
I'm Going To Fix This

Penelope didn't wake up until nearly 10 AM. Ashlyn was already gone for the day so she had the apartment to herself. She decided to do some investigating while waiting for Percy to call. 

She ate some toast with not-so-great generic brand grape jelly before beginning her task. She needed to know more about this world's Penelope's daily life so the best place to start would be her journals, assuming she had the same habit of writing in one every day. 

The most recent journal was on the desk in her bedroom in front of a framed picture of her family that was obviously taken before Trevor Logan died. They all seemed so happy in that photo even though it wasn't taken anywhere fancy. The background looked like it could be any park in Los Angeles. 

Penelope felt a pang of sadness. Losing Trevor must have been really hard on everybody. This Logan family looked every bit as close as hers was. 

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