
Change [#5]

"So, i guess i should say... Welcome to our world."

-Few Hours Ago-

Aiden and Ethan followed the scent of pain and they arrived at a quaint little town, Erik smiled as they walked the streets, hiding their appearance a little with his spell [Glamour], he went first to a clothing shop to "buy" Aiden and Ethan clothes- What he did, in fact, was to make them wear the clothes and hide it with magic, they apparently were in Alaska? But he didn't feel as cold as he should be, that's when he remembers that he hss two furnaces that follow him around like lost puppies, adorable, murderous, and really dangerous puppies! His first decision as the older one was to get money, and the best way to fo such was to steal! Thankfully he had the skill [Crime] to help him, and alongside Illusion magic he managed to steal food, money, and clothes! "So, Alphas, you guys need to make decisions." Both twins stopped on their tracks, their mouth stopping before it could munch down on some hotdogs, making Erik smile: "We need a pack. Strength in numbers right? Also, we need to go to school and shit, education is important, we need to mix in with our peers and integrate with society... We also need a territory, and information and knowledge of the Wonderful World of Werewolves."

Ethan snickered as Aiden sighed, Erik had to guide these two idiots on their Alphahood because they'd certainly go bonkers if he doesn't! "First things first... Do we want to stay in Alaska?" Ethan and Aiden looked at each other snd did their weird twin telepathy thing before they shook their heads at the same time, making Erik sigh before he took out a notebook and a pen out of a backpack that he stole, he began to draw a really realistic and almost photo-like image of a wolf! They were kids, most people didn't bat an eye, and those who did were mostly mothers who cooed st how cute the twins were or how mature Erik was, but that was beside the point now! Erik mindlessly kept on drawing as Equinvix, in he forn of a black cat, rested on his lap, he was looking through the list of skills-

[Arts: You are skilled on performing any kind of art, be it drawing, singing, dancing, or more.]

He unlocked this skill a few minutes ago, his drawing improved by a lot and he mindless began drawing Aiden and Ethan, alongside a giant wolfman, almost a photocopy of a memory- His hands stopped when he found an interesting skill:

[Supernatural Senses: You have a six sense for the supernatural around you, be it magic or monster! You know who is and isn't part of the supernatural side of the world.


1: Observation Skill

2: Supernatural-related Title

3: Supernatural Knowledge Skill]

He quickly looked at the skill [Supernatural Knowledge], he found it and learned he needed another skill to unlock that one, this time this skill was called [Occultism], a skill that he needed to experience something out of the ordinary to unlock the skill- Which was weirdly not complete... How? Apparently his normal was werewolves and magic even though he reincarnated in this world, the trick here is that he thinks this is normal, he adapted so fast that it became normal to him without even questioning it. It helped him survive? Sure, but it also limited him a little. So, to get the [Occultism] skill, he'd need to experience something weird even within the supernatural boundaries? He expects s9me things to be real, like magic, monsters, and other things like that...

He doesn't know what he doesn't expect- He doesn't know enough to not expect something to happen, but i think it'll happen.

So instead, he decided to seek other sight based skills- He found some that caught his attention, them being [Soul Sight], which would give him the ability to see souls but he'd need knowledge on Necromancy or Souls, [Future Sight] which does as the name suggests and gives you the ability to see in the future! I'd need, however, the title of [Seer], which to unlock you'd need to predict the future or future events successfully for an entire week, you would also need knowledge in Divination which is one of the schools of magic that Erik is interested in. 'Maybe i should try to unlock all the schools of magic... I already have Conjuration, Abjuration, and Illusions, maybe the next one could be Divination? Or maybe Necromancy, maybe Technomagic could also be interesting alongside Evocation.' He looked through the list of knowledges of magic he could unlock or magics he could learn when Aiden and Ethan touched his shoulder: "Erik?"

Ethan looked at him with a small concern expression on his face, making Erik shake his head and whisper: "Yeah?" Aiden just looked at him with his deep blue eyes and asked: "Yiu okay...? You looked... Distant for a second." Oh, he must've been so concentrated on the list that he forgot about other things around him! "Sorry, it happens." He smiled at Aiden and took their hands, Equinix jumped off of his shoulder and followed them as they started to leave the bench they've been sitting on. Night was approaching and the feeling of magic moving within Erik's blood was almost overwhelming! It pulled him in a single direction, which he felt compelled to follow, and did follow alongside the twins.

Or more like, the twins were following him as he followed that pull- What he saw when they arrived at their destination, was a small shop, close to the end of the small town, and there were many different auras of magic within the house. It was something interesting, because due to his knowledge in Illusions, Conjuration, and Abjuration, he could feel that there were wards, runes around the shop, it hid something within and outside... He only looked at it before he entered the shop, followed by the twins. It wss a little cold here, but the feeling of that pull made him look to the side, and there stood a thick book in one of thr bookshelves!

This was a bookshop.

He quickly put up a [Glamour] spell to try to hide their auras, because he didn't know if magic users can read a Supernatural's aura, but he tried to hide it regardless! "Hello." He turned to look at the old lady at the reception, she had this calm smile on her face and Erik decided to put on a small act: "Hi... I was walking by with my brothers and i saw your shop... Can i look around?" The old lady gave him a nod and a smile, he went around the shop and saw some books he could recognize and some he couldn't, such as Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, Harry Potter, and Lord of the Rings, but he also saw books in botany and other strange books, he of course took the book that called him here and looked at it- it had a black leather cape, it wasn't heavy, but there was magic in this book! He could feel it, and it was affecting even the twins as they sneezed when they got close to him: "I see you found one of my favorites." Out of nowhere, this old lsdy was beside them, Erik almost casted a spell on her as an instinctual reaction.

"This book is quite old..." she smiled at him and he carefully opened it, there were several letters in orders he didn't understand, another language- It was written in Latim: "Thankfully i do have a Latim dictionary." Once again, the old lady surprised him, because it felt like if he took his eyes off of her for a split second he'd forget she was there! 'Wait, this is a combination of Illusion, Abjuration, and something else...' He didn't know if this world categorized magic in schools as he does, but he could associate the feeling magic auras give to the schools of magic he can understand: 'She placed a ward in her shop that makes people forger about her...' Once he knew, he used his skill [Clear Image] to create a perfect image of the old lady in his mind, and when he took his eyes off of her, he no loger forgot she was there by his side. "Thank you... I guess?" He smiled and knew, this old lady knew he was a magic user, she could try to cast spells to mess with his mind, so he silently casted [Mind Shield] to protect himself from being magically compelled to follow orders and held out the book to the old lady: "Do you have mythology?" Erik smiled at her as innocently as he could, the old lady just gave him a knowing smirk and he kept his smile, Aiden and Ethan were on the sides, just casually looking at the several books with some degree of curiosity- Which was when a realization came to him.

He knew that Aiden and Ethan were abused ever since they could heal, which was when they presented as Werewolves when they were 5, so this means they didn't get any type of education, which means they don't know how to read or write! He looked around for the easiest book someone could read and found a picture book that wasn't there previously and a fading aura of Conjuration magic, which made him smile.

The book he needed was there in front of him.

"Here are a few of my most fine books in Mythology." The old lady appeared behind him again, this time he knew she was there and didn't just appear behind him, he turned around and smiled at her as she rose her eyebrows a little: "Thank you." On his hand were two books, titled: [Monsters and Men, Volume 1] and another book called [Famous Folklore Around the World Volume 2], which were two books by the same author on supernatural creatures- "I hope you like your readings." She smiled at him, five books on his arms that weighted almost nothing to him.

The black leather bound book written in Latim, the Latim Dictionary, the two books on mythology, and a book with images to teach the twins how to read because he's certain they don't know how and if they do it's very limited. "How much?" He turned to the old lady as she sat down back at a chair that wasn't there a few seconds ago, her short white hair fell almost like it was enlogating a few inches down: "Well... Money would be fine... About 140 dollars. If you do not have the money, we can make another... Deal." Thankfully he had more than that with him, because as soon as those words left the woman's voice, her whole demeanor changed- He limbs looked almost crooked, broken in places, twisted.

What looks like an old person, can use magic, is thin, has long limbs, and makes deals?

A hag.

"Uhm... I do have the money." His finger twitched and 140 dollars appeared on his hand as he had casted [Wristpocket], he used the spell [Magic Hand] to take the money to her: "We'll leave now, thank you very much for these books." Erik pulled both Ethan and Aiden out with him, he got what he wanted, met a powerful and old magic woman, and very much almost pissed himself in fear! "Let's go boys." He heard the chuckle of the old woman as the door closed behind them and a rush of cold air hit them in the face- The sky was darker outside than when they came in, for it was night: "Let's go." He pulled the twins away, books resting on his backpack where he put them.

He dragged them away from ten whole minutes before he relaxed enough to let go of the hands of the two werwolves: "C'mon, let's get us a hotel room... i think i can get us one." But oh well, they did not expect the rest of tbe evening to go as it did!

For one, they got lost, a little bit lost considering they were on the outskirts of the city, the only thing that guided them there was Erik's magic sense, and even that hag's library was simply gone- No longer there. The next thing he did? He had Equinix become a black owl and fly above them before he shared his senses with them, which resulted on him seeing lights in the distance, and they folloeed those lights! They ended up on the Fairbank's College, a place that was relatively large... Not as large as a college for a largely populated area would be, but large enough to accomodate the students! This time it wasn't him that went off, no, both Aiden and Ethan suddenly raised their heads to the sky and sniffed before growling and turning their heads to the side as they backed away into the forest a little bit more before two men came in running, wolfed out, fangs and claws out as their eyes glowed yellow.

Aiden and Ethan growled back, eyes flashing red, but Erik acted quickly: "My name is Irke, i come alongside my Alphas, Nathe and Nade. Tell me, who is your alpha and what pack are you from?" He placed both his hands on Ethan's and Aiden's shoulders- Why did he gave them fake names? Well, this was because names have power, and once you know the name of something you have power over it: "Alpha?" The taller man growled out, and walking out of the trees came two ladies, one of them had a hunting rifle on her arms as she looked spooked at them: "Oh fuck, children." One of the young ladies whispered, but he saw how one of the men tensed as Aiden growled and his eyes flashed as he eyed warily the woman holding the rifle: "Hello, we do not wanna fight you." Erik tried to de-escalate (?) the brewing conflict because he didn't want to see Aiden or Ethan get hurt anymore: "Who is your Emissary, as the acting Emissary of my pack i formally request a impromptu meeting about the invasion of this territory- aaaaand you guys don't seem to know what the fuck I'm talking about, great."

Ethan looked at the man on the left while Aiden looked at the man on the right, who's features started to settled down as their eyes flashed yellow, the Alphas flashed their red eyes back and Erik felt like there wouldn't be any confrontation for the moment: "What's going on here?" One of the women, the one with the gun, was particularly confused, looking between them and the men until both broke eye contact first and turned their necks away: "What? Never saw werwolves doing a dick measuring contest before?"

"What? No?"

"So, i guess i should say... Welcome to our world, and the world of these new little puppies."

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