
The Envoys III

The days had been crawling slowly since the envoys arrived and Hina wished for time to run faster. It was getting hard to pretend that she didn't notice Jae-Hyun's eyes on her whenever she ran into him for whatever reason and it was even harder to have to force a smile on her face whenever she had to be around him.

Stirring two cubes of sugar into her tea, she enjoyed the faint scent of lavender that wafted through the air from her room balcony, grateful for the soothing scenery that made her at peace. It was the third day now. She had been mentally counting down, ticking the minutes of the hours and the days of the week as they went on before she'd no longer have to deal with him. Four more days to go. Just four days but it felt like months.

It was slightly past breakfast hour and she was waiting on Suki to deliver her breakfast tray any minute now, glad she was not forced to share her breakfast moment with the Myeong dignitaries.

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