

Being friend with Bianca for Mara was very helpful for Adrienne was becoming more and more jealous of Bianca that she was more cranky these days.


Fuck where the hell is this maid!????"

"Fuck these teachers."

Those were the statements that came out of Adrienne's mouth. And frankly no one was getting along with her due to such moods. But I can't blame her ......who on earth with a jealous heart who could not explain herself to the ones they love do. It was like being locked in a cocoon with no escape,,,  yes a cocoon one had made for themselves but one could escape from.

The day for the trip came early and maybe it was fate that the three girls be together to explore the camp life so surprisingly Bianca was confirmed to be a special case to go for the camp. Happy as a lark was Mara and angry as a raging bull was Adrienne.

On that day Mara as was expected came to school in an old dress that was probably the best one she had. It was a summer dress that was red in colour with different types of flowers. Her shoes were simple doll shoes that were tattered due to exhaustion of being worn numerous times.

"You look good Mara."

That was what Bianca said but in reality Mara knew that Bianca was saying that just to make her feel good. How wrong she was for Bianca loved how she looked. Two forest green eyes surveyed her body that moment from head to toe looking at her cleavage, curves, and excellent lips that looked plumb and puffy tempting the two of them to kiss her.

Adrienne looked afar with pure jealousy as she contemplated all the evil things she could do to that wicked witch called Bianca who was touching what was hers....wait did I just say mine...

Get out of your madness your not going to fall for that lowlife of a girl.

Who you kidding she heard her mind ask your practically drooling for her right now.

The lineup of students into the bus began soon after and the surprising thing happened their was a coackroach on Adrienne's sit which caused her to scream loud that Bianca moved fast to her as Mara followed behind them.

"What's wrong Adri...!!!!"  Asked Bianca with a worried expression on her face.

"A coackroach on my sit....get it away.!!!!"  She shouted back forgetting that she was talking with the enemy but its understandable as if I wouldn't have accepted the help.

If she had expected any help then she was wrong for Bianca broke into a fit of laughter with a few other girls and of the boys at the sight of Adrienne in such a horror stricken look that totally made her look adorable.

"Excuse me are you going to help me??" Asked Adrienne her face almost tomato red from the embarrassment that she had gone through.

"And what if I don't say please isn't that right Mara."

"Yeah how can our princess lack manners"

For the first time Adrienne witnessed Mara smile and it made her feel terrible for although she was really denying the through Adrienne was actually falling for Mara and Bianca didn't look so bad herself.

Bianca at that same time was in a similar situation....the bus had started moving but she wasn't even shaken for her hazel eyes roamed Adrienne's body as she took in the other girl gorgeous looks and compared her to Mara and silently concluded that having a multi girlfriend relationship would hurt would it.

"Fine please help me!"

For Bianca's ears those word were like a song for she loved the voice and wondered how Adrienne would sound while she had her way both with  her and Mara.

With ease Bianca picked up the cockroach and threw it out through the window. Then she looked at Mara and had an idea why couldn't they sit with Adrienne who was now back to her bitchy attitude all over again.

"Mind if Mara and I sit here Adri?"

"Hell I do mind."

"Awwwhhh come on girl we know you need company now that all your minions are not around."

Adri....(that is Adrienne now that I got her a nickname.) Silently considered her words and saw the truth in them but there was no way she would let Bianca outsmart her like that.

She raised her eyes at them and grinned at them...she had already thought of a way on how she could make Bianca pay and get Mara to notice her for a little companion time with her.

"Fine you may....but on one condition."

"Well spill it out am all in aren't you Mara?"

"Ah yeah sure am.....in too I guess."

"Hmmm your so stubborn aren't you Bianca"

"But am also pretty enough too"

OK that was something Adri had already come to realise so she didn't need anyone to remind her.

"Whatever,,,you play truth or dare with me."

"Whattt???" Both Bianca and Mara exclaimed.


So guys how was that chapter any comments .

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