
Chapter 46: Perhaps an acquaintance

"a duel?" asked William making Anana nod her head "the two of us?" Anana nodded once again "I'm not interested"

"Come on, it will only be a duel, I want to test your true strength, I want to know the difference between our abilities" Anana insisted strongly but William didn't seem to care what she said, William certainly wasn't interested in duels, he had barely made it into Castelobruxo and he didn't want to get into trouble with duels, from his experience he knew that these things didn't end well.

"If you have a duel with me then I will gift you with some knowledge of my island" the moment he said those words William's attention was focused on the island student.

"Are you sure?"

Anana pulled out a scroll from between his clothes "maybe it's not something very special but I'm sure you can make good use of it, it's the meanings of our islander drawings."

"ugh...." William swallowed hard, for the young albino having new knowledge was a gold mine. Thanks to his knowledge system he could understand when he was in the right direction for an investigation, but without information there is no investigation.

"What say you William, do you accept the duel?" asked Anana extending her hand towards the hesitant William.

"I accept" there was no room for doubt at this point, William was not sure of the reason for his reincarnation, he still had no idea of his ultimate goal but if there was one thing for sure, he would become the best wizard of all, the most complete wizard throughout history.

Anana stared at William and smiled "Great, I really wanted to face you in a duel. You may be a freshman but I assure you I won't be soft."

"I don't expect to be treated any other way, I'll send you all the details of the duel with one of my boys, everything will be regulation you have nothing to worry about" Anana got up from her seat and turned around "see you at the duelo.... ah, don't take your guardian, she and I are not on the best of terms"


"exactly" without adding any further comment they both parted and William simply stayed eating as if nothing had happened.

It wasn't until after the second half of the school day was over that William and Manuela finally got together once again "so how do you like the classes at Castelobruxo?"

"They are quite informative, not specifically the same as Hogwarts but not much different either. Of course I like the fact that potions is much more important here, at Hogwarts there is Professor Snape teaching the classes and while his knowledge is superior to many, his personality is quite stern and quite critical, many can't stand his classes" William remembered the least liked professor within Hogwarts.

"seems like a rather... curious class" the expression on Manuela's face held a hint of surprise "did you make any friends during your time as an exchange student?"

William scratched his head slightly, his time at Hogwarts had affected his ability to relate to people and somehow he became kind of antisocial, it didn't bother him but it was worrisome if he thought about the future "did I make a friend or well an acquaintance?"

"one?" asked Manuela interested "from your class?"

"not really but I think we might get along pretty well"

"I guess that's pretty good, I'd like to get to know him if it's possible"

"I'll look for the opportunity for them to meet (or maybe not)" William sighed, if what Anana had said was true then it was best that they didn't meet.

"by the way next week I will be away and you will probably be assigned another guardian but with your mind you probably won't need a guardian. Anyway you should stay out of trouble as much as possible and not go far from the castle, the jungle is not safe" Manuela pointed directly at William between her eyebrows "when I say it's not safe I'm not being sarcastic, the Amazon jungle is not safe for anyone, that includes the jungle dwellers understood?"

"sure, no problem"

"I guess everything is fine" Manuela stood up "here we must separate, you must go to your dormitories and tomorrow start classes once again" they both said goodbye to move towards the place that corresponded.

When they arrived at their dormitory William checked Pruna's condition, as time went by the griffin's senses were more acute and she could feel almost immediately when William entered the bag, for the moment space was not a problem but in the future it would be impossible to keep her locked up. Griffins tend to fly a lot and the bag didn't have the ideal capacity for that. William had some ideas in his mind to solve the problem but nothing he could do at that moment.

He spent a long time petting Pruna and organizing her feathers, but more than that Pruna was eating everything that William brought her.

But in William's mind there were many other things that made him worry, having all the original plot in his mind was not one of the best situations, even if this could save his skin in the future. Now that he was in Castelobruxo he had to find a way to counteract what would happen in the chamber of secrets, learn about mandrakes and of course, he still had the duel with Ananá.

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