
Chapter 5: A Dream Of White Horses, Part 5, The Hotel

Ryan cocks an eyebrow. “It suits you better. You didn’t really look like a ‘Debbie’ to me. That’s a ‘pretty’ name.” He clambers over me, hovering on all fours, straddling my quivering body. “I’ll rephrase it then. I’m going to enjoy fucking you, Kirstie.”

He kneels up, still straddling my legs. “So, you like being dominated... Do as you’re told then.” He cocks his head to my panties. “Show me.”

“Show you what?”

“You know what. Let me see what I’m going to fuck. Give me a show.”

“You want me to...?”

“Do as you’re told.” He looks down at my crotch. “If I thought seduction was what you wanted, I’d go for it. But you don’t. I can see from here that you’re dripping. And if you wanted to be coy, you should have worn black. Now...” he traces a finger over the dark stain on the crotch of my panties, then, pulling the satin to one side, slips it inside. “So, if you want me to fuck you, show me what you’ve got.”

He’s not smiling anymore. Instead, his gaze alternates between my eyes and my liquifying pussy.

“I’m waiting...” His finger brushes over my clit, sending a shudder skipping through me. Very, very gently, he winds the hardening nub in a circle and electricity skitters through to my core which quivers and pulses.

Then it stops...

“That’s all you get until I get what I want. Show me...”

Trembling, Ryan looking down at me, his eyes following my movements, I glide hands down into my panties, sliding them away. My movement is blocked by his legs straddling mine, and he swings over to sit beside me instead, his gaze locked on my hands.

As the silky garment slides off, leaving me naked to this near-stranger, arching my spine, I display myself...

“Very nice, but open your legs more.”

Suddenly feeling a bit timid, I ease my thighs further apart to display my unfurling pussy.

“Wider. I want a better view.”

I slip a finger in between my folds. A hot flush is spreading over my breasts, perspiration beading my skin, and despite my discomfiture at what I am being asked...


... to do, my pussy is welling; swollen and slick.

“That’s better. I can see properly now. You’re sopping. Now, fuck yourself. Go on, let me see those fingers moving.”

Obediently, I push into myself, dipping into my slick channel.

“Deeper,” he says.

Pressing in more deeply, I reach for my g-spot. It’s not easy; very difficult to do for yourself, but I try.

He pulls my hand away. “Here, let me do that.” Penetrating me with his long fingers, they curl up inside me, rubbing at my inner walls. And as sheer pleasure ripples through my belly, I wail, a hot gush bursting down my thighs.

“Good girl, Kirstie. That’s what I like to see.” He rubs harder, and my wails rise to howls, while my hips rise involuntarily, my body arching to rest on my soles and shoulders. “I want your cunt dissolving by the time I get my cock inside you.”

Retracting his fingers, he sucks them clean. “Mmmm, lovely.”

Then dipping in again, pushes his hand at my mouth. “Taste yourself. Lick yourself off me”

As I mouth my briny, lemony juices away, he says “That’s nice. I wanted to see a preview of how it’s going to look when I’ve got my cock in there. Do you like to suck cock, Kirstie?”

His fingers still in my mouth, awkwardly, I nod.

“Good.” He says. “I’ll see what I can do about that in a while, but for now, I’m going to lick you out; get a better taste of you.”

Rolling to his knees between my legs, he stoops, covering my sex with his mouth. The delicious heat of it bathing my folds, I whimper as he rolls the hardened nub of my clit between his lips.

A frisson shivers across my flushing skin. “Oh, that’s wonderful.” I murmur, my fingers wandering through his hair. He makes a pleased sound but doesn’t break away. Instead, he drops to my pussy, drawing his tongue through my entrance, caressing my cunt and folds and clit in long, slow strokes; winding circles through my pussy, spiralling my bud.

Stroke upon stroke, my tension rises, my climax building...

There is a pause, a plateauing where time stands still; reality holding its breath...

... Orgasm surges through my core and belly, my cunt pulsing heat that radiates out as I scream and howl out my crescendo. Heart hammering, blood pounding, rapture sings through my veins as I arch and strain and Come.

Gripping hard on my hips, fingers digging in, Ryan hangs on, swirling out my gushing, pulsing cunt.

Oh God...

“Stop. Ryan. Stop, please.”

He sits up, pulling the back of his hand across his mouth, eyes crinkled at the corners.

Standing, he unzips, dropping his pants. His hard cock quivers upright against a tracery of fine black hair leading down from his flat stomach.

Then crawling up the length of my body, he presses his naked, narrow hips between my thighs, his cock pulsing at my entrance. But, he doesn’t enter me yet.

“I’m going to fuck you first,” he whispers. “Then, I’m going to come in your mouth; leave you with the taste of my cum.

A bolt of pleasure sizzles through my core, and my hips jerk under him. “Ah, that’s good, Kirstie. That’s very good.”

Slowly, inch by inch, he buries himself in me, filling me with his shaft as my pussy quivers around him. Slowly sheathing himself inside me, he sighs, then taking a long breath, pauses...

Keeping his control...?

Abruptly, he thrusts; withdrawing, then ramming home hard, all but knocking the breath from me. I yell, and again, as he bangs into me once more.

“Am I hurting you?”

“Yes, but don’t stop.”

He repeats, building to a rhythm, and I rock with him as my body shakes and shudders under his.

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