
Cap 1174: Army of bugs part 5

Pov Mazari (Insect Empress): 

"Ma'am, I don't think this plan is suitable for our swarm." 

"You don't have what it takes, this is the course of action the Imperial Council has decided on." (I) 

"We move as one, we exist as one!" (I) 

"Excuse my disrespect ma'am... argh!" 

I use my claws to crush this servant's head, then place my hand in Starhaven's core. 

"(This is already the fifth servant you've killed, there are still 2 to go, are you sure she wants to continue?)" 

"(Yes, unfortunately, I need a proper excuse to destroy these abominations.)" (I) 

"(My body is already at the limit of supporting your modifications, I don't know how much longer I can keep pretending.)" 

"(You must bear it, we can't go on as we are going, the swarm's unity is getting lost and corrupted because of them.)" (I) 

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