"What?"Hoseki asked
"Yyyou. What are you thinking you are doing? " Asuma asked.
" Eating? Why? Sensei never said we can't eat. He tells us to hurry up or we are not going home tonight ." Hoseki put straight face answering Asuma.
"Bbut, you are eating alone. It's not fair to us. " Asuma gritting his teeth stating his opinion.
"Ah.. You are talking about this? " Hoseki took out three more scroll and showed to Asuma and other two.
Asuma, Kurenai and Raido are gulping at the same time. The test had happened from the morning and they had used a lot of energy. Seeing a food before them, the hunger stroke right away.
" But, why should I gave them to you?" Hoseki smirked and asked.
" Be.. be.. because we are a team?" Asuma answer.
" Heehhh. Really? Then what we are competing for right now?" Hoseki asked again
" To be a deputy leader. "Asuma answered absent-mindedly
" That's right. Haha. Let me be franked, unless you are helping me to be a deputy leader you will go through the night with empty stomach and staying in this field until tomorrow. How about that? Hehehe." Hoseki smiled widely
"This... " Asuma was out of word.
'Devil' Kurenai and Raigo faces were dark.
Asuma, Kurenai and Raigo looked at each other and nodded afterwards.
They went to Shikaku and told him that they were giving up on competing for the position.
" Heh.. No one is going home without snatching my coin." Shikaku laid on the floor and gave his ultimatum.
Three of them were dispirited. They were tired and hungry. But they still couldn't went home after giving up. They turned to Hoseki and waited for his answer.
"Sigh. Alright. Alright. Eat this. But promise me, you will cooperate with me later on, so we can go home and sleep." Hoseki took out three other scroll and unsealed them.
After eating, all of them got their spirit back and devise a new plan.
"Okay listen up. This is the plan.... " Hoseki told them about his plan.
" But... "
" Oohhh.. "
" Is this plan going to be alright? How can you do it without being realized? " Raido asked with doubt.
" Just did as I plan. I will make sure to snatch it from him." Hoseki said with confident.
The sun had sunk. The day had ended and the night came. Shikaku laid on his back suddenly felt a presence coming toward him.
" All of you come together huh. Let's see what you got. " Shikaku stand up and wait for them to approach.
Hoseki and other kids looked to each other face and nodded before moving out according to their plan.
Asuma and Raido move up the front and take out their weapon and attack on meleee.
Hoseki was running behind Asuma and Raido while moving his hand to make signs. Kurenai also focusing on her own jutsu.
Hoseki finished his hand sign and move up to help Asuma and Raido.
A melee fight 3 v 1 was happened for quite sometime. They suddenly heard Kurenai shout "I am ready". Hoseki, Asuma and Raido looked toward each other and took out a smoke bomb and threw them toward Shikaku.
Shikaku calmly stood and waited for next approach.
"Now! "
Suddenly, he got attacked from different directions. Punches were coming from left and right side and a kick came from his back.
Shikaku turned to his back and block the kicked with his leg and holding the punches with his two hand.
"That is not right, where is the other one? " Shikaku realized that there is one more person missing.
He suddenly felt that the coin in his neck is moving. He immediately push out the boy on his left. and slapped the coin and felt a hand tried to grab the coin.
" Ugh" a girl voice was heard.
"Nice try. However.... " before Shikaku finished his word, the coin moved away from him in fast speed.
" I won. Hehe" Hoseki who was on the right side of Shikaku, smiled and claimed his victory.
Shikaku turned in a direction and saw another Hoseki was holding a thread with a coin hanging to it.
"Shadow clone heh. Good job. You are a deputy leader now. " Shikaku admited Hoseki victory.
" Yoshaa!! " the kids shouted in relief. They sat down on the floor right away to ease their tiredness.
" Hoseki, when did it happened?" Shikaku sat in front them and asked.
"The thread? Well, It start when we throw out the smoke bomb. I immediately sneaked the thread into the coin and let it be."
"Then, I call my summoned clone into stand by for any moments to retrieve the coin. After that we attack together to create a distraction. Kurenai duty was to create another diversion to distracted sensei. She use her genjutsu to sneak in and grab the coin so you will catch her."
"After that, you let your guard down as you had all of us in your side. Then, woshhh! My shadow clone snatch up the coin." Hoseki spoke and raised 'V' finger.
"Told you this is test for your capabilities." Shikaku grinned.
"Tch. " Hoseki pouted
'As if I will believe that. '
"Oh. How did you sneaked the thread in without me sensing you up?" Shikaku asked.
"Hihihi. Behold my new creation as a master fuinjutsu." Hoseki took out some talisman papers.
"These are called Camouflage Talisman or in short CT. They are used to create a distraction effect on your sense. The stronger the sense you have, more it will affect you. Combined with the smoke, your sense will be on the lowest level."
"I used them on me and my shadow clone to lead my teammates to victory." Hoseki told a half lie.
He only used it on the clone while he had his own vest.
Shikaku grab the talismand and look into it. "Look like a single used item."
"They are. I designs them to" Hoseki confirmed Shikaku guess
"Oh, really? Why?"
"They are more profitable like that. Hihihi" Hoseki smile and giggle.