
Chapter 3 New Paths

Time passes swiftly through young eyes, and changes of all kinds come and go. Three months into his new life. Lanthim Frenost was experiencing a new world, with strange new sounds and people surrounding him. Being able to investigate these many things, however, was slightly impossible. Being only an Infant Lanthim had no means by which to travel, from place to place. Due to him having no ability, to crawl or walk on his own. Totally dependent on his caretakers, or his mother depending on who was carrying him at the time.

'They have left me on the floor again, must be really tiring for them a lot to carry me all over the place.' {Lanthim}

On his back in the middle of the nursery, Lanthim lay. There had been some toys strewn about, for him to grab hold of, and play with if he could get to them. Some of these toys were an easy distance for him to reach. Grabbing them was becoming easier day by day, learning to control his digits proficiently, came in real handy at times like these.

Grabbing at each individual item, and examining their different parts. Most times as he lay there someone, a servant, or his mother would come by the nursery to check on him. They would see him, intently looking at whatever it was he had in his hands at the time. Sometimes a doll, or a ball, or little carriages small enough to pick up with his hands. No matter the item, he would easily run his hands over them. Caressing every crevasse, handling them all with considerable dexterity for one so young.

His mother watched silently, at the door to the nursery. Lanthim was playing with his toys oddly again today. She did not worry about his interactions, though not much in the house would be able to harm him. Not with so many mana manipulators here, most of them being over class 6 in Mana manipulation. It was also because of this strange power. That Litralia, and the other caretakers were able to leave him alone unattended, with no fear of anything happening.

Sadly, though due to him being born male. It would be impossible, for lanthim to use magic through traditional means. In this world, solely woman were able to manipulate the mana that resides within their body's. For the purpose of creating magic. The only way a man could use Magic, was through the use of specifically structured tattoos. That would give very limited ability with magic.

There was also one other oddity that Litralia noticed. Usually when he was put in the nursery, the intent of putting him on the floor to play. Was to inspire some desire in the child to become mobile on his own. She had done this same exercise with all of here other children with great success. Having most totally mobile within they're 6th month of being in the world. Which by many standards was pretty fast, especially in this world. Where with many different races most children will develop at an incredible pace.

However, that being said looking closer she could sense some difference in him today. She had been present when he was placed in the nursery earlier. At that time he had been placed on his back, and that is where thing started to become strange. It had only been 15 minutes, since he had been left in the nursery. In that time he had somehow, managed to roll off his back onto his stomach, in which position he was currently.

Even if it was possible for him to have had done this on his own. How was his body able to adapt so quickly, his small muscles should not be strong enough. At this point to allow him to do such a thing. The more she thought about the possibilities the more worried she becomes.

'What if someone did something to him while I was asleep?' {Litralia}

So many questions whirled in her head. Something that had seemed small had become a significant problem, at least in her mind. Someone harming her son was unacceptable.

Still standing in the doorway, Litralia just stared at him. Then the boy did something, that shocked her right to the core of her very being. Putting his arms firmly to the floor, so to support himself. He raised the lower half of his body slightly, and pulling his little legs forward he came to a kneeling position. Sitting on his calves, he remained in this position for a good five minutes. Litralia just watched perplex, and confused. 'How?' Kneeling and with such excellent posture as well this truly should be impossible. However, as she continued to watch, she began to sense the flow of mana around him change. As if the ratio of natural and purified was in a constant state of flux.

'What is happening to you Lanthim?' {Litralia}

This is all she could ask herself as she watched over him.

Lanthim by this time had not realized yet that his mother was present and watching him. So he continued with his training, or what he had thought up to be a form of training. He had remembered back just a few days ago. The time he had spent even though it was short with six deity's. In that strange realm or reality or whatever it was he did not care at the moment. All that mattered was he was alive, and was able to make a new life for himself here. Also with a new life he had gained a family, and some strange power he did not understand.

It flowed thou him as if some great torrent, wishing to break forth and swallow everything, however, it was contained in his body. How this power was contained or even used was still beyond him. But he had found after some experiments that use was relatively easy however, restricted. Only so much could be used at one time, and when a specific amount of use was reached, exhaustion would set in with a fury. Learning what could and could not be done, had been tough on his little body. But not to the point that anyone had noticed yet.

That being said, he had achieved a level of understanding. That he had been able to strengthen his limbs, to the point that he could at this time hold a solid posture. While in doing so, gain greater insight into the power he had at his disposal.

As he continued, with his advancement in understanding this new power. The number of surprised faces at the door had increased. At this time, not only his mother, but his caretaker Milty and a few other servants. That had been doing their chores, and just happened by the scene. Were all standing at the door, looking at this little child now sitting cross-legged in a meditative stance.

No one spoke they were all in awe of what they were seeing. Slowly as they watched, those who had the training to view Mana, and its flow were fixed on the boys internal core. A solid mass of purified Mana, and not only that its amount and purity was increasing which should not be possible. It was common knowledge that the amount of Mana a woman could use was limited at birth, and that the body on its own. Would slowly or with some help replenish the amount that a given person could use.

However, now right in front of them, this teaching was being undone right in front of their eyes.

'What is this child?'

They all thought this in unison. In absolute loss for words they just stood there watching. Then the boy, who until now had his eyes closed opened them and looked towards the door. He saw everyone looking at him, smiling towards all of them he let out a small laugh.

'Haaaa well if he can laugh after all of that then I should not worry.' {Litralia}

Even though she thought that, Litralia felt the unease of what a child like this could bring to their family. Such great talent for Mana manipulation, would have to be nurtured perfectly, and silently. It could never be known that a male could use mana, in order for there to be no unexpected problems in the future.

She smiled at him and gave a small wave, he in turn did the same. Then when they're eyes met she felt something, she did not know what it was. Almost as if something had entered her mind then suddenly a voice spoke.

"Hello, mother It is nice to speak to you for the first time even if it is like this." [Lanthim]

Litralia's mind went instantly blank and she fainted. But was caught by one of the male servants who was present. No one knew why the boy, in that moment had a face that was slightly confused.

"You have caused quite a stir young master now time for a walk before your nap." [Milty]

Milty, Lanthim's caretaker, quickly removed him from the room as his mother was being cared for.

Later that day when Lanthim had been put down for his nap Litralia had recovered somewhat. Having been moved to her study, she was now looking over some papers that had arrived earlier. The north would soon welcome winter, and then she would have many pupils to teach. Once the many nobles fleeing the capital for the warmer south. Even though this was now firmly on her mind, only one thing remained that she could not let go of.

"He spoke to me telepathically no less, and at only three months I will have to have greater vigilance as he grows over the coming months." [Litralia]

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