
In the line of Ed


"First, you take the planet earth round and blue and Green."

"And floating over Tokyo, you drop a giant bean."

"Put another one in Sichuan China what a shine."

"Taking off from Dubai to Hawaii at mach 20 leave contrails as you fly."

"Double back across the southern hemisphere over the Philippines once again to well Dubai."

"And then! Back to Hawaii drawing lines at latitude every 25 degrees along the way."

"And there you have it" finished Korosensei as he stood in front of the board in a happy way.

"Koro~sen~sei" he chortled as the song finished.

"See it's simple. Now you try" he said to the class.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME" yelled the class


But then they heard sniffling and turned their heads to see Ed crying dramatically as he tears went down the side of his desk. He then pulled his head, showing his sad expression as he cried "That was so beautiful. OH, sing-a-longs make me sad, Eric" as he grabbed Eric and threw him and Eric became stiff as a board. Then Eric sneezed on him and covered him in his snot, again.

He put Eric down on the floor as his classmates groaned and gagged at Eric nasty nature now. All Eric did was grow a deadpanned look and said "I'm going home" as he slowly trudged his way out of the class, while Eddy laughed his head off, and Yada chuckled a little at his dilemma.

'Yea, this is our classroom in a nutshell. We are the odd group. We're E class. To most, they call E class the end class, but secretly, we're the assassination classroom. Our target is our teacher. And you would think it would be all serious since the power of our target is shown by what's left of our moon. But nope, it's the complete opposite. And we wouldn't want it any other way.'



Cue Seishun Satsubatsuron by 3-nen E-gumi Utatan)


{Seishun... Satsubatsuron!}

(The opening starts with the crescent moon as it gradually change to Korosensei's head. Then Ed, Double D, Eddy and Eric appeared upside down with their names shown as they fall and tried to attack Korosensei as he panicked before dust picks up around them as the title appeared.)

Welcome Back, Mr. ED!

{Kuchi ni dasu no wa jikkō suru toki}

{Sore ga kakkoī koto shitteru sa}

(The scene start with Eric waking up in bed as he gets up and gets ready for school. As he walk out of his room, Eddy and Double D were at the living room while the latter was preparing breakfast. He look around only to see that Ed's not up yet so he went to his room to wake him up, only to find that he was not here and saw his window was open.)

{TARGET, sagashite bokura wa satsubatsu}

{Omoi wa mayou mayoedo susumu}

{Migite to migiashi issho ni de sōda}

(Eric panicked and ran out of his room to tell Eddy and Double D that Ed's gone. Eddy groaned in frustration while Double D worried about him, Eric ran back in to his room and came out with his uniform on and a toothbrush in his mouth. Double D quickly pack small breakfast along with their lunches before they head out to find Ed.)

{Nan nanda iraira no hadō wa}

{Bokura no sonzai no shōmei?}

{Tsuki wo miagetakamaru}

{Sā sā! Satsu satsu sattō START!}

(Scene changes to Eric opens a fridge of their neighbor's house and found Ed sleeping in his underwear and half eaten food. Eddy laughed while Eric took Ed out of the fridge and slaps him back and forth to wake him up. Double D look at the time and finds that they are going to be late for school, Eric and Double D panicked while Eddy groaned as Ed woke up from Eric's slapping before he was pulled by Eric and ran out the door along with Eddy and Double D.)

{Yari kittenaikara yarikirenai}

{Yari kittenaikara yarikirenai}

{Genjō daha wo chīsana koe de yagate zekkyō shitaku naru}

(The Eds and Eric, with Ed now in his uniform, rushing to the train station but they missed the train. As Eric and Double D mope in depression, Eddy yelled at Ed before he had an idea as he grabbed Ed the the other two. They're now at a park as they sitting in a box with a tree that is cartoonishly pulled down like rubber below them while Ed was holding the tree down by sinking his teeth in another tree. Double D was calculating their trajectory while Eddy was getting impatient and Eric was starting to regret it. Double D conclude that they would land in the field behind the building but isn't sure about it. Eddy isn't surprised as he signals Ed to let go as they're launch in the air heading to towards school.)

{Yari kittenaikara yarikirenai (Yareba dekiru sa)}

{Yari kittenaikara yarikirenai (Kitto dekiru sa)}

(Eddy, Double D and Eric screamed while Ed laugh as they flew through the sky. Then Eric saw Korosensei flying by as he pulled out his anti-sensei knife and tries to kill him but no avail as Korosensei sped up ahead of them.)

{Dōse, to iu no wa kantandakedo}

{Ima wa agaite mitainda kimi to hajikete mitainda}

(Meanwhile in E-Class, Yada was sitting by her desk and glance at Eric's desk in front of her as class was about to start. Korosensei arrives through the window and begun roll call, Yada asked him if he seen the Eds and Eric this morning making Rio teased her about it as she blushed in embarrassment. Korosensei answers as the Eds and Eric crashed through the roof and landed in the floor next to Korosensei, surprising the students.)

{Saredo seishun wa mirai he GO!}

{Sā sā sā! Seishun satsubatsuron!}

(Ed recoiled from the floor as he pulled the other three out with him as the class aside from Korosensei look at them with white eyes and jaws dropped. Korosensei tells them to take their seats as Ed lets go of them and went to their designated desk thus begins class.)


EDventure # 7 In the line of Ed

Before Eric's group dilemma

It was morning time out in Kyoto, Japan. And the first group of Class 3-E decided to visit the countryside of the beautiful town as the sounds of a speeding train could be heard coming from inside a tunnel and just at the end of the tunnel out popped a train pulling several coaches, but also some open seated carts that people could sit in and take in the view. 

And aboard that train was Group 1 of the Assassination Classroom, consisting of Double D, Isogai, Kimura, Maehara, Okano, Okuda, Kataoka, and Kurahashi. They were traveling on the train to see all the local tourist areas and see what the lands had in store for them.

"Wowza. The open air design really lets you feel this baby move" said Korosensei as he leaned his head out of the cart seeing all of the land go by them in a flash, as the wind made his coat and wig fly around.

"Indeed, sir. The intended design of this cart was to give people a view of all the lovely flora and fauna of this fine land while also giving people a feel and view of the sun and the surrounding areas instead on being cooped in a box car like those in front of us. Isn't it fascinating, sir" said Double D in his excitement.

"Indeed it is, Double D. the serenity of this great land is full of promises and treasured landscapes. Truly, you picked a fine place to start our first trip together" said Korosensei as he turned to look at Double D, who was sitting next to Okuda and Okano.

"Didn't you and Okuda plan this idea, Double D" he asked.

"We certainly did. We had looked through the many areas of Kyoto and we saw that the landscape of Kyoto was the most popular tourist spot, along side their temples so we decided that seeing the beauty of its luscious green hills, plains, and many other outside wonders was, as you said, the perfect thing to start out our trip" said Double D while Okuda blushed and stuttered at Double D complementing her work in this.

"O-O-Oh, I didn't do much. Double D was the one that thought of this idea" she said, still acting embarrassed.

"Nonsense, Okuda. You both really did choose a great way to start out trip. As the old saying goes, great minds think alike. Which in this case is you two" he said as both Double D and Okuda both blushed at his compliment and took a quick look at each other and then looked away from each other, still embarrassed.

"Truly a splendid idea" he said as he looked about out towards the plain fields. "Now, this is how you travel by train. Zipped along in a brazing 25km per hour and no queasiness" said Korosensei as he kept looking out at the land in sheer amazement.

"Says the guy who can break the sound barrier" replied Maehara.

As the train continued on it journey, The students began to set their assignation in motion. They were coming to their next destination, where their sniper man happened to be waiting.

"Just a little more and we'll be in the snipers line of sight" thought Isogai. He then recalled back to their assassination plan. When they looked over the areas that they would visit, Double D and Okuda were the ones that suggested that they should do it in the forest areas. With the many trees that hung around the bridge, many sounds of nature, and all the different smells, it would the perfect place to kill him. Hidden in the leaves, the many smells of forestry, animals, and the smells the train carried, he thought Korosensei couldn't possibly smell the sniper in all of that. It was the perfect place to kill him. And they were getting closer to their position area.

"Indecently, it's a popular tourist attraction on the Sagano tram line. Hozugawa river bridge" continued Isogai's train of thought.

Then they felt the train begin to slow down as they all hear over the loud speaker a man saying

"Alright folks. Nows the time to take those photos."

As the people on the cart began taking picture, a boat began to float down the river below the bridge. The students noticed this and took it as an opportunity. Hinano decided to be the one to distract him by saying:

"Oh cool. Look at the boat, Korosensei" as she pointed at the boat down below. "Coolest thing ever, right"

"Ooo, let me see" said Korosensei in a giddy way and looked down at the boat. While he did, Hinano looked back at her group and they all looked at each other and nodded. Out near the bank of the river, was the sniper. He was there waiting for Korosensei to lean more out. Our hindsight was when Korosensei leans more out to look at the boat.

From the snipers area

He had been waiting out by the bank for the train to stop. As it did, he looked through the range of the scope and he could see Korosensei in his sights


That was the only sound the could be heard from the snipers area as he had fired his shot straight at Korosensei's head, right smack dab between the old noggin. Or in Korosensei's case. boulder of a head.

"One time the Middle East, shot a man from 20 clicks during a sandstorm" thought the sniper as he reloaded his gun and took in the scenery at how perfect this was for an assassination attempt. He then looked back up at the train and then through his scope to see his work. But what he saw was something that shocked him but not the targets students

The bullet was caught between a piece of yatsuhashi that he was eating.


Korosensei then looked the treat he was about to eat and saw something in it saying,

"Oh dear, there seems to be a sliver of bone in my om nom. That could've turned out ugly" as he looked at his students looked away from him acting as if nothing happened. Double D sighed as he took out a notebook and began writing down that this assassination attempt was another failure. He hung his head down as he was sad that he and Okuda's plan failed miserably. All because of a stupid sweet. He then felt a hand on his shoulder and saw Okuda with an endearing smile and said

"Don't feel bad. It was brilliant attempt and everything was the perfect plan for an assassination. Korosensei is just too smart for us." Double D began to think on her words and began to remember things that their teacher had done that left the surprised before. So this wasn't anything new but they still wished it worked. He then lifted his head and said

"Thank you, Okuda. That helped me a little. But it wasn't just my plan. You helped me too. It was a team effort" as he put his hand on shoulder as a term of endearment. Okuda was surprised by his praise toward her. For her, it was something new and she began to stutter and blush at his praise towards her. Double D was surprised by her embarrassment but didn't think much of it. They then felt the train begin to move from their tended assassination area.

The sniper man was a mixture of anger, shock, and amazement. Never in whole career did he have a target that was able to catch a bullet he shot. Hence, why he was given the name Red Eye. Nothing particularly red about his, but his aim and line of fire was amazing which was why they gave him the job of killing Korosensei. But after seeing what fell before him, he began to wonder if he could even hit him.

"Dammit, impossible. A spinning bullet stopped by a piece of ooey gooey goodness. How fast do they expect me to be" he internally complained as he saw the train began to move again. He began to walk out onto the bank of the river as the train disappeared and he began to get lost in thought.

"Hmph. Now I understand the price on this guy. Mr K. wasn't kidding when he said my target wasn't human." But then he began to think more about his other possible attempts to see how things were going to play. To him, he thought it would be fun but he was going to be in for a big surprise. He loaded up his gear and began heading to his next area for intended assassination.


Next it was Eddy's group, group 2, which consisted of Mimura, Okajima, Chiba, Sugaya, Rinka, Takebayashi, and Rio, and they decided that their assassination attempt would be at one of the local plays going on so they were going to a far part of town to where they were putting on an act of a popular screen writing or script and they knew that if Korosensei was watching the play then they sniper could easily shoot him. Plenty of empty areas for the sniper to hide and aim his gun straight at his target. He knew he wouldn't hit any of the civilians as he knew he was good enough not to hit anyone but his target. And with the actors making a bunch of noise, then Korosensei wouldn't be able to hear the gunshot.

The play had began starting for a while and they were now at a part of the play where the main actor of the play was about to get into a fight, that was one of several fights of the play. A man with his hair tied up was standing in front of a lady while, several men were standing in front of them, giving each other foul looks, clearing intending they weren't on good terms with each other.

The main actor stepped forward as he sneered at the people across from him.

"Begone with thee, foul wastestral. Your presence doth desecrate mine eye " said the man with disgust in his voice as he held out his hand in front of the lady. This seemed to have touched a nerve since the man he was talking to furrowed his brows in anger and said

"How dare you address me thus"as he and a few of the men began to draw their swords as the man then yelled,

"Let us teach this man humility, brothers" as one man in a brown outfit charged at him but he got hit by the man's sword and fell down. Another man in a light purple outfit charged at him from the other side but got slashed by the man's sword as well and joined his friend on the ground as well. It was an act, yes, but it was still an amazing performance. And it seemed to wow the students of E-class.

"Amazing. These guys are swinging their swords so much, you can barely see them" exclaimed Okajima as he stood in amazement at the actors. Eddy was also amazed by their performances but compared to the stuff they did back home, this was Childs play. But he was still amazed.

"Yea, they're so fast, the Flash would be jealous" said Eddy, trying to be funny but only Rio laughed at his joke, understanding what he was doing there. But among the people not laughing at his joke, they heard Korosensei say,

"These men are highly trained in the subtle art of stage combat" said Korosensei as they continued to see the main actor fighting off all the villains in the act.

"Did I mention that I'm an aficionado of Edo era sword play" said Korosensei in a sense of self pride.

Eddy just grew a deadpanned face as he said "You know, you and Double must be great at parties" he said sarcastically as some of the students laughed at his quip.

But as the students were laughing, the group began to see the main actor fighting the bad guys and began to make their way over to them. Eddy decided to take this window of opportunity to try and get in a better angle and area for the sniper to fire. He snickered and rubbed his hands together in his scheming way. After hearing Double D's failed attempt, he knew had this in the bag.

"Hehe. Duddle Do-the-right-thing failed at killing the Octopus so now its my time to shine" thought Eddy as he grinned evilly.

Eddy then leaned toward Rio and whispered his plan into her ear as for her to help him get their plan into action. She nodded at him while smirking at his plan. They both looked towards the stage area and saw how close the actors we getting to them. The two stepped forward as Rio said,

"Watch out, sir. Don't stand so close" said Nakumura in a worried tone as she grabbed onto Korosensei's uniform.

"Yea, octo-head. Do you really want to get used like a pin cushion" said Eddy in an annoyed way as he was just messing around with him.

"Not the way I would put that but yes, I would not like to be stabbed. Or at least ruin my uniform" said Korosensei as he knew those blades wouldn't kill him.

As Rio and Eddy pulled their teacher away from the fight, Rio took one look up and her eye sight was focused on a tower that was a couple of feet from them. That was the new location that they had suggested the the sniper should be. Perfect height, good enough hiding space as to not draw any attention, and with the noise the actors were making, it would drown a little bit of the gun shot sound out as so their teacher couldn't hear.

Up in the tower, Red eye was looking through his scope and could see the students moving his target back as to give him more of a shooting target area.

"The actors are guiding the target nicely. Good. Everything is set in motion" said the sniper as he continued to look through his scope. The first time he met his target, he was too relaxed as he had faith in his abilities. His arrogance and neglect to read up on the target cause him to miss his target, but seeing what his target was capable of, he now knew what he had to do. But this time he had a better idea of what to do and this time. The octopus was as good as dead. At least, that's what he kept telling himself. But as he looked through the scope, he noticed something. The target was gone.

"Huh, What the hell" he then looked again from side to side, looking through the crowd to see if he could see him again. But when he couldn't, he decided to look out towards the actors and saw Korosensei in the same attire as the actors and was battling with the actors.

"Oh come on" he said as he had emotions of both angry and annoyance by the actions that transpired as he said

"How is everyone ok with this" as Korosensei began to fight the other swordsman back and then rushed over to the lead actor with his back turned and said,

" I come to thine aid" as he held his sword to his side as he continued saying "Blood soaked sakura blossoms are an evil flower. I will not abide them" as he held his sword high in a defensive stance.

"HE EVEN KNOWS THE LINES" yelled Red eye. He looked through his scope and tried to find his target.

From down below, Group 2 could see that their teacher had taken the opportunity to join the actors in the fight. Eddy then grew a tick mark as he then knew the sniper man couldn't shoot at their teacher because they're were people in the way. He clenched his fist and anger and grunted saying,

"Of course the octopus would find a way to ruin our plans, Dammit" as he continued to watch the fight go on.

"Ugh, dammit. I can't hit him like this the actors are getting in the way. Gah, I hate actors" yelled red eye as he kept trying to follow his target but everywhere he followed, the actors kept getting in the way and Korosensei was just too quick for him to catch up. As he struggled to find his line of sight for the target, he began to think back on what Karasuma told him about his target.


"He's been clocked at Mach 20 and his defensive techniques are unconventional but don't let that throw you off"


"Yea, unconventional" groaned Red eye as he snapped the piece of wooden pipe in his mouth with his hands. He was getting more frustrated. This target was no joke. He was an impossible thing to kill. He had one more window of opportunity to kill and he be damned if he wasn't going to get him the next time.


Next was group 3, Ed's group, and they consisted of Terasaka, Yoshida, Muramatsu, Fuwa, Hazama, and Hara, and only two of them weren't  complaining about having Ed in their group. But Terasaka groaned in annoyance as he asked his gang,

"Out of all of those 4 freaks, why did we have to get stuck with the stupid one" but then he was punched on the shoulder as he saw Fuwa staring at him saying

"That's not nice. Ed may not be intelligent, but he's still lovable. He's a lovable dummy. So don't say such hurtful things to him" she said, trying to defend them.

"You just called him a dummy. How is that different from me calling him stupid" replied Terasaka.

"Well... when I said it, I meant it as a compliment" said Fuwa trying to defend what she said.

"How is that a..."

Then a sudden whoosh came in and they saw their teacher standing in front of them.

"You're late sir. What took you so long" asked Hara

Korosensei grew nervous and scared as he said "Sorry. I was swept up into a samurai drama. I was the star" as he said with glee.

"I totally believe it" Said Muramatsu.

"Did you see the wizard upon your trip to Oz" said Ed in his stupid manner. That caused everyone else, except Fuwa, to grow annoyed expressions and thought "How the heck did he get that question from his answer."

"No, Ed. When I said swept up, I didn't mean in a tornado. I meant I played a part in an act and it was incredible. But anyways, shall we continue on our way" said Korosensei.

"You know we finished Kiyomizu temple like forever ago" said Yoshida.

"More like for a few seconds, then Ed over there thought it'd be fun to go chasing some birds and nearly made us go over the side when we tried to catch him" Said Hazama in an annoyed tone.

"I thought it was Joshua Steinberg from "The Reincarnated Blue Feather" said Ed as he chuckled  his normal chuckle as he pulled out a comic book of a bird with a tiny helmet flying towards the setting sun.

"The what" said everyone, even Korosensei.

Fuwa then gained a happy smirk as she then said" The story about a man who died from a fiery explosion who was then reincarnated as a blue bird and travels the world as he save people and gains new life experiences along the way" as she smiled in a prideful way at the way she was telling story.

"And in volume 178, he finally faces his arch enemy, Dr. Hoggback. The Evil scientist that uses bird to steal from banks and random people he sees on the streets but also mutates other creatures and cuts them up, while then stitching those pieces together to form unnoticeable creatures" finished Edd.

The group just stared at the two that had happy smirks on their faces at telling a story they had never heard before.

'Those two are meant for each other' they all thought as they had sweat drops on their heads form the over enthusiasm the two had.

Korosensei scratched his head as he was in thought about his students dilemma but then figured,

"I see. Why not scope out Ninazaka Street and see if we can find any souvenirs" said Korosensei but Terasaka wasn't buying it as he said,

"Yea, right. All you buy down there is junk food." said Terasaka.

"Oh goody, goody. Do you think they'll have jaw breakers" exclaimed Ed as he jumped up and down in a cheery manner.

While the group began discussing their plan of action, Red Eye stationed himself in a temple nearby. This time, he was really angry. 2 times, he failed to take him down, something that had never happened in his whole 8 years as a sniper. He had found an empty room to set up and he looked out and saw the target again for a third time 

"Ok. Perfect place to draw a steady bead on him. Perfect to get him this time" he said as he looked through the scope. He could see that his target had stopped next to a shop to where Hara was showing Korosensei something.

"Here, try this blotting paper. Its super cool" said Hara as she was holding a couple of pieces paper. Korosensei stared at the paper and was hesitant at trying them out as he said,

"Eh. I don't know. I'm not sure I want you to see what it'll pick up."

Hara ignored him as she began pasting the paper around him and said "Come on, this is suppose to be fun."

Korosensei then just stood there as he sort of protested saying "Ok. I guess we're doing this now" as Hara continued pasting the paper on him. As she did this, Terasaka smirked as he knew this would be a perfect time for Red eye to strike.

Back in the temple, Red eye could see what Hara was doing and decided to use this as his best window of opportunity.

"Heh. While he continues to be distracted by his students...."


"Headshot. Perfect"said Red eye as he knew he had him this time right between the temples. This time he had him. Right?



Korosensei began to peel off the papers that Hara put on him and they have a lot of yellow sponge-looking things, and began piling them up.

"See, this is what I was talking about look at all these secretions. There's enough mucus here to stop a bullet" he said as Terasaka grew and annoyed face as he still acted how invincible he still was and that a bullet was stopped the the mutants mucus, while everyone else just had sweat beads on their heads. Ed just had his normal stupid expression as he didn't know what was going on.

Then the group heard a phone ringing with the sound of bells on it.

"Oh. Eric's group is calling. Excuse me" said Korosensei as he pulled out his phone.

The group waited for  his call to be done but they became concerned when he gasped and said about where they were. He then hung up his phone.

"What's wrong, sir" asked Hara.

"It seems Eric's group ran into some thugs and were taken. I have to cut our time together short. Sorry, boys and girls. I have to go" said Korosensei in a rush and was about to take off until he felt someone tugging on his uniform, which turned out to be Ed.

"Oh please, Mr. Octopus. Take me with you. My buddy Eric is in trouble and I must save him."

"I'm sorry, Ed. This is a dangerous task. Stay here with your...." said their teacher until Ed tackled Korosensei to the ground and jumped up and down saying "Oh please. Please. Please. Take me with you. Eric is my buddy. I must save my buddy. Take me with you."

"He could be useful I mean he was able to break that branch back at the school with just a pebble. So you might need his strength" said Fuwa.

"Yes, please take him with you" said Terasaka, clearly implementing he was getting tired of Ed, getting another punch from Fuwa.

Korosensei knew that he needed to save his students but he also knew how close the Eds and Eric were to each other. He was reluctant but he knew how stubborn Ed was.

"Very well, Ed. You may come along to save your friends but if they have a gun, you are running as far away from this place as fast as you can. Do I make myself clear" finished Korosensei in a stern voice.

"Duh, yep sir" said Ed as he saluted to Korosensei as he just said

"Good enough" and he put Ed into his uniform and took off for the students.

As he and Ed took off, Red eye put his gun down and sat down as he tried to collet his thoughts as he said,

"What in gods name is this thing. His speed is insane, his defenses impregnable, its like he's factory made with the express purpose of being un-freaking-killable" as his head began to warp around all the things he learned about his new target.

He just couldn't kill him. He was unstoppable. None of his methods had worked on his new target, and he still was standing tall. What could possibly kill him was the only thing that was on his mind until it was brought out by his phone ringing.

He reached into his pocket and answered it saying,

"Red eye, here."

"Hey its me" said the voice of Mr. Karasuma.

"Oh hey Mr. K."

"I'm afraid you'll have to pack it in for today no more attempts."

This surprised Red Eye as he said "huh."

"The next group you were suppose to meet has run into some unforeseen issues. Something about high school thugs. Target has gone to aid them in their rescue" said Mr Karasuma as Professor Bitch listened to their conversation.

Red eye knew that he probably needed to take a break from his assassinations today so he said "yes sir understood." He then began to think more about the day he had with all of his failed attempts to kill him and realized how much Korosensei's skills were way different than him. He leaned his ear back to his phone and said,

"To be honest, that guy just makes me want to through in the towel anyway" and with saying that, he hung and just slumped over in the ground and began to ponder what exactly he learned today.


Later that night

It was now night time in Kyoto as Red eye was wondering the streets of Kyoto while he was still think about the stubborn and crazy day he had today. Never in his 8 years of being a sniper did he ever come across a target such as this. Speed, insane. Tactics, crazy. Defenses, impregnable. He sighed as he continued to think about his job as he walked through the markers.

"I've been a sniper for 8 years. Not once has have I failed to see a marks blood in my scope" as he began thinking back to the other targets that he was able to hit. All the crazy missions he was given, the perils and thrills he's experienced. The people he's killed, all of it for 8 years and yet this was the craziest thing he's been a part of. It's funny how he remembered when Mr K. brought him in because of his reputation of being a good sniper and killing many bad people.

"It's cause of my job, that I got the name Red Eye" as he walked into a small area in an alleyway and put his suit case down. As he did that, he began to think on that name he was given.

"Strange, isn't it. Nothing particular red about my eye" as he held his fingers in a circle, imitating the scope of his gun but as he did so, a small red bag tied to a string showed up in his face.

As he let go of his finger motion, he held out his hand as the bag dropped into his hand. And a cheery voice said to the man,

"Here you go. A special blend of spices from Sannenzaka" as the man handed him the bag. Red felt pretty impressed that someone gave him some spices. He decided to thank him as he looked up at the man and said

"Thank you. I appreciate it. You really..."

The kind man was the target he tried to kill all day.

"WHAT IN THE HELL" yelled Red as he was shocked his target found him.

Then he saw Korosensei's arms wiggling around in a very scary manner and when Red looked at his face, it was covered by a shadow as it hide his face. And it didn't help that what happened next added to the scary vibe.

"Sorry to disrupt your plans, but some of my students were in a pickle. Not to worry, its taken care of. Everything is ok so I thought i'd take this to to drop in and say hello" as his eye began to glow red and made Red fear that this was his last line of work.


Both of them went to the room the Red was staying in. And they began making some warm tofu for supper. Korosensei then told Red about how he knew about the kids plans as he cooled down the tofu.

"So you knew the plan and you were just playing for kicks and giggles" said Red in confusion but then just chucked as he said,

"Man you are one scary customer. No wonder the government is paying a lot of money to keep you a secret"he said in amusement. Then remembered who he was talking to so he figured he show at least tell him,

"So, uh, let's cut to the chase. If you are going to kill me go right ahead. Deaths an occupational hazard. I knew what I signed up for" said Red but all Korosensei did as he spoke was continue to cool down his food to an exaggerated rate.

This soon began to annoy Red as he then yelled


Korosensei's weakness #11: Heat Sensitive tongue

After his continuous cooling down, he grew back his long smile and said in his cheery voice

"You don't really think I'm going to kill you. Especially, when you've gone through so much trouble making this an enjoyable trip. On the contrary, I'm here to thank you" said Korosensei, which surprised Red by what he was saying. He then leaned a bit forward to hear what he had to say.

Korosensei took a bit of tofu as he continued with his mouth full saying "My students did some very impressive research on this region. Yes, as a means to pin point the ideal spots for assassination but they really steeped themselves in geography, local customs, tourist highlights, history, all of it."

"As a matter of fact, their efforts brought them closer to this cities charms than a teacher might otherwise dare to hope" as he began to grab another bowl as continued saying

"They've really come to better understand another place and its people to expand their minds with travel" as he began making another bowl of tofu and began adding some ingredients to it as he continued saying "What ultimately brought them to that milestone. Assassination" to which he handed red the bowl saying "here you go" to which Red accepted. As he grabbed the bowl, he looked back at his target as Korosensei finished by saying,

"Under the circumstances, I'm as proud as punch to be their target" while still having his long and bright smile.

Even though he wasn't showing it, Red could see it in his eyes that he loved those kids with a passion.

Red made a slight chuckle at the teacher and said "I'll be damned your as crazy as you look. Still I can tell you care about those kids" as he stared at his food and began to think back on his school and thought

"Wish I had a teacher like you back in the day." 

(A/N: Don't we all)

Later that night

It was later in the night and Mr. K had gotten a call from the hotel he and the students were staying at from Red.

"Wait, what do you mean you're quitting" asked Karasuma in shock.

"Yea sorry. I just suddenly feel like being a tourist for a little while. Life tends to pass you by in the snipers nests.It's time I spread the color palate a little. Eyes getting tired of red. Bye" and he hung up the phone. As he did that he looked out towards the sky and made his hand signature again and began to think.

"Now what hue should I set my eyes on now tomorrow"

'That's Korosensei for you. Even to the people that try to kill them, he still shows them a new light about life. For Red, or for anyone else, He always showed people the beauty behind things like these, even if they were assassination attempts. To him, even killing him can somehow be turned to a meaningful or life changing experience. And we still had plenty of things to learn from him.' 


{Playing Welcome Back by John Sebastian}

[Instrumentals] The opening of the ending fades into showing the old school building in the afternoon, as the sun was starting to go down.

[Welcome back, your dreams were your ticket out] The scene then cuts to show the kids of E-Class packing their bags and leaving. Eddy was asking Double D if he had today's notes, which Double D responded with a smile. Ed was packing his things, before pulling out an old piece of food from his bag and eating it.

[Welcome back, to that same old place that you laughed about] The scene cuts to show Eric exiting out of the room, only to stop when Yada ran up to him. She asked him something, to which Eric smiled and gestured for her to follow.

[Well the names have all changed since you hung around] The Eds and Eric, Yada, Nagisa, Karma, Kayano, and other students are then shown walking down the street to the train station.

[But those dreams have remained and they've turned around] The scene then cuts to show the doors of a train opening, and the kids walking out of it. They waved goodbye to one another as they went their separate ways

[Who'd have thought they'd lead ya (Who'd have thought they'd lead ya)] The view is then taken to the inside of the Eds and Eric's dorm. The front door opens and Ed runs into the dorm, followed by Eddy walking and tried, then Double D chipped, and then Eric, who closed the door behind him.

[Back here where we need ya (Back here where we need ya)] They are then shown eating dinner in the living room. Wide Eric, Eddy, and Double D ate their noodles normally, Ed slurped up all that was in the one go. This caused the others to laugh.

[Yeah we tease him a lot 'cause we got him on the spot] The Eds and Eric are then shown working on homework.

[Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back, welcome back] Just like in the intro, Eric is shown brushing his teeth in the bathroom. After a moment, he took the toothbrush out of his mouth and drank a glass of water. After swishing the water in his mouth, Eric spits it out and walked out of the bathroom, heading for his bedroom.

[Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back] Eric quickly came back in and turned off the lights, ending the outro.


Next time: EDventure #9 "It all started with an ED"

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