
Chapter 37 - She Who Slept For A Century

Soo Young cried her heart out until she was feeling okay. When she was done, she and Mi Young started talking about herbal plants to get her mind off from the fact that Crane Village is probably long gone by now.

"Why are you here? It's rare for someone to find this part of the forest." The blue haired girl says as she starts scribbling in her journal once more.

"We were being chased by a bunch of three-eyed wolves." Mi Young answers as she starts to walk and observe the figurines placed on top of the fireplace which she noticed were all carved from wood. There is also a signature at the bottom of each figurine that looked like the carver's initials.

"We? You were with someone?"

That's when Mi Young remembered Jeon Se Heon. "Sh*t. I forgot about him."

"You forgot your friend." Soo Young deadpans. She gave Mi Young a soft glare as if saying 'who-could-forget-a-friend?'

"We're not that close yet. It's our first time meeting each other." Mi Young answers, defending herself from the other party's look.

"Oh. Is that so?"

"I wonder if he's okay. We got separated when the Basilisk Dragon ran from the wolves, leaving him behind. I hope our other friend finds him." Mi Young prays. She hopes that Hanabi finds Se Heon so someone can tend to his wounds.

Soo Young must have noticed the concern and hopeful expression in Mi Young's eyes as she regards the black haired girl with a soft and comforting smile, "I'm sure he's okay."

Mi Young sighs and turns to Soo Young so she could forget about Se Heon for a second. "What are you writing?"

"Oh. It's a journal I keep so I could remember everything that happens." Soo Young answered nonchalantly.

"Okay. Can I see?" Mi Young asked. The girl nodded, looking shy.

"I keep tabs of everything that happened so when I have children someday, they can read this and know what I have experienced during my lifetime." Soo Young explains. Mi Young looked over what she had written. However something caught her attention that made her freeze in confusion.

"You wrote the date wrong." As far as Mi Young remembered, the attack of the Celestial beast, Tartarus, happened during the year 114. But Soo Young wrote year 13 in her journal.

"Eh? What day is it today?"

"No. The day is correct but the year…"

"Isn't it year 13? The reign of King Ahn Tae Min?"

Mi Young's eyes widen in shock as she eyes Soo Young. She studies the girl's face to figure out if she's joking but she looks innocent and serious.

Soo Young blinked at Mi Young as she called out, "Hey? Am I wrong?"

"It's…" My Young doesn't know how to tell her. First, her friends. And now, she's living in a different year. "It's year 114. King Ahn Jae Hoon is reigning. He's the son of King Tae Min."

"Stop kidding." Soo Young says. There was a playful smile on her face. But when she looks at Mi Young who has a sad and pitiful expression on her face while looking back at her, Soo Young stops. Her face fell. "I-Is it really year 114?"

Mi Young nodded, out of words.

"I slept for a century?" Soo Young questions. There was disbelief in her voice. "But how?"

"I don't know. Do you think someone did it to you?" Mi Young asks. It was her first time meeting someone who has slept for over a hundred years. Heck, she didn't even know that someone could sleep as long as that.

Soo Young thinks for a moment before she sighs and shakes her head. "I don't even know why someone would let me sleep for a century."

"That's true. And if there is really someone who could do that, what would his reason be?"

"I don't know either." Soo Young says with a sigh. "I just can't believe I really slept for a century. The last thing I remember was that I was with my friends. We were having fun at the lake near Calderwood village and then we parted ways when the sun was setting down. And here I thought it was just two days ago."

Mi Young was once again out of words as she looked at the blue haired girl. Everything seems surreal to her from the moment she and Se Heon woke up in the past, being chased by beasts, meeting the young Basilisk Dragon, fighting with goblins, and now knowing someone who has slept for a whole century.

"Well, let's forget about that for a moment. We must focus on the grave things like the possible end of the whole kingdom and the life of your savage beast." Soo Young says, trying to sound cheerful as possible despite the sadness reflecting in her eyes.

Mi Young was reluctant for a moment before she nodded at Soo Young. "You're right. We must save Medusa first and then try to save the kingdom as well. You said I need to gather herbs for Medusa and I shou—"

Just as Mi Young was about to finish her sentence, the doors to Soo Young's house suddenly opened, revealing a frantic looking Se Heon.

The two girls watched as Se Heon's eyes scan the surroundings before they landed at Soo Young then at the wide eyed Mi Young.

"Mi Young!" Se Heon shouts as he runs towards the still shocked Mi Young. The boy held both of the girl's shoulders as he slowly shook her, "Are you alright? I saw the Basilisk Dragon outside, is she dead? Do you have any wounds? What happened to you? Have you eaten already? Answer me!"

"How the hell can I answer you if you ask too many questions at the same time?" Mi Young questions, irritation evident in her face.

Se Heon lets go of her as he slowly scratches the back of his nape, "S-Sorry."

Just as Mi Young was about to answer the boy once more, another voice came, "Mi Young!"

Hanabi ran towards where Mi Young was sitting and she slightly pushed Se Heon out of the way so she could check the black haired girl. "Oh thank the Sages you're alright! We were so worried about you."

"T-Thanks." Was the only word that came out of Mi Young's mouth. She wasn't used to getting this much attention and care directed towards her so it's making her awkward.

Then, Hanabi turns to Soo Young. She smiled at the blue haired girl as she extended her hands for a handshake, "Hi! What's your name, little girl?"

Soo Young looked seriously offended. You can almost see white smoke coming from her nostrils and ears as she fumes in anger. "I am not a little girl! I'm already centuries old!"

Se Heon and Hanabi looked at her with wide eyes. They both blinked at Soo Young before they started laughing. Hanabi crouches down at Soo Young and ruffles the top of the blue haired girl's head, "You're so cute. Where's your parents?"

Soo Young looks raging right now. Her face red from anger as she pushes Hanabi away. "I told you I am not a little girl!"

The blue haired girl turns to Mi Young while pointing at Mi Young's companions, "Quick! Tell them!"

Se Heon chuckles at the smaller girl's antics, "No need to ask for a backup."

"Why is no one giving me respect?!" Soo Young shouts in anger.

Se Heon chuckles at the girl one more time as he walks back towards Mi Young who has an amused expression on her face. "Hey, what happened to you?"

Mi Young sighs as she answers the other party, "It was a long story. I got chased by wolves, fought with goblins, met someone who has slept for a hundred years, and now I need to gather herbs in order to save the life of the Basilisk Dragon."

"Wait—what do you mean you fought with goblins?"

"Exactly as that." Mi Young says with a nod. "I fought with goblins and used battle techniques and magic against them."

"Goblins are known to be cunning and are brilliant when it comes to cheating. How did you manage to survive them?"

"Hey! Was that an insult?" Mi Young glares at Se Heon.

The other boy had a small smile on his lips before he answered Mi Young, "No. I'm just curious how you managed to find out their tricks."

So Mi Young explains to him what happened to her during her fight with the three cunning goblins.

After that, because of Soo Young's persistence, she also explained to Se Heon and Hanabi about Soo Young's real identity – which also resulted in her and Se Heon to reveal their real identity to the blue haired girl.

"So you mean you two are from the future?" The small girl asks while pointing at the two students.

Mi Young and Se Heon both nodded in unison.

The blue haired girl slumped back on the chair behind her as her mouth hangs open, "Oh my god. This is a really rare moment. I need to write this on my journal!"

Then, she started scribbling on her journal once more, not even sparing the other people in the room a glance. Hanabi shrugs her shoulders as she turns to Mi Young, "How are you going to get all those ingredients in one go? You said the Basilisk Dragon only had two days to live, right?"

"I don't know. I guess I just need to hurry." Mi Young answers. She looks outside the window and observes the young Basilisk Dragon who was still sleeping a couple of meters away from them.

"Why don't you and I go and pick out those violet lamp grass while Hanabi and Soo Young go to Crane Village since they know that place well?" Se Heon suggested.

Mi Young and Hanabi looked at him with wide eyes. The young boy looks confused as he asks the two of them what's wrong.

It was Mi Young who answered him, "I just never imagined you could give an excellent idea like that."

Se Heon glared at her, "Are you saying I look stupid?"

"Your words. Not mine." Mi Young says with a chuckle which also caused Hanabi to burst out in laughter.

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