
An unexpected encounter.

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The noise of metal clashing had the girl open her eyes and quickly examine the area. She got hold of her kunai. She could sense an oddly familiar chakra signature somewhere masked by many other unfamiliar chakra.

The flow of air around her changed and she instantly sensed danger. Her eyes shot up at once and widened when a dark-haired Shinobi dropped from above with his sword poised to kill her in a single strike. Yuki threw herself back and the weapon missed her by inches. However, her grey eyes widened when another man twisted his hand and threw his pointed sword at her. She quickly redirected the sword at the man that had first attacked her. 

The man blocked the weapon, but the next instant it blew up, severely injuring him. She had tied an explosive onto it's handle when she gripped it.

 Yuki launched herself at the other enemy and she pushed her weight on him to throw him off-balance. He tried to stab his kunai into her neck but she moved and got stabbed in the arm instead. 

She felt the blood running down her arm and onto her fingers before dripping on the ground.

Glaring at the man in front of her, she slowly grabbed a few of her thin poisoned needles from her sleeves such that he couldn't notice.

Suddenly, she felt a huge surge in chakra. She narrowed her eyes to see the source. 

A tall white-haired male was surrounded by 3 other shinobi's. The white head easily took them down with his speed without much effort.

Yuki felt a chill down her spine. She knew this white-haired man was stronger than her. She couldn't risk picking a fight with him. 

'I need to get out of here immediately!'

She turned around and started to run. She knew the dark-haired man was following her. Once realizing he was within 10 meters of range she quickly turned towards him and aimed a huge fireball at him, rapidly burning him down.

'I should preserve my chakra.'

She turned back to resume her running but stopped in her tracks. Around seven men stared at her with a creepy grin.

"Look what we got here", one of them whistled.

"Ain't she pretty."

"She would fetch a good price in the market."

She glared at them, feeling annoyed at her bad luck and regretting not carrying her sword. Of all days, she had to forget it today!

She slowly moved her hand to grab another kunai.

"ha! lookout, this one a bit feisty!" another man chimed in.

With a wide grin, one of the men launched himself towards her. She was holding poisoned needles in her injured hand so she pumped chakra into her other and threw a punch at the man, sending him flying.

"Nice! I like strong girls. Quite hot in bed" a creepy blond licked his lips as he looked down at her.

'How the hell can I outrun them?' Yuki raked her mind, plotting possibilities to somehow make it out of here alive.

The remaining six of them lunged towards her at once. She quickly made a hand seal and blew another fire and at the same time threw the needles at them. 2 men out of six fell for the needles.

'2 out! 4 more to go! '

The next moment the two men fell on the ground coughing blood.

Yuki felt slightly dizzy. She lost a lot of blood and suddenly used up a lot of her chakra without taking the needed gap.

But she had no time to recover as the remaining 4 of them started attacking her. 

While blocking them, she started stepping back towards the river.

"Don't move sweetheart!" Yuki froze when a hand grabbed her neck from behind. She knew from his voice that it was the creepy blond guy. 

Next instant her face harshly hit the hard ground as he twisted her injured arm behind her, making her cry out in pain.

Soon, she felt a cold metal blade at her back tearing her clothes apart.

"It's such a pity to kill you." he whistled, "don't worry, we will make you reach heavens before you die" he laughed as other men started snickering.

She quietly moved her hand towards her bra where she hid some small smoke bombs. She decided to use it to distract him just for a second, which was enough to stab the poison needle into him. By that time she should regain some of her chakras to kill the remaining three. 

He grabbed her hair roughly and pulled her head back, making her cry out in pain again. She quickly released the smoke bomb and pulled out her needles.

The next moment she felt the blond fall down beside her lifelessly. 

'huh? but I didn't use the needle!'  

In shock she watched as a tall man with long dark brown hair, in black clothes kill those three men in an instant. He had his back turned towards her.

She got up, stumbling a bit due to exhaustion and lack of balance. The cloths covering her upper body were torn apart. She had to cover herself with her uninjured arm to keep her leftover tattered clothes intact.

'How will I enter my estate in such a state?'

She sensed someone standing behind her and quickly turned around to find the white-haired male from before. Horror filled her mind as she started backing off. He gazed at her with narrowed eyes and looked quite annoyed.

─∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗─

Tobirama was annoyed.

He watched his brother interfere in a fight he needn't intrude with because of some strange girl that was standing in front of him, rather unabashedly.

Her right hand had a deep injury and fresh blood kept flowing. He frowned as he inspected her.

She had long dark hair that looked quite soft as it swayed in the wind. Her big eyes were grey colored. Skin as white as pure jade and she had quite...some curves.

He had to admit it. She was pretty.

But that didn't matter. He knew they will get into trouble because of her. They were already late and he was sure they won't reach the Senju estate before nightfall. He grimaced at the thought of an angry Butsuma senju shouting at them. 

The girl looked somewhat alert as she stepped back. Tobirama snickered at her. "If I wanted to kill you, I would have done that already."

"You could be more polite to her, Tobi" Hashirama called out walking towards her.

She watched the brown-haired man with wide eyes.


 She was about to call out his name but he stepped in front of her. He grabbed her injured hand and started healing it. She looked up at him to ask something but he shook his head. 

Yuki figured out he must be acting this way because of the white-haired man behind him. 

"What's your first name?" Tobirama asked.


"Are you mute or acting dumb?" he glared at her for ignoring him.


"You disrespectful little-"

"Tobi." Hashirama called out. 

Yuki studies the white-haired male for a moment. He had red eyes and three scars like markings over his face and was quite pale. He was handsome and was as tall as Hashi but had such a scary expression on his face.

'He would be quite handsome if he didn't frown so much' Yuki mumbled inwardly feeling disturbed at how impolite he was.

"I am neither mute nor dumb."

Tobirama snickered "Of course you are not mute. we could hear your screams from the other side of the river."

"Tobi....shut it." Hashirama felt his composure slipping away.

"You..." Hashirama took off his shirt and handed it to her, "wear this. " A slight blush appearing on his face as he looked at her.

"It's Yuki." she replied, looking at Hashi, taking notice of the changes in him over the years.

She wore his shirt. It felt so awkward. It was so large for her that it reached her lower thighs. She had to fold the sleeves several times to make them comfortable enough to wear.




Tobirama watched the two of them interact. He felt irritation creep in as he saw his brother blush while looking at her.

'This idiot! did he forgot he has a fiancee!'

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