
Vs Gilbalar IV

Gilbalar blocked Layla's strike with his own blade and wrestled his arm free from her grip, but she followed it with a projectile of ice that just barely grazed the side of his face.

She then coated her sword in her dark aura, delivering an upward arced slash that Gilbalar parried before retaliating with a diagonal slash towards her head.

However, Layla locked eyes with the god and activated her mystic eyes, her pupils lighting up with a green glow followed by Gilbalar's movements instantly ceasing.


Without hesitation, Layla pulled out the pistol in her thigh holster and fired multiple shots across the god's body, from his legs as she pulled up the pistol until she reached his face.

Sadly, she was only able to get one bullet in towards his right eye before he broke out of her paralysis effect and released a burst of aura that knocked her down towards the ground.

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