
[Chapter 3] - First Stop

As we travelled through the land via carriage, the silence of me concentrating on guiding the horses' directions towards our next location was awkward enough. Enough for the young girl to strike up a conversation with me.

"Because of the situation back then, we didn't have time to introduce ourselves, but my name is Elisa Emeridiate Laurenson of the Emeridiate Noble Household." Said the young girl.

"My name is Meridia Garren, I am the personal maid of Elisa-sama." Introduced the maid as well before their eyes became fixated on me, probably waiting for my own introduction.

"I see... I am a travelling warrior, I go by many names but you may call me Saber." I answered roughly, uncaring about the potential suspicion that might happen later on.

However, to think the little girl and her maid belongs to a noble household in the nearby town and with me rescuing them in the nick of time... sounds like a corny, cheesy scene from fairytales. I didn't want to stand out so much but that plan seems to be on the verge of failure.

I need to finish my business quickly otherwise I'll be roped into potential political bullshits.

"Saber-sama, is your destination perhaps Rozenia?" Meridia asked.

Rozenia? Region? Country or is it a name for a town? I have no idea, I don't have a map.

"No, as a traveler, I simply wander around the world, destinations such like these would... prevent me from experiencing new thrills." I replied, staring into the distance.

"Is that so? We are currently heading towards the town of Emeridiate which is ruled by Elisa-sama's father. Terrus-sama will be pleased with the subjugation of the bandits and the rescue of his daughter so would you kindly stay with us until we reach the mansion?" Meridia requested.

Oh, that's a nice smile... HELL NO!

I will absolutely REFUSE the invitation! Not only I would gain a feudal lord's attention, I would also have to reveal my appearance which is currently still buck naked underneath! If you meet a high ranking authority while wearing nothing, you'll be thrown into prison for extreme skin exposure!

"Your offer is appreciated but your gratitude is already enough." I retorted quickly.

"To ask for nothing in exchange of saving ojou-sama and myself, Terrus-sama would be displeased at the thought." Persisted Meridia.

Your tricks ain't working girl but you continue to persist than I suppose I should use this chance...

"As a traveler, I recently lost my map to a storm. I would be very much thankful if you provided me with another one, a highly detailed one if available." I stated.

"A map... Terrus-sama should have multiple copies within his office..." The maid began but I was already tuned out.


"However, I would ask for something that could make my passing easier." I quickly requested again as Meridia thought for a second before fishing something out of her pockets.

"Travelling... then I suppose you can take this if you wish. Passports can grant a person immediate access to a town or city, my one is a copper leveled passport and silvers belongs to nobles only."

"Then I shall accept this as thanks." I said, taking it and putting away before hearing the young girl speak up from behind.

"Saber-sama, I can see Emeridiate." Elisa said as I squinted my eyes, focusing on the medieval looking walls and gate.

As we neared the town, the appearance took that of a large moat surrounding the walls that had a width span of over 5 meters. Near the town walls was wheat fields that stretched through the land with some small lodgings for farmers and laborers.

If one was to look at this again, it looks like something straight out of the medieval era.

The walls stood at a height of over 20 meters and appears to be in very good conditions, the gate entrance stretched at a width of 7 meters and a height of 10 meters with a few guards standing at the base and top of the walls. There is also a drawbridge for the moat.

"Saber-sama, I suggest we hurry, the drawbridge usually closes before night rises." Said Meridia as I responded with a nod.

As we neared the gate entrance and drawbridge, I soon noticed a small platoon of soldiers carrying spears and swords approaching us. One of them seems to have noticed Meridia's face and ran to our direction before firing off questions one by one.

"Meridia-dono! What happened to you?! Who is this and where are the guards escorting you and Elisa-sama?!" Questioned the guard who appears to be the captain of the platoon since his helmet is shaped differently from the rest.

"We were delayed by a sudden ambush from bandits, all of our guards unfortunately fell to their attacks but Saber-sama here managed to arrive in time to save Elisa-sama and myself."

"What?!" Exclaimed the captain of the guards while his men behind him began mumbling noisily.

"Saber-sama here also preserved the bodies of the guardsmen, I ask of you to go and retrieve them and bring them back to their families." Meridia requested as the captain saluted.

"Of course! I'll prepare the body collection squad immediately!" He stated before running back off and started ordering his men while Meridia stood up again.

"Saber-sama, allow me to once again to thank you this time and before. If there is anything you need, do visit the feudal lord's manor and ask for Meridia Garren. I promise I will help you out as much as I can." Said the maid, bowing again.

"I will keep that in mind, though where can I sell the horses?" I asked, gesturing to the bandits' horses kept at the back.

"Usually, for one to sell a unowned horse, you would need to go to the stables stationed near the gate entrance." Answered Meridia, pointing to a stable.

"I see... take care of yourselves." I said, waving goodbye as I got off the carriage and with the maid leading it away while I pulled the horses along.

Walking in the direction Meridia pointed out to me, I eventually caught sight of a stable that housed several horses, all ranging in different colors and patterns. At the front of the building was a signboard with a picture of a horse etched onto it. As I peered into the stable, I saw a tall, stocky and bearded man brushing a horse.

"Excuse me, I heard I can sell some horses in this place?" I called to the man who turned around.

"Is that so? Well, I'm the owner of this little stable, you may call me Alton and where exactly did you get the horses?" Introduced the man before asking me.

"They were formerly horses owned by bandits but I've dealt with them so these are the spoils of war." I stated.

"I see... then let's take a look at them." Said Alton, stroking his beard while peering at the horses.

"Hmm... for this one, I'll give you 40 silvers and the rest for 30 silvers and 10 coppers for each of the saddles." He stated after a while.

Since I'm not too familiar with this world's currency, the best I can do is nod and accept the deal before figuring out the rest of the financial issues. Hopefully I didn't get ripped off, he looks like a good man with a good stable lifestyle though.

"Alright, then the deal is struck. Boys! Bring the horses inside!" Alton called out into the stable before two young kids ran out and pulled in the six horses while the man handed me a pouch.

"Here, we didn't have enough silvers for the rest of the horses so I had to substitute gold in its place, count them if you wish for confirmation." Alton said.

While one would usually count them or check their weight and fall rate for the legitimacy of the payment, I'm still in a hurry so I didn't really bother much about it now. The real good thing is that I've got money now so my financial problem is solved for now.

"Thank you for your help, do you also happen to know where to find an inn?" I asked before Alton rubbed his beard in thoughts before answering.

"Unless you're looking for a cozy one then you should head through the gate and walk into the center part of the town but if you want a cheap one then Marla's Inn should do."

"Walk into the gate and look to your left side, it's quite recognizable." Alton stated.

I then thanked the owner of the stable began walking through the gate and through the town while steering to my left, I don't want to know exactly how much it would cost to stay in an inn at the center of the town. As night soon arrived, people around the town began to disappear one by one while some lingering ones were startled by my appearance.

Of course, a man in a red armor modelled after a dragon would certainly surprise anyone.

Since the stablemaster said Marla's Inn is quite recognizable, I shouldn't be in much trouble with finding the building. Looking at the left side of the town, I eventually saw an inn with the signboard saying the exact words given to me earlier.

As I walked into the inn and opened the door, a little bell rang as I stepped in, prompting a middle aged woman to walk out to the counter. However, her eyes betrayed her as she showed visible signs of shock and surprise at my appearance before she quickly rushed to my side.

"Sir knight! What business does this humble little inn owe you?" Asked the woman who I assumed is Marla, the owner of the inn.

"I wish to stay for the night." I stated simply.

"E-eh?! As a guest in my i-inn?!" She exclaimed, further surprised.

I affirmed her claims and paid for my room which costed only 1 silver coin before the innkeeper shakily handed me a key and then guided me to the room. I guess the appearance of a knight-like person would send anyone of the lesser class into nervousness.

When I entered my assigned room and looked around, the room is roughly 5m x 5m in area size, there is a small bed near the window of the inn that showed the cobblestone paved road of the town of Emeridiate. The moonlight is now fully shining down on the area, leaving a seemingly tranquil and silent atmosphere.

Breathing in air, I sat down on the bed before remembering that I still haven't bought any clothes, but since it's already night-time, I'm going to have to wait until tomorrow morning. Physically, I'm not that hungry since the deer from the afternoon was surprisingly filling but mentally?

I'm tired as hell.

And since I have no clothing, I'm gonna keep the armor on my body in hopes no one would dare try and attack me. Perhaps even Brave Dragon would guard me in my sleep.

I blew the small candle next to my bed serving as a lamp and allowed darkness to seep into the room along with the moonlight before closing my eyes.

Sleep came easier than I thought.

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