
A Harem Protagonists Dilemma

Cao Tai POV

Once I convince to her that sucking someones dick isn't the proper way to greet someone or wake someone up. The way she was caressing my hair and looking at me with a wide grin, I think my message went through her ear and went out the other...

Once I manage to get her off, I remember something. Something that is going to cause a major headache, preparing for it, I rest my head in my hands.

"How will I explain this to the girls..?" I half groan and half mutter, peering up to see the woman who was slipping on her clothes, to conceal her tattoo's.

"If you're so scared about your Tattoo's, why don't you simply conceal them?" I ask, slipping on my shirt as well, I need to get prepared to the ear rape I'm about to receive.

"I would love to, but the magic I use to conceal it doesn't completely mask them, and it uses a ridiculous amount, roughly 1,000 Magical Essence a minute, so I'm not going to use it unless I absolutely must," She explains, slipping on her sweater.

After admiring her now completely concealed body, I utter, "I'm going to explain your existence to the girls, and if I'm alive later, maybe you can explain to me all the stories your beautiful tattoo's show."

She grins slightly and her horns wiggle slightly, but her face doesn't blush, I guess it doesn't go like that.

"Why not?" She smiles once she regains composure of her body and opens the slider for me, ushering me out.

I pause, I forgot something very important, "Wait! Whats your name?" I ask, before leaving into the fray of jealous familiars and 'wives'.

"It's Naamha, but I could go by another name if you find another thats better for me," She says.

Now knowing her name, I walk out of the room, expecting the worst, and getting it.

And standing out there was... an angry Violet and Benzaiten tapping their legs against the ground.

Benzaiten was pretty composed as much as realizing that she wasn't going to be the only new person, but she seemed more mad at the Naamha than at me.

While Violet... she was mad at everything, and she didn't bother trying to hide it, when Naamha tried to 'greet' Violet, all she received was a pin against the wall by Violet.

Taking this the wrong way, as usual, Naamha audibly whispers, "I didn't know you were into that, but unfortunately for you, I only do that with my Summoner and whomever he asks me to seduce," She says, trailing her finger down from Violets collarbone all the way to her hips.

She's so dead, might as well dig her grave, "Wait... whats this?" She asks. Peering into Violet's loose pants.

Or not, she's gonna be pounded into the ground so hard that there will be a hole all the way to the inner cores of this planet...

Unsurprisingly, Violet shoots out her domain out on that horny (or impolite) succubus, and if it was an average person, they would've crumpled to their knees, half dead, but as her actions showed, she was not an average person.

"You have no DECENCY!?" Violet half cries, half yells. Shaking and bright red.

Naamha takes a step back and wipes her nose, her sleeve shows a bit of mucus, but no blood,"I'm sorry, but I from where I was from, that was the way to greet someone," She explains.

"OK, Naamha, I already told you that you don't suck people off as a greeting, and I knew that you were ignoring me, but this is too far..." I trail off, when Benzaiten stands in front of me, her arms spread out, "What are you doing, Benzaiten?" I ask.

"This monster won't go near Master! She will corrupt your persona! It mustn't happen!" Benzaiten swears.

Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I know it is Naamha. Benzaiten may have a lot of potential, but at the moment, she is about as strong as me. Naamha being able to survive Violet's domain unscathed, shows that she is significantly stronger than you.

"I'm sorry for acting so poorly, my Summoner, will you give me another chance to try to act better in this different Realm?" She begs, her eyes begging for another chance, "I have the perfect way to make people bond together as well~" She murmurs, her voice hinting to something that will not end well...

"If you tell me what it is first..." I respond, making sure no one else can eavesdrop on our quick conversation.

"Group s-" She starts, "No. Thats the end of it, get sex off the mind, its too early in the day to do something like that," I whisper as softly as I could, I don't want the others to judge me over this. [Its never too early, I just don't feel like writing another R18 portion yet]

Suddenly vines grapple Naamha and string her up, Lantla has arrived, and I don't know if I should be happy or scared.

She walks in with a kimono that she got from god-knows-where and has a nasty looking whip that looks like it was stolen from a Pirate movie. (It was pirated from a Pirate movie xD ... OK OK, I'll keep writing...)

"Who ARE you?" Lantla Questions, slipping behind me and in front of Naamha.

"I am Naamha, I'm Cao Tai's new Familiar, since he did summon me," Naamha moans.

"Naamha, stop enjoying yourself and get down here, and for you Lantla, thank you for your concern, but look. Violet and Benzaiten... and probably Sasha are already in this room ready to sock Naamha if she tries something funny," I say.

Naamha nods in affirmation and tugs all of the vines away and stands on my left side, and Lantla, slightly embarrassed stands next to the door, and all of us cramped in the hallway makes me realize that it may be time to make this building a lot larger.

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