
Chapter 24: Help

Setting: Mumbai city, Lokhandwala, New Link Road

Day: Sunday(14th February 2021)

Samaira (Worried): It's a stab wound! We have to do something otherwise he might bleed out!

Sana: What?!

Akshay: How severe is the bleeding?!

Samaira: It's bad! It's a deep cut. We will have to stitch it up ASAP!

Sara: Let's apply pressure so that he doesn't bleed out!

Samaira: Right!

(Samaira takes Ranveer's jacket and ties it tightly on the wound)

Ranveer (In pain): Grrkh!!

Sana: We have to stop somewhere!

Akshay: What?! Where will we stop right now?!

Ranveer (In pain): Can't you just treat me here?

Samaira: Are you sure?! This place is not very clean to stitch you up.

Sara: We don't have any other choice. Let's do it here. Right now almost every place will be filled with zombies.

Akshay: She's right! You'll have to stitch him up right here.

(Ranveer nods and agrees)

Samaira: Fine!

(Samaira removes surgical staples, scissors, gloves, sanitiser and antiseptic from her bag)

Ranveer (In pain): Where did you get the stapler from?

Samaira: I carry them for an emergency.

Akshay: Normally I would say that it's weird but right now we need it!

Ranveer (In pain): Keep your eyes on the road. We might encounter some zombies.

Akshay: Yeah...

(Samaira unties his jacket from the wound and starts to cut his T-shirt with the scissors)

(Samaira removes Ranveer's T-shirt)

(Sana, Sara, Samaira and Akshay look at Ranveer shockingly)

Ranveer (In pain): What are you looking at? Continue driving!

Akshay: Right!

Akshay (Thinking): Damn!! I've not seen him for a year and he's changed a lot physically and mentally but especially physically! Now I see why he looks so much more confident than before.

Sara (Thinking): I knew he was strong but I did not think he would be this muscular!!

Sana (Thinking): Wow! I knew he would be muscular but right now, he's just swole!

Samaira (Thinking): Wow! He has such firm muscles!

Ranveer: Ahem!

(Sana, Samaira and Sara came out of their daze)

Samaira: Right! Face your back towards me!

(Ranveer turns around and shows his back to Samaira and Samaira starts to clean his wound and then starts stitching it)

Ranveer (In pain): Grrrkkkhhh!!

Samaira: Are you alright?!

Ranveer: Just continue!!

(Sana and Sara hold Ranveer's hands)

Ranveer (In pain): What are you two doing?

Sara: We're just helping you bear the pain.

Sana: Exactly!

Ranveer (In pain): Whatever...

Akshay (Thinking): Man!!! I feel like killing you! I guess that's why you wanted me to drive because you wanted to be all lovey-dovey with those three girls, didn't you?! If only I had a harem no! A girlfriend at least!!

Ranveer (In pain): Hey you're driving a bit too fast.

Akshay: Oh sorry, I'll slow down a bit.

Samaira: I am all done now. You can wear your jacket now.

Ranveer: Right!

(Ranveer wears tries to wear his jacket)

Sara: Let me help you.

(Sara helps Ranveer to wear his jacket)

Sana: Take it easy for some days.

Samaira: She's right, just take some rest.

(Ranveer laughs for a bit)

Sana: Why are you laughing?

Ranveer: Sorry! It's just kind of funny seeing you being concerned about me since you aim to kill me.

(Sana gets a bit taken aback)

Akshay (Thinks): Well that's a twist.

Sana (Embarrassed): Who said I am concerned about you? It's just that, I will kill you when I get stronger and before that, I don't need you dead. The only person who will kill you is me!

(Everybody looks at Sana)

Ranveer (Smiles): I see.

(Ranveer closes his eyes to rest)

Sara: Hey is he okay?

Sana: Yeah why did he close his eyes suddenly?

Samaira: Don't worry he's just sleeping. Let's let him rest!

Sara: Say do you know where we're going?

Akshay: Yeah! Ranveer told me to stop at the 'Galaxy Mall'.

Sara: I see.

Akshay: So can you tell me now how you guys met?

Samaira: Didn't we already tell you that he saved us?

Akshay: Well you did but I want to know the details.

Sana: Keep driving!

Akshay: Yeah...

Akshay (Thinking): Why am I being bossed around by her?

(Ranveer's head leans on Sana's shoulder due to Akshay driving)

Sana (Thinking): What? To be honest, he looks very defenceless right now can I?

(Sana moves her can towards Ranveer's face and touches it)

Sana (Thinking): I actually did it and he did not wake up!

(Akshay takes a turn and Ranveer's head starts to lean towards Samaira)

Samaira (Thinking): Well that surprised me! He looks so calm right now. I can't believe that he saved my life!

(Samaira smiles and slowly holds Ranveer's hand)

(Sana sees Samaira and gets a bit upset)

(Akshay stops the car)

Akshay: Here we are.

(Ranveer wakes up and Samaira quickly leaves his hand)

Ranveer (In pain): Did we reach?

Akshay: You're awake? Well, we are here.

Ranveer: We will go through the back entrance.

Akshay: Got it!

(Akshay starts to drive towards the back entrance)

Ranveer: Look out for zombies!

Sana: This place has almost no zombies.

Akshay: Ranveer: There are 20 zombies in front of the back gate! What do we do?

Ranveer: We will kill them! Drive over them!

Akshay: Are you serious?!

Ranveer: Just do it!

Akshay (Reluctant): Fine!

(Akshay drives the car over the zombies with a high speed)

(Blood Splatters on the car)

Ranveer: See that wasn't so hard.

Akshay: Disgusting! The car is covered with guts now!

Ranveer: Let's get out of the car, everybody be ready with your weapons.

(Sana, Sara and Samaira nod their heads and take out their weapons)

(All of them come out of the car)

Sara: Ranveer you should rest.

Ranveer: Don't worry. I have taken a painkiller so I'll be fine for some time.

Sara: Even so!

Akshay: Bro she's right! You tell us what supplies we need and we will get them.

Ranveer: Don't worry I am fine and just sitting in the car will not help me.

(Ranveer and the others walk towards the back gate)

Sana: It's locked!

Ranveer: Break it!

(Sana takes a rock and hits the lock and the lock breaks)

(Sara removes the chain from the door and opens it)

(Once the door opens everybody points their guns in that direction and start to move forward)

Ranveer (Thinking): When we were in front of the front gate I saw that the light of the mall is still on which means someone had locked the mall from the outside. That person must run away from zombies.

Ranveer: Everyone be careful! I am sure that a large number of zombies might be inside!

(Everybody looks at Ranveer with a bit of shock and then they start looking forward and continue to move)

(Ranveer ahead of all of them)

Akshay: Do you see any zombies?

Ranveer: No!

(It's safe)

(Everybody sighs with relief and start to move)

(They see that they entered a clothing store in the mall)

Sana: Woah!

Samaira: This is amazing!

Sara: Keep your voice a bit down!

Sana: Sorry!

Samaira: Me too!

Ranveer: Well we're here and I remember you guys having a shortage of clothes! Take whatever you want!

(The girls smile and start to look around)

Akshay: Ranveer...

Ranveer: What is it?

Akshay: When you said that they had a shortage of clothes did you mean?

Ranveer (Smiles): Akshay!

Akshay (Smiling): Yeah?!

Ranveer (Smiling): Do you want a bullet in your head?

(Akshay stops smiling)

Akshay: Come on man! We are friends can't we even joke around for a bit?

Ranveer: It's not that we can't joke around the problem is that we don't have the luxury to.

(Akshay does not say anything)

Ranveer: Why don't you go try some clothes?

Akshay: Right! I'll do that.

(Akshay goes away to see some clothes)

(Ranveer sees a T-shirt and takes it out of the hanger)

Ranveer: This one is nice!

(Ranveer keeps the T-shirt in his bag)

(Ranveer feels that someone is about to attack him from behind and Ranveer ducks and kicks the person)

XXXX: Grrrckh!!

(The person falls down but he gets back up quickly and continues attacking Ranveer)

(That person tries to punch Ranveer but Ranveer blocks it)

(That person has a hanger in his hand and hits it on Ranveer's head)

Ranveer: Grck!

(Ranveer gets irritated and continuously punches that person in the stomach and the face and he's about to kill him)

(That person gets pushed back and starts to bleed from his mouth)

(Ranveer removes his gun and points it at that person)

XXXX(2): Stop!

(A girl comes towards that person and hits him tightly)

(Akshay and the others come out with changed clothes and see what's going on, they remove their guns and aim at those people)

XXXX(2) (Crying): Please stop! Don't kill him, please!!

(Ranveer looks at that girl's face)

Ranveer: Tania?

(The girl stops crying)

Akshay: Wait isn't that Samar's girlfriend?

Sara: Who is that?

Sana: Does Ranveer know them?

Samaira: Maybe he does.

Tania: You know me?

Ranveer: That person, is that Samar?

(Samar looks up and looks at Akshay's face)

Samar: Akshay?

Akshay: It really is you.

Ranveer: Get up!

(Akshay looks at Ranveer)

Samar (In pain): Who are you?

Akshay: Yeah I had the same reaction as you did. He's Ranveer.

Samar (Shocked): Ranveer?! How is that possible? Well, now that I look at you you do look like your old self. I guess the long hair threw me off a bit.

Ranveer: Don't move!

Akshay: Ranveer he's our friend!

(Everybody looks at Ranveer)

To Be Continued...

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