
Arcane [#13]

The next day, the next he found out that Enforcers were about to swoop the entire Undercity searching for the kids who stole explosives from a guy in Piltover. He stalked in the shadows as he watched them all walk around the place, searching for Vi, Powder, Mylo and Claggor, the four kids who were seen stealing from above. This and the kidnapping of the heir of the Giopara family really put a weight on the back of the Enforcers of Piltover, who went all out on this to try and get some respect back from the citizens of Piltover and also make the nobles feel safe.

Because, if the heir of the Giopara could be kidnapped, what stops someone from kidnapping them?


'They really are ruthless huh?' Poison stood on the side, covered completely on his dark cloack that was enchanted to hide his face as he kept shoving food on the black hole where his face should be and eating, not carig about the Enforcers since he was hungry and he was fast enough to escape them and strong enough to annihilate them. 'As long as they don't spill my-' He was approached by a small group of three Enforcers, who first looked at him before kicking off the table and spilling all his food on the ground. "Hey you! Underscum, show us your fucking face!" It's okay Poison, you don't have to kill them all, you don't have to cause a slaughter here, you can just scare them off right? "C'mon bitch, you're under arrest for being shady-" Okay, he can kill st least one. He turned around and sctivated his skill [Swift Punch] and [Strong Puch] at the same time, while also using [Swift Strike] and [Strong Strike] at the same time as well.

The result?

All four skills gave damage based on his [Agility] and his [Strength], so when he combined the four it resulted in a strong and fast attack, as long as he used his hands to attack! And oh boy, the sensation of having his hands sink into he ribcage of the Enforcer who called him a bitch (He hated that insult) was frighteningly pleasurable, making Poison question if he had become somethig akin to a psychopath. There was silence after his fist sank into the ribcage of the Enforcer and went through his spine in the back, leaving this gaping hole when he pulled his hand back, some pieces of bone on his skin. "You shouldn't have said that." Poison growled out and now everyone around pretty sure of who this was, by the simple green greyish fur and the glowing green eyes that bypassed the darkness of the hood covering the face of the individual. "T-the Under Terror!" People from Piltover learned about a strange creature that lives on the Undercity, a beast that bite through flesh and tears the skin of children and eats souls for fun, its glowing green eyes signals your future encounter with Kindred by the hands of the wolf.

Or that's some of rhe rumors spread about him that is.

"Leave." He growled in frustation because the voice inside his head was saying: "𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐦! 𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐌! 𝐄𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬!" Making it just a little hit harder for him to control himself, he grumbled annoyed as he looked down at the meal he was eating that is now on the floor. He just gave up on it before turning around and walking away in the intent to go home and eat something "Stop right there!" A strong female voice echoed, he didn't stop of course, because who the fuck would? He felt pain in his left arm and when he looked down at it, he saw the hole of a bullet that went through his hand: "Huh." He hummed before continuing to walk away, the hole in his hand closing off as his Regeneration took care of it for him. He was about to continue when there was a echoing whistle noise that was quite loud in his ears: 'Oh no.' His head snapped towards the direction he heard the whistle come from, there was large could of smoke coming from that direction and he knew something bad had happened and that Powder needed his help urgently.

'Need to go!' Activating both skills [Swift Jump] and [High jump], he launched from the walls and pipes of the Undercity like a blur of green, fast as he could, not caring for the damage he could cause on his wake! His feet sank into the walls, spiderweb cracks formed on them as he rushed by, running faster and faster until- He saw orange flames, the strong smell of burned chemicals, blood, and burned flesh! He could hear the strong cries of Powder and the approaching steps of people, going towards her- 'No!' He thought, his kind focused as his body grew many inches, muscles bulging as he activated the skill [Bloodlust], making his eyes bleed into the color red as something new happened:

[Chimeral lvl 8 is awake.]

[Protective Instincts are activated... Take Pup to Safe Location]

The color of his fur bleed in energy as his skill [Killing Intent] blasted off in a aura around his body- His fur turned red as he got on all fours, his body grew to a massive size as he towered above the blue haired little girl who was... alone. His mind didn't register that her sister wasn't there with her at the moment, focusing mainly on protecting her, taking her home and sleeping the night away in his nest.

He became completely animalistic in the most protective way.

Like a bear mother, he stood above her and roared, Powder clenched tightly onto the flute-like item she had been given by Poison, who stood at a large 12 feet above her, covering her with great care: "𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞..." He did not sound angry, no, he sounded menacing, his power was felt through he humming of energy that blasted off of his body in waves of killing intent. The people before him froze as a sudden notification sounded:

[Your Chimera lvl 8 has used the Skill:

Menacing Presence: All enemies weaker than you will be affected by the [Fear] effect, reducing their movement speed by 50% and making them unable to directly attack you.

Duration: 10 minutes.]

Chimera huffed annoyed, by instinct alone he did what he thought was right- He manipulated nature below him and a large flower was born from below the little girl's body as she hugged his leg, her tears wetting his now blood red fur. "𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩..." He said as a pollen bursted out of his body, making Powder drowzy and instantly fall asleep- However, due to his large size, the white pollen created this cloud of sleep gas around him, which put every single person around to sleep. He ignored the passed out people and the smell of death behind him as Vander's dead corspe lay down on the way, morphed into a monstrous purple thing.

He moved, and kept going- On the way home, he made sure to get the other cub, making so Eccho had to watch this giant and monstrous beast of a humanoid wolf tear through the ceiling of his home as he grieved for the death of Benzo and take him somewhere else! He was scared, of course, but he calmed down once he noticed that Powder was sleeping on the creature's back, showing that it was who he thought it was, so he did not resist as Poison took him to his home.

Oh, things were just starting to get bad...

Just starting.

-Scene Cut-


Name: Poison

HP: 1400/1400 (Vit ×20)

MP: 1000/1000 (Int ×20)

SP: 1400/1400 (End ×20)

Gender: Male

Ttles: [Reborn], [Magicborn], [Born from Misery], [Survivor], [Chimera], [Golem Creator], [Poison Expert]

[Reborn: You have been Reborn from another world!

+ Unique Skill]

[Magicborn: You were born with an innate magical ability!

+ Magic Skill]

[Born from Misery: You were born in a place where misery is a normal occurrence, you're used to it.

+ Antipathy Skill]

[Survivor: You survived something someone weaker would surely die from.

+ Defy Death skill]

[Chimera: You are the amalgamation of two or more different creatures put together into something better, with more power.

+ Skills, Status, 5 Levels]

[Golem Creator: You managed to create life in the form of a Golem!

+ Magicraft skill]

[Poison Expert: You are an expert at treating poisons!

+ Poison Resistance skill, + Poisoning Attacks skill]

Lvl: 40 (+5 per lvl)

Class: [Herbalist lvl 1]

Class History: [Thief lvl Max (10)], [Warrior lvl Max (10)], [Scriber lvl Max (10)], [Cook lvl Max (10)], [Craftsman lvl Max (20)], [Artist lvl Max (10)], [Potioneer lvl Max (20)], [Acrobat lvl Max (10)], [Brawler lvl Max (10)],


Str: 70

End: 70

Vit: 70

Agi: 70

Dex: 70

Int: 50

Wis: 50

Char: 40

Will: 100

Extra Stat Points: 644


Passive Skills: [Parkour lvl Max], [Sprinting lvl Max], [Polearm Proficiency lvl 2], [Poison Resistance lvl 30], [Disease Resistance lvl 25], [Pain Resistance lvl 40], [Acid Resistance lvl 24], [Regeneration lvl 14], [Eternal Hunger lvl 18], [Sharp Senses lvl 18], [Natural Weapon Proficiency lvl Max], [Self Control lvl 22], [Climbing lvl Max], [Fainting Resistance lvl 9], [Fire Resistance lvl 6], [Heat Resistance lvl 6], [Lightning Resistance lvl 7], [Ice Resistance lvl 7]

Active Skills: [Innate Magic: Nature lvl 6], [Antipathy lvl 10], [Bloodlust lvl 12], [Magicraft lvl 3], [Poisoning Attacks lvl 5], [Thowing lvl 8], [Menacing Presence lvl 1]

Class Skills:

Thief: [(A) Stealth lvl Max], [(P) Crime lvl Max], [(A) Silent Steps lvl Max], [(P) Nimble Hands lvl Max]

Warrior: [(A) Strong Strike lvl 14], [(A) Second Breath lvl 12], [(A) Swift Strike lvl 14], [(P) Combat Proficiency lvl 18]

Scriber: [(P) Writing lvl Max], [(P) Increased Reading Speed lvl Max]

Cook: [(P) Cooking lvl Max], [(P) Cook's Tongue lvl Max], [(P) Enchanted Cooking lvl Max]

Craftsman: [(P) Art of Craft (Tailoring, Woodworking, Crafting, Blacksmithing, Glassblowing, Metalworking, Tinkering, Sculpting, etc.) lvl 5], [(P) Eyes of the Craftsman lvl 8], [(A) Golden Touch lvl 3], [(A) Detect Imperfections lvl 9]

Artist: [(P) Drawing lvl Max], [(P) Painting lvl Max], [(P) Music Instrument Proficiency lvl 2]

Potioneer: [(P) Potion Mixing lvl 7], [(P) Potioneer's Eyes lvl 8], [(A) Identify Ingredient lvl 5], [(A) Potioneer's Recipes List lvl Max]

Acrobat: [(A) High Jump lvl 8], [(A) Swift Jump lvl 8], [(P) Equilibrium lvl 9], [(P) Nimble Feet lvl 10]

Brawler: [(A) Strong Punch lvl 5], [(A) Swift Punch lvl 5], [(P) Amateur Unarmed Combat Proficiency lvl 5], [(P) Dodging Proficiency lvl 1]

Herbalist: [(A) Herb Analysis lvl 1]

Unique Skills: [Inventory lvl 4], [Defy Death lvl 3], [Chimera lvl Max]


The next day Poison woke up knowing what happened, he sighed before he checked his status and noticed how his [Chimera] skill went to the maximum level, he lost his [Fear Howl] and [Killing Intent] skills but managed to get the [Menacing Presence] skill alongside another level on his [Nature Magic] and a different use he didn't think about before: Being a channeling force of nature, making nature come from him and not have him command nature- This way of using his magic was enlightening. He looked down to find himself back to his normal size but naked, he huffed in annoyance as he looked at the two kids curled up against his fur in search of warmth and comfort, only then did he remembered what happened- Vander was dead, which meant chaos would soon take over the Undercity.

By no means he thought he had even the slight capability of taking over the Undercity now, he was still technically a kid so he was not fit to take a leadership role. 'Maybe I could take them to Piltover?' He thought about it, maybe he could get Augustus' help on thie- no, their... "friendship" was still a weak bond, and if they go to Piltover they'll surely suffer from not only bullying and discrimination, but also indoctrination, since Power matches the description of one of the kids who stole the dangerous stuff from rich people from Piltover.

Also, what did she even steal?

He didn't think much about it, instead choosing to try something that might cheer the kids up- A gift! Maybe a Golem, maybe a weapon, maybe something else.

He doesn't know what traumatized kids like.

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