
Chat With Dacey - Part 2

"At times, I have been a bitch." Dacey continued shaking her head. "I will give you that, but whenever I seemed too forceful or intense about you not spending your time with me, it is because I feared that you have grown tired of me. Whenever I saw your attention shifting, I was afraid that I was beginning to lose you."

"Dacey," Rob began only for her to raise her hands and stop him.

"Not now, Rob. I need to get this off my chest. And I know it wasn't something you did intentionally. But still, my mind began thinking about all these various worst-case scenarios. I even deluded myself into thinking that I was worried for Andy and LWC. But, the fact of the matter is, it was about me. It was always about me and my need to get approval," Dacey chuckled causing Rob to feel a bit stunned.

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