wasted no time he too wanted to know what lanthim wanted.

"I require a marriage candidate for Syrelia I was hopeful you would have a son that could be impressed upon to marry her." [Lanthim]

Both men looked at each other with no real surprise in their demeanor.

"I see but do you think it is possible to introduce a new candidate now? Your grandmother seems pretty keen on this match she has already." [Eldra]

A valid question but still Lanthim's expression did not change making eldra feel a little uncomfortable. He had never met someone who would not present some kind of response when addressing a problem with their plans.

"They intend to have the engagement recognized on my birthday in six weeks. As things stand it is likely that this Lanmair Cousrlim will try to have Syrelia kidnapped. As that is the most likely conclusion I have instructed my younger brothers to do whatever is necessary to ensure she remains safe." [Lanthim]

"So you could return home to a pile of corpses and a reprimand for such instructions." [Eldra]

Smiling after what he had just heard eldra was fascinated by what else lanthim had instructed. Looking to his young friend, there was likely a lot more happening then Eldra would care to know.

"Is this a request or an order depending on how your father responds to my mother's declaration of divorcement. You will have two wives instead of one. You should not have made yourself such an interesting prospect when you defeated me." [Eldra]

Sighing heavily Lanthim placeed a hand to his face shaking his head in disbelief. All he had wanted was to go to the forest of Legrcstim and find any information he could on the true magi.

"You have used familiars to communicate with each other for the last four years. I was surprised when I found out but what has been done is done. [Eldra]

Smiling toward the lanthim who did not look shocked by any means eldra place a hand on his friends shoulder.

"Well, I will see what I can do for a candidate you have other things to worry about." [Eldra]

"Yeah I get to go explain to mynrea why I am two weeks late." [Lanthim]

Standing so to prepare to leave lanthim could see some little children watching from outside in the corridor. They seemed interested in the hornless individual that was talking to their father.

"How many mate's do you have eldra?" [lanthim]

Looking back to his host eldra just shrugged his shoulders.

"Dragon females are interesting that way. They move from place to place, and mate to mate over the many millennia that make up their lives. Presently there are twenty that live here in the estate however, there were more until I lost my arm that is." [Eldra]

Laughing to himself Eldra moved what remained of his left arm. Lanthim remembered when he had taken it and held no regrets for doing so.

"May you sleep well and grow strong Eldra Nyrotral." [Lanthim]

Bowing as he left Lanthim made his way down the corridor that he had come. Whether his purpose here had been fulfilled to his satisfaction even he did not know. There were too many complexities to the situation with syrelia for him to be able to plan out the best possible outcome.

Regardless he would have to wait and respond accordingly. It would only be a matter of time before someone tried something.

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