
First Case

'UGHH' 'Heavy Breathing'

I thought it was a dream, being reincarnated watching everyone I love burn to death due to that anti-matter wall of energy and coming here but it was all real…I should feel excited but all I feel is grief and sadness but I know I have to be strong and live on for all of them.

{Fifteen Minutes later}

After getting dressed and eating breakfast it's time to get to work hopefully I get joe as my partner I just really hate secrets and who doesn't love papa joe.

Finally arriving at CCPD I can't help but smile at being back where it all started for me, but enough with all that stuff it's time to get to work.

<Captains Office>

"Bart West any relation to Joe West?" Captain Singh ask me questionably.

" He is my Uncle sir!" I say confidently in my cover story.

" Okay Bart can you tell me why you chose CCPD with the service record and all of accommodations in your file you could have gone anywhere so why choose CCPD specifically?"

" Family sir the west family is all I got left sir that's why I chose Central City sir!" I say somewhat emotionally.

<Joe POV>

Unknown to either of us joe was outside the door and heard all of that and couldn't help but tear up for his grandson.

" I'm so sorry son!" joe says emotionally before turning away headed towards the CSI lab.

<Bart POV>

After talking with Captain Singh I walked out of his office with a smile, why you ask?….because papa joe is my partner and that's exactly what I wanted.

After getting everything settled at my desk I got call over the radio about a body at the docks which means it's a murder so I get joe and we head off to the crime scene.

<In Car>

Headed towards the crime scene I decide to make conversation.

" Hey joe I'm sorry if this is weird for you!" I say sincerely.

"Are you kidding my grandson is my partner who I get to work cases with I love this!" Joe says happily and proud.

" Okay cool but I should warn you I'm still new to being a detective even in the future so I'm sorry if I get in your way or anything!"

" Hey don't worry about it I'll teach you everything I know alright your my partner now so we have to trust each other alright." Joe says seriously.


After the talk it was a comfortable silence until we reached the scene and then we both became serious while walking towards the body.

"What you got?" Joe asks Barry seeing him examining the body.

" bruising around the face and torso indicates he was in a fight, and bruising around the throat indicates he was choked to death!" Barry says seriously.

" So we got ourselves a murder!" I say which seemed to surprise Barry.

" Bart what are you doing here!" Barry ask nervously.

" I'm a cop and joes new partner I'm here to solve a homicide as it looks like!" I say seriously to my dad.

" okay then…I'll see you guys at Star labs so we can get started on the case!" Barry says seriously.

"A-are you sure…do you guys even want me there?" I say nervously.

"Yeah we do…and hey I'm sorry about what I said yesterday alright we would be honored to have you here with us!" Barry says proudly.

"Alright…cool!" I say as I look at a goofy grinning papa Joe.

"What?" Bart/Barry say simultaneously.

" Nothing just enjoying the moment!" Joe says happily.

"Oh Shut it!" I say as I speed off to Star labs leaving a stupefied Barry and joe before they both simultaneously look around to make sure nobody saw that before heading to Star labs themselves.

<Star Labs>

"Man I hope Bart is not mad at us he is a cool dude!" Cisco says hopeful.

"Yeah and he is pretty cute!" Caitlin says confidently.

"Uh huh I wonder what Bart will think about that!" Cisco says while smiling mischievously.

"You wouldn't dare Cisco Ramòn!" Caitlin says nervously.

" Me….I would never hehehe!" Cisco says while chuckling.

"Why are you laughing?" Caitlin ask confused.

"Because Cisco didn't have to tell me anything…HAHAHAHA!" I say as I laugh at the horror that has etched across Caitlin's face.

"H-How long have you been standing there?" Caitlin ask nervously.

"Long enough to know you think I'm cute!" I say as I wink at Caitlin who blushes profusely.

Then all of a sudden Barry appears with the trademark….

" Hey what I miss?" Barry ask confused at why Cisco is rolling on the floor laughing a Caitlin is turning beat red and Bart is just smiling like nothing is wrong.

" Nothing much just an inside joke you know boys will be boys!" I say as me and Cisco fist bump.

"Alright then…let's get to work!" Barry says seriously.

After getting all the evidence Caitlin goes off to the med bay to work on the DNA while Cisco is hacking traffic cameras to see if we can see what happened.

" Wait…stop right there…what is that?" I say as I look at what appears to be a big ass shadow.

" I have no clue but it's like he was there one minute killed a guy then in the next frame he is just gone!" Cisco says confused while looking through the footage.

" I have a partial print but not enough to get anything off of it!" Caitlin says depressingly.

" Alright joe how about we go canvas see if anybody saw anything!" I ask Joe.

" Alright sounds good…call if you find anything!" Joe says towards everyone.

On our way towards the elevator we run into iris who seems super happy to see me.

"Hi Bart where you headed?" Iris asked happily.

"Just headed back to a crime scene to canvas…would you like to come along?" I ask iris expectantly.

" Definitely let's go!" She says excitedly as she pulls along towards the elevator.

" So why did you ask me along?" Iris ask questionably.

" Well it's just that in the future you were always tagging along with me on cases you were like my unofficial partner!"

" Oh I see so kicked butt huh!" Iris says goofily.

" Definitely" I say while smiling at her which she returns.

<Crime Scene>

We have been in here for an hour and nobody has see anything like c'mon nobody somebodies lying or is just to scared to say anything.

'I still don't get it though…how could just be there one minute and be gone the next it's not making since…unless wait a minute' I say as I go back to where the body is found and try to picture the murder.

' okay so let's our victim was here to most likely meet the attacker but gets killed instead okay so based on the security footage it's look like it was a meta-human and he looked like a huge shadow..shadow….that's how he did it he can control shadows that's it!' I think as I run back over to iris and joe and tell them what I think.

" Okay so if that's true how do we stop a meta who can control shadows?" Iris asks.

" I guess we better get back to Star labs and find out and iris this could be a good story as well!" I say as I watch as iris's eyes start to sparkle before giving me a bear hug and running off to get started on her article.

" You and her were close weren't you?" Joes ask emotionally.

" Y-yeah mom was my best friend we just clicked more because I was never into the science stuff I was more into playing cops and robbers with you and mom and hanging out at CCPN when mom was working that was me growing and yeah dad and me were cool but he just didn't get me when he wanted to talk about speed equations and stuff I wanted to play sports and watch the game you know!" I say rambling on.

" Oh I understand Bart I do your more like me and your mom than your dad and I get it and hey don't ever be ashamed because you don't understand the science stuff okay!" He says with that all knowing Joe look.

" I just wish I could have something to talk with dad about you know something that was just for me and him but we could never find that one thing." I say sadly.

<Barry POV>

Unknown to either of us Barry had heard all that and was really put down for not putting the time in in the future to connect with his son.

" I promise Bart I'll be better here and now!" Barry says seriously.

<Bart POV>

After arriving back at Star Labs we all get to work trying to figure out how to stop a shadow and hopefully we figure it out soon before another body drops.

Hope you guys like this chapter!!!

Sam_Naborscreators' thoughts
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