
Doll House (17)





"Aaaaah, AAAAH-" Between the shrill, inhumane screech, there was the sound of sharp weaponry plunging into hard flesh.

The rhythm of stabs repeated over and over again in the silent corridor, in the never ending stream of monsters, Chu Yi stood over a pile of ground ghoulish flesh. From the tingling excitement at the very beginning to now, Chu Yi had gradually grown tired of the recurrent fighting. The smile on his face fading away to a bored glare.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

In his ears, there would occasionally echo the sound of the countdown falling, anyone else would have fallen into a mindless timeloop, nervousness and exhaustion taking over slowly and persistently, until at some point, they couldn't fight it anymore, their limbs refusing to move, leaving them only with the option of being mauled to death by the grotesque creatures.

That initial adrenaline had indeed fallen to a low point, but Chu Yi had long mastered the art of using the simplest moves to kill, in order to save energy.


From behind him another huge scarlet demon, with bloody horns growing on its head, lunged for his head, without looking back, he twisted the knife behind him and inserted it deep into the things eye socket!

Another splurt, another kill.


Kicking away the corpse at his feet, Chu Yi once again let out a bored rasp. Annoyance slowly creeping into his gaze.

His chest, splashed with scarlet blood, rose and fell rapidly with his gasps.

After killing another monster, Chu Yi was on the verge of explosion. A dark and angry aura emanating from him while he stood in the pools of blood and flesh.

Luckily, at this moment the instance seemed to have taken mercy on Chu Yi and afterwards no more monsters appeared.


Exactly 50 monsters had appeared and exactly 50 he had killed.

That means he had collected exactly 50 copper shards, just enough to complete his task and after turning and observing them for a bit, he tried to piece them together.

Click! Click!

One click after another, the pieces slowly connected together to form a large copper coin lying in the middle of his palm.

Interestingly enough, the coin resembled the player coins used in the tower of life in the city, with the inexplicably familiar pattern engraved on the top.

But that wasn't what caught his full attention.

From his previous conjecture, he had come to the conclusion that , the way to obtain the shards was by killing the ghost children haunting the castle, but from he had observed, the monsters he had killed syill gave the same aharrds but he couldn't connect the hideous 6 foot tall demons to the children.

Either he had miscalculated and you could get the shards as long as you killed something or there were something wrong with the shards themselves.

He tried to observe the coins but even after a while, could not pick out any obvious differences.

In the end he could only throw the issue aside and look towards the front.

After killing the 50th monster, the originally enclosed space had now opened up a large black door at the end of the corridor.

There was no sound from inside the door, nether was there a corpse filled statue and yet the room had the same chilling, death- like air about it.


The only thing he could hear apart from his slowly

rising heart beat was his own footsteps, that already faded excitement slowly rising again under the influence of the hair raising atmosphere.

Adrenaline pumped and goosebumps rose along the slender lines of his arms.

The closer he got, the more he could hear the anguished wailing of a woman. This sorrowful cry was full of grief and heartbreak, as if this woman had encountered something terribly tragic.

Under this chilling cry, Chu Yi entered the room.

Unlike the other rooms ,that they had observed in the rest of the castle, in this confined space, the room was incongruous and different from the rest.

Their were no signs of the previous luxury and this room was entirely constructed out wood. The planks on the floor were somewhat aged; they would suddenly creak and groan the moment one stepped on them. There were also some places that would tremble slightly, as if these boards could hardly support the weight of the human body.

However, what specifically caught his attention was the potent stench of blood in the air.

This sanguinary odor was so strong that it stung people's noses. A feeling that was all but pleasant grew inside Chu Yi. Originally Chu Yi intended to explore the room, in search of an exit but when faced with the sight before, he couldn't help but let out a disgusted sneer.

Even though he had guessed the results, when faced with the full sight, he still felt contempt.

Red lines drawn with fresh human blood ran along the wooden floorboards, with each point of the line connecting to form a hexagon in a typical sacrifical pattern. Each node was drawn in a difftent pattern, anti- clockwise and the pungent smell of blood hit him like a rock.

At the very center of the array was a deep blood filled hole, he couldn't measure the depths from here he was standing but a close estimate was more than 15 ft underground and 4 ft wide at minimum, the amount of blood needed to fill a hole that size, was astronomical.

It didn't take much brains to figure out the purpose of the pattern, neither was it hard to guess what the children's bodies were used for.

The ignorant journalist that had written the newspaper article lauding the absolute kindness of the Madam would never have guessed, what kind of darkness existed in the castle.

Despite this unsettling feature, the room appeared normal albeit poor.

Chu Yi had basically figured out most of ins and outs of this instance but he still needed some more information to make a absolute guess.

With such a backstory, anyone would feel their hairs standing on its toes upon hearing it, little thought needed to imagine to terrifying incidents that happened in this place.

"Do you wanna play?."

The familiar eery question, interrupted his brooding thoughts.

From behind him, the little young master crept up to Chu Yi's back, standing on his tip toes to whisper childishly in Chu Yi's ears.

The little boys breath didn't carry the warmth of the living but seemed more like a dead body.

From the last time he had met him, the child had obviously deteriorated and although he still remained obvious human features, purple spots of what looked like liver mortis were starting to set in.

In fact, compared to the other children in the castle, he definitely had the appearance but seeing as such, his death would probably have been the most gruesome.

Because, in very sacrifice array, they all had something in ommon.

A catalyst, the main sacrifice, the center; that would bear the brunt of every inch of extreme, excruciating pain inflicted on them.

Staring at the purple spots of liver mortis marring that delicate face, Chu Yi answered softly,

Once again agreeing,

"Let's play."

Writers block and sleep deprivation is a bitch. Trying to cut off my coffee addiction at the same time isn't helping either. Reviews and comments are appreciated a whole lot. They help me stay motivated to keep going

TomatoesandCoffeecreators' thoughts
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