
The first disaster

The park was a fun place for the most with its colourful attractions as well as well crafted stalls attracting attention at every turn and nook. This was something Kaito had been counting on to attract the attention of the omega at his side.

But too bad for him that the other seemed utterly uninterested in all the attractions the place held. All the omega had done was to follow him and when he looked at the other from time to time, just to check if he found anything interesting, the other was just staring at him.

And not the 'I'm interested in you' kind either, but the 'you're a kid I have to look after because they are my orders' kind of which stung for some reason. While he did not want the omega to be interested in him, showing a little bit of self-interest could not hurt right?

But he was to be faced with disappointments at every nook and cranny, which seemed impossible to avoid.

They had been roaming for more than half an hour and Kaito had made no progress. Even the thing he thought that the other would find interesting failed to hold the other's interest for long.

Just what would the other find interesting enough to be able to focus on it for long?

"Have you found what you were looking for, master?" the omega asked and Kaito found that he had no reply for the other because there was no specific thing he was looking for here. Heck, he was not even looking for anything but Noah's company.

Not that he could tell this to the other without consequences at all.

"Not yet, but come with me on that ride over there" since there was no progress and the other showed no interest in any of the rides here, Kaito supposed that it was up to him to make whatever progress there was to make.

But maybe he should have thought about it a little more before he pointed out the ride because the roller coaster did not look safe to ride at all. The drop was a massive flat curve that would scare even the best of people.

But the worst thing was that Kaito knew his body could not handle the extreme wind pressure of the ride at all.

He had once ridden the very same roller coaster with Jess and had puked his guts out right after. The other had been disgusted with him, her expression showing her revolt. And now he had picked up the same ride.

"Ok" the other replied with a blank voice, not even questioning his decision and now he was in a bind. He could not take it back because the other had already replied but he was also not sure he would be able to handle the ride.

But maybe it would be better now that he had some of his connection with the wolf back. Maybe it would help him focus better on the ride and allow him the freedom of enjoying it a little more.

But after he exited the ride on shaky legs he understood that he was oh so very wrong. The addition of the wolf's instincts and senses had just made the experience so much worse than before since now everything was even more highlighted.

Everything rang and his heart was beating much too fast to focus and Kaito was sure that his lunch was in danger of exiting his stomach - everything was spinning so dangerously.

But the worst of all was that he had not been able to observe Noah's expression at all due to his own shortcomings.

With his own body curled over itself, he waited for his senses to come to a neutral point so that he could calm himself down - that was what he wanted to do first and foremost. He waited for his heart to slow down but it seemed to be taking a long time and the noise from the surroundings made everything worse.

Everything was loud and distracting.

And then it was all quiet, something soft covering up his ears and he could feel something coursing through his body in soft and gentle waves.

"Are you alright?" the soft voice near his ear was all he could hear and feel. It tingles his ears, caresses his insides and the energy did wonders to calm him down. It felt so good that he just wanted to exist at this moment forever.

He finally looked up a little from his curled up position, directly into Noah's face which was too close to him, those blue eyes staring right at him. Finally, there seemed to be a hint of concern there, genuine concern at that.

And he felt hope for a better future for the other, the emotions finally receding.

Kaito could finally breathe the air again and it felt wonderful to take in the sweet, sweet air. His hands clutched right over Noah's in a death grip and that just sent another jolt all over his body.

The wolf inside him seemed to let out an impossible purr at the energy and the touch which he tried to suppress but could not seem to do so. It seemed to be a little too good of a feeling for Kaito to ignore all on his own.

"Master" the second question of the voice compelled him to finally reply and break the comfort bubble that had descended over the par.

"I'm alright, really alright now. Don't worry too much and just give me a few more minutes like this" Kaito leaned into the familiar touch and felt things go right all of a sudden. He liked this feeling, liked it a lot and he wanted it to stay this way for just a little longer.


The new master was weird especially for someone born in that family.

The name Seni had been his salvation at a time which had turned into a shackle as soon as Keito had died all that time ago. He had served master after master in this family, every master a separate entity inside his heart and he had been content overall just waiting for his time to pass.

And then this recent one had come, breaking all the trends he had gotten used to with the recent ones. Some had been spoilers, others ignorant but this one seemed to be different.

As some of the first ones, he did not remember the name of. Like the one friend he had - Kaito - whose name he did remember.

This Master, also named Kaito, confused him a lot. Talking to him was unnecessary even to the point of sneaking inside his courtyard, the unnecessary attention and the final draw - the name he had long forsaken.

Honestly, that had been a big flag since his name had been lost long enough to the point that it was a mere memory inside his brain. Kaito, Young master Kaito had jolted that memory down all of a sudden and Noah had felt anger.

Anger which had soon mellowed down by the reasoning he had employed for what right he had to be angry with his master at all? More so if this was the same Kaito reborn.

He had thought that would be it because the younger one seemed to want to hold onto whatever secret he had and just live a casual life. That had what it seemed like to Noah but then the younger had asked him to stop here - inside this facility.

And he had asked about his scent, one which he had tried to mask once he had realised just who he could be potentially dealing with and the anger had come far too fast which had caused a scene.

And then the day had somehow not been ruined by him and they were inside the park.

Noah liked this park, it was fun and there was so much to see. But he had to see to his master's needs first who finally dragged him toward something like a ride or vehicle.

It had been fun, not unlike magic in a way and he had really enjoyed the comfort it brought to him. But it had also caused the other to get sick and so Noah had decided to help.

He had covered the other's ears to stop the overwhelming noise from reaching the other and had deployed his magic to soothe the other, just like he had done to awaken the wolf inside the other.

Then Kaito had demanded him for comfort and he just gave in. Maybe this was his chance of salvation, a final confrontation before he could finally die in peace.

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