
Having Fun

"Oh," Siwan said. 

He was not sure what to do or say because for some odd reason, his heart was feeling unsettled. Jiwoon smiled at him but her smile did not reach her eyes. That morning, Ilhoon had called her and requested her to accompany him at an event that night. She was about to refuse but Jina had overheard her talking about the Doctor's Association. To her surprise, Jina was also going to attend the party.

"We can go on a double date!" Jina exclaimed. Jiwoon was not so sure about the date part but she thought it might be nice to hangout with friends that night so she agreed to Ilhoon's request. She did not expect Siwan to attend because he was usually on night duty on Fridays but seeing him there surprised her. In fact, she was so fixated on Siwan that she did not realize that Ilhoon was holding her hand.

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