
Chapter # 29 Alliance

"Boss, Alex wants to talk you" Henry gave his phone to Kevin.

"Hello Alex how are you?" Kevin started conversation.

"I am fine, how are you?" Alex warmly replied and asked.

"I am fine too, I heard about your loss at Sheraton Town. I Am Very Sorry For Your loss" Kevin expressed his condolence on Alex loss.

"Thanks for the condolence, But I really didn't expect that kind of assault from them" Alex was still wondered.

"You know we are in the business where anything can be expected. Yesterday I lost my two man in fish market at Eastwood dock" There was no sign of any feelings on Kevin face.

"Oh, I am really sorry Kevin" Alex didn't know about the shootout at fish market.

"Dark soldiers getting stronger" Alex was worried.

"I know it is a big threat. Dark soldiers is the biggest gang of the country. They have more resources and manpower then us" This time Kevin looked little worried.

"So what should we do now?" Alex asked.

"I think we should shake hand with each other" Kevin replied.

"You mean Alliance?" Alex was curious.

"Yes, That's the only way to counter them" Kevin present a solution.

"Agreed, I was a so much worried from their increasing strength" Alex became relax

" I asked brad about the alliance. He was also agree on it. Our combine force is enough to counter them" Kevin voice became ardent.

"But we are lacking arms and ammunition Kevin" Alex informed him.

"Don't worry, I have already arrange a huge amount of weapons from locava" Kevin told him

"That's great, so what is our plan?" Alex asked

"First we have to prepare ourselves. Then we will carry out an assault in their territory in Mayfair town. At the same time you will strike on their places in Sheraton town. We will transfer some amount of weapons and our men to Valmura in few days. Send someone to Sheraton and tell him to get each and every information about their movement, their strength and their places" Kevin shared details of his plan with Alex.

"I heard john carpenter is trying to make an alliance with Nelson crime family. If the rumors are true then the threat is far bigger then our thoughts" Alex shared a news which he received from Richard last night.

"Who is the Nelson crime family?" Kevin asked with confusion.

"Nelson crime family is the most powerful family in the valmura. They are running business of weapons smuggling in south east Asia. They have very good relationship with all big arms suppliers and the worst thing is that they have very strong lobby in volmura city council" Alex gave brief introduction of Nelson crime family to Kevin.

"That's mean we need to buy council members" Kevin light up his cigar.

"Hmm.. But this is not the complete solution" Alex said.

"Their connections with Nelson crime family helps them to get arms and ammunition from all over the world. But I already have very strong relationships with locava arms suppliers and entire country know locava is the heaven of arms smugglers, so if I need anything I will just smuggle it from locava. As far as their connections in city council so my friend I will suggests you to spend some money on council members and in police department so they will oppose any legislation against you in the council" Kevin was now looking relaxed.

"Agreed, I will talk to Brandon he is my old friend and now member of the city council" Alex became satisfied.

"Thanks for your cooperation Kevin. I hope this will help us to grow together, Bye" Alex concluded the discussion.

"Bye" Kevin hang up the phone.

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