
Chapter 29: Hello, Sister

~Arika's POV~

The day neared its end when Arika finally started ascending the long, spiral staircase. It was narrow and dimly lit. All she could hear was her heels against the stone stairs and a whispering draft. She hated having to go up it. But it was the only way to reach her older sister's room.

To avoid anyone ever discovering the real Sibylla was sick in bed, she was moved to a room where no one but those who knew the secret could find her.

Arika took her time with each step and used the wall to support herself. Heights weren't something she was a fan of, but knowing who was at the top made it an agonizing trip. She knew that she'd have to see her sister eventually, but wished it wasn't so soon.

She stared at the wooden door and closed her eyes. She silently prayed for it to be a short encounter. With that, she knocked on the door.

"Hello, sister? It's me, Arika," she announced before pushing the door open forcefully using her whole body. She stumbled in before standing upright.

The room was gorgeous as always. It had nicer furniture than hers, a chest filled with jewelry rather than doll parts, and her room littered with all the gifts that were from Arika's grave. Her father argued that since she was dead, it only made sense that Sibylla gets to have it all. So she can enjoy it while she recovers.

Arika placed her hand over her chest. Where her ring was attached to the necklace and hidden inside her dress. It was the only thing she wanted to keep her sister from having. That ring was the one gift she valued.

Her sister's head peeked out from under the blue covers. Beaming a bright smile on her weary face. Regardless of how sickly Sibylla looked with sunken cheeks, dull eyes, and messy hair- she still looked gorgeous.

"There's my little sister. I was wondering if you would ever show up." Even though she was sick, she still sounded angelic.

Arika bowed her head. "I apologize. My duty has kept me busy. How are you doing, sis?" she asked with a forced smile.

Sibylla wrapped the sheets around her thin body. "Everything hurts. The medicine they give me is gross and it's boring up here." She stared at her before closing her eyes. "Did I find my prince charming?"

Arika grew nauseous at her words. Sibylla enjoyed using 'we' and 'us' to put herself in her little fantasies with her dream prince. It made her feel uncomfortable.

"You did. The two of you even went to the festival together!" Arika exclaimed with a bright smile.

"Of course we did. It's the perfect place to go on a date. What did we do there?" She asked.

Arika felt her mouth on their own, she felt numb to everything. "So many things. The two of you enjoyed a lovely dinner, walked through the market, and danced. It was very romantic." It wasn't at all, but it was fun for her at least. Deep down she doubted Sin-Vira had any fun with putting up with her sister.

Sibylla giggled. "I can imagine how cute of a couple we were. My prince charming, what's he like?" She swayed her head slightly.

Arika grew quiet as she tried finding the words to say. Would she confess that it was her childhood friend, or keep it a secret? Would this answer interfere with their plans?

"Sister? I believe I asked you a question?" Sibylla spoke in her sweet voice, but her tone hinted at annoyance.

"He's quite the gentleman. He's tall, strong, loyal, sweet. He has everything you would want in a spouse," Arika spoke with a generic answer. "He'll make you laugh, brighten your day, and comfort you when you cry…" she added with a small smile.

"Lucky me then! Does he spoil me with gifts like these?" she asked while staring at Arika. She was as selfish as usual.

Arika thought about her words carefully. Though Sin-Vira wouldn't hear them, she didn't want to be blunt. "Your prince… isn't interested in being flashy. But more humble with making encounters with him more valuable."

Sibylla's face twisted in disgust before coughing. "His looks mean nothing if he's worth nothing. I'll just make father choose another prince for me…"

"No please!" Arika panicked slightly before putting her hands to her side. "He's rich! Quite rich! It's just…" she trailed off as she thought her words out. "With father being in the way, he keeps all the goods to himself. But marrying this prince will end that."

Sibylla giggled as she hugged her pillow. "Oh, I wish I could see him. I want to see his face and hear his voice." She stopped abruptly to glare at Arika. "A shame he has to stare at such a vulgar face. I hope he isn't too repulsed by it…"

Arika kept a smile. She couldn't upset her sister, otherwise, her father would be furious. "He's able to tolerate me at least. So he'll fall for you all over again when he gets to see you."

"He sounds so perfect!" She glanced at Arika. "Do you enjoy being me, dear sister? I'm quite surprised with how skilled the Dollmaker was in crafting you to look just like me! You're so fake, my prince must be too dense to notice!" Sibylla laughed which soon turned into a coughing fit.

"It's a privilege to see through the eyes of someone loved by all. I could never be as loved as you." Arika didn't know who the Dollmaker was, all she knew was they were the ones who made her existence possible. "Not even the gods can create anyone as beautiful as you, sister."

It made her uncomfortable with how pleased Sibylla was to hear such comments. Clasping her hands together as she giggled.

Sibylla loved nothing more than judging others and being a spoiled brat. Which made her loved by gossiping royals who would humiliate anyone just for kicks. But it also made her hated by her people who knew better than to trust her.

Sibylla really was a wicked witch, as the children called her. As heartless as her father and would be a pain for Sin-Vira to deal with.

"Right? This is why seeing a copycat like yourself pisses me off so much! I want your hair cut. Whoever thought my hair is a fit for you lied!" Sibylla commented with a bright smile.

Finally, she could leave.

Arika bowed to her sister. "I will request a maid to fix this immediately. Rest well!" She turned to rush out of the room.

"Oh don't worry! I'll be doing it for you! Get my letter opener. It's on my desk…"

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