
System Activation

A woman wearing a pure black gown, one that contrasted with her pure white hair and skin, lay on a couch while fiddling around with a phone in her hands.

The gown was decorated with various jewels and precious stones of unknown worth, and its cost alone could buy out the richest men of most galaxies, more than three times over.

Her upturned eyes which glowed with a small silver light, looked towards the door of the room she was in.

Seconds later, it opened as a man walked in, he looked elderly, with white hair and a white beard. His dull grey eyes seemed to shine with the wisdom of countless years.

He spoke to the woman, with a dry voice.

"Did you go see him?"

"Huh? How did you know, I was sure we were out of your reach."

He pointed at her black gown and replied.

"You only dress like that when you go to meet him."

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