

( Rudra's POV ) 

As soon as the sun rose over the horizon. Rudra himself took a huge war horn and blew it with all his might to signal the start of the fight! 

A sea of humans started to charge towards the walls of Purplehaze city as the 5 killometers field of seperation between the wall and the forces was slowly shrinking. 

Thanx to the Russians , a lot of the cannon fodders were killed on the journey towards Purplehaze city , hence the charging forces were composed of 70% tier 1 troops and only 30% tier 0 cannon fodders. 

Rudra held steady as he let the the forces gain the first killometer without any resistance , however once they crossed the 4km mark they were welcomed by a densely packed minefield set up by the elites. 


Countless explosions all across all the battlefields was observed as the charging forces were torn to shreds by the powerful mines. 

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